Naturally, I don't have so much money. These are the legacy of Lei Gong. Lei Gong's industry and business are all owned by Sanlian hall. His money is distributed to sun Han and me, and the rest is donated. The money in the hands of the elder brother at the entrance of the hall is my share, but these money is only part of it. Lei Gong is also a hall leader, He has a lot of money. The money he took out today is only part of my share.

I don't think those hall brothers are as quick as they take the money. After a while, they take all the money on the table. I stand up and continue to fill them. After a drink, I look at them and continue to say: "I just said the money. It's just a trifle. If the fat chicken falls, there will be more money in the back! Of course, you have to think clearly. I have money to give you, and I have money to find someone to kill you. I don't think I need to say more about what to do in the future!"

After I finished, the hall brothers quickly smiled, "don't worry, what should we do next? We know that today is a good day. Let's have a good drink!"

After drinking wine and eating good things, we left respectively, and everything was done according to my brother's instructions. After returning to the hotel, I collapsed in bed. I was tired for a day. I felt that my body had no strength at all. I was really a little tired.

After I lay down and had a good rest for a day, my brother called me the next morning. My brother said he had something to tell me. Let me go there. I simply cleaned it up.

I met my brother at his residence. There was a strong man standing at his residence. The man was wearing a black vest and strong muscles. I felt very familiar at the moment I saw him. It seemed that I had seen him there. I couldn't remember after thinking about it carefully.

When my brother saw me coming, his attention was on the man. Seeing that I couldn't remember, he reminded me: "he is brother Hu's little brother, a little brother that brother Hu trusts very much! I am the only one that brother Hu trusts most!"

Brother reminded me that he was really brother Hu's younger brother. He used to go there with him. Brother Hu really believed in him, but I was a little puzzled. My brother couldn't have asked me to come for such a thing.

Seeing my doubts, my brother looked at the man and said to me, "do you remember where brother Hu died?" of course I remember. Brother Hu died in the suburbs. My brother continued: "I doubted when brother Hu died. Brother Hu has been in the Jianghu for so long that his younger brother followed him when he traveled. How could he die in the suburbs? Today I figured out that brother Hu was killed by his own people!"

My brother then looked at the man and roared. The tendons next to his temples protruded. It shows that my brother is very angry about this. I can see what's going on today. This man is the murderer of brother Hu!

The man was so frightened that he fell on his knees with his head down and didn't lift it up, "Brother long, I'm sorry, brother Hu's death was my fault, but I didn't kill brother Hu. It was the fat chicken that killed brother Hu! I know brother long, you won't forgive me. I have no other request. I just want to ask brother long to give me a chance and let me help you kill the bastard of fat chicken!"

I can see what happened, but I still don't know how brother Hu died. After asking my brother, my brother told me.

Brother Hu is always righteous. On the night of brother Hu's murder, the man kneeling together with another of his men lied that his brother was ambushed in the countryside. The two men have been with brother Hu for many years. Brother Hu trusts them very much. In addition, brother Hu attaches great importance to his brother, and sister Qian has that kind of relationship with his brother. When he heard that his brother was in trouble, brother Hu immediately let them go to the suburbs Besides, at the same time, he also called his brother to support his brother.

But in fact, my brother didn't do anything that day, let alone suffered an ambush as they said. When brother Hu arrived in the countryside, he saw only the fat chicken that had been waiting for a long time. There was a shadow of his brother. It was too late for brother Hu to run. Soon, brother Hu was taken down by the fat chicken.

The captured tiger would rather die than surrender. Tiger and fat chicken have always been at odds. There will be willing to give in to fat chicken. Fat chicken asks his little brother to hold down tiger and put a plastic bag on tiger's head to suffocate him alive. After tiger suffocated and died, fat chicken asked people to throw tiger's body to the countryside. The next day, we learned about Tiger's death.

After brother Hu died, the kneeling man and another man were reused by the fat chicken and got a lot of money. With brother Hu's death, they lived a comfortable life. They had wine every day and girls at night, but all this changed completely after I came to the green dragon club.

The fat chicken was guilty of being a thief. He was afraid that we would find out the cause of brother Hu's death and kill all the people who knew the cause of brother Hu's death. The man kneeling was outside. He was not chased because of his strong skills. He had nowhere to go. He had to run to take refuge in his brother and ask his brother to give him a way to live. After all, he was the brother who dared to fight against the fat chicken now.

My brother almost fainted with anger after learning the news. At that time, my brother wanted to chop the man into meat sauce to feed the fish, but he still used it when identifying the fat chicken. My brother spared his life and left him to deal with the fat chicken.

I'm the key to deal with the fat chicken now, so my brother called me here and discussed with me what to do about it. Now that there is evidence, it's easy to deal with the fat chicken. Moreover, those big brothers who take refuge in the fat chicken have defected. It's much easier to kill the fat chicken at this time. Go directly to kill him and cut him into pieces of meat.

Just as I was about to summon my little brother, the kneeling man stopped me. He said that the fat chicken was not just that hand. I asked him if there was anyone else? The man said of course.

According to what he said, fat chicken has always been associated with Xiao pangzi of the white tiger society. I knew this before. I asked him to go on. He said that fat chicken has always been in collusion with the white tiger society. The reason why fat chicken dares to be so arrogant is that he has the backing of the white tiger society.

And the last time my brother came to the Qinglong club, the white tiger club hurt his brother and younger brother, which can also prove that fat chicken is connected with the white tiger club. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi of the white tiger club have long wanted to annex the Qinglong club, but the influence of the Qinglong Club is not small. They can't start, so they have to unite fat chicken.

Fat chicken is full of hatred towards the Qinglong club. Under the tempting conditions offered by the white tiger club and hatred towards the Qinglong club, fat chicken and Xiao pangzi of the white tiger club joined hands in order to bring down the Qinglong club. The white tiger Club promised fat chicken that if the Qinglong club was killed, fat chicken would take the leading position of the Qinglong club in the future, The white tiger society and the Green Dragon Society will also conduct friendly cooperation.

The kneeling man said, in fact, it's not that the fat chicken is very powerful, but that the fat chicken looks so powerful with the help of the white tiger society.

Think about it carefully. No matter how powerful his fat chicken is, he is only a big brother of the green dragon Association. The reason why he dares to do things without fear is that he has the support of the white tiger society.

The kneeling man said that he knew what he said when he followed the fat chicken. There was no falsehood. He just wanted us to believe him. He is like this now. Naturally, he dare not lie to us.

If you really follow what he said, you have to postpone dealing with the fat chicken. The white tiger society has been eyeing the Green Dragon Society for a long time. Once the white boss dies, Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi will certainly march towards the Green Dragon Society. It seems that the biggest threat to the green dragon society is not the fat chicken, but the white tiger society.

It's not easy to deal with the bastard fat chicken inside and the strong enemy white tiger society outside.

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