When we got off the plane, gang Ya Mei and Li Xiangning came to pick us up. I didn't call them. It is estimated that uncle Zhong informed them. We were dejected when we lost at the Qinglong meeting, but it didn't affect the good mood of Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei. Seeing me was their happiest thing, but I really couldn't laugh at the defeat at the Qinglong meeting, Facing the small faces of Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister, I can only face each other with indifference.

After getting off the plane, the first thing I did was to find a place to live for Mr. Jiang and brother Kun. After helping brother Kun and Mr. Jiang find a place to live, I took my fat brother Jiangshan back with Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister. I'll have a good rest and talk to Uncle Zhong.

I found a place for Jiangshan and brother pang to rest near where I live. It was afternoon when we arrived. It was evening after helping them find a place to live. I asked brother pang to have a good rest and recuperate here. If anything happened, call me and tell brother Jiangshan that I would go back after it was dark. It was time to go back.

After I got home, sun Han called me. Sun Han asked me if I had time. She wanted to ask me out for dinner. I said I wasn't free. Then I hung up and went to bed. I would be defeated in Qinglong. I was in a bad mood. Although I had been comforting Jiangshan fat brothers, I took all my younger brothers to hang up. It would be better in my heart, I feel very uncomfortable at the thought of my dead little brothers.

Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister didn't bother me when they saw that I was in a bad mood. They lay down quietly next to me and slept.

I went to see Uncle Zhong the next day. I told him about the general situation, but how can I say that uncle Zhong is also the speaker of the triple hall now? I should also report the situation to him.

I told uncle Zhong about the situation at the green dragon club. Uncle Zhong nodded after listening to me, then looked at me and advised me, "I think it's all right. Don't take care of it again. In the future, you can help me take care of my affairs in the triple hall. Don't touch the muddy water of the green dragon club!"

I know what uncle Zhong means. He is afraid that I will fail again and damage the vitality of the triple hall. I will pay back the humiliation I received at the green dragon club. Let me stop meddling in this matter. How can I promise.

Old uncle Zhong is also an old Jianghu man. He saw that I didn't agree, so he said to me sincerely: "I know you Guan Yihan is a bloody and courageous person, and I know you have clear gratitude and resentment, but you also said that the situation at the green dragon club is complex. Of course, there is another important reason why I asked you not to talk about the green dragon club again!"

I asked Uncle Zhong what else was the reason for this. After wiping off his white beard, uncle Zhong sighed and continued to tell me: "You don't know. During the time you went to the green dragon club, large-scale" anti underworld "operations began here. It is said that the whole country will crack down on underworld forces in a short time. A few days ago, several small guilds were brought up in one pot. Now we are in trouble. Now it's time to take shelter. If you go to the green dragon club again, let alone success or failure , if you get caught, you'll be in the bureau! "

Uncle Zhong's Sanlian hall was spared because of his big family and serious business. At that time, all the underworld forces will be severely punished. I will take people to the Qinglong club, and there will be a fight with people. This accident will involve not only me, but also the Sanlian hall.

In the past, such a situation was solved by giving gifts with red envelopes. However, uncle Zhong's business this time is not like before. The set of giving gifts with red envelopes doesn't work at all. Uncle Zhong said it's difficult to do this time, and uncle Zhong said frankly. He doesn't know what will happen when the triple hall arrives.

Uncle Zhong is an old man on the road. He can eat both black and white. He said so. This time things must be bad.

Old uncle Zhong asked me to stay low-key here for a while. I'll talk about the green dragon club after this time. It's the only way now. I nodded and went back first.

After I went back, I went to find Mr. Jiang and discussed what uncle Zhong said with Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang was more calm than I thought. Mr. Jiang said that he would be at ease if he came. As for the Qinglong club, in the future, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so there is no need to rush for a moment.

It seems that I'm worried. The reason why I'm worried is that if I delay for a long time, the power of fat chicken will be more and more consolidated, and I won't be able to take him at that time.

But now there is no other way but to be honest. I went back after I came out of Mr. Jiang's residence. Downstairs, I met sun Han who had been waiting there for a long time. When sun Han saw me coming, he trotted to me and asked me if I had time in the evening. She wanted to ask me out for dinner.

Sun Han was so enthusiastic that I couldn't refuse her, so I agreed to have dinner with her at night. When sun Han saw that I promised, he nodded and left with a smile. She didn't stay much, because Li Xiangning, the steel tooth sister, had a bad impression of her.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I took a bus to the place I had an appointment with sun Han. When I was on the bus, I saw that many guild venues were sealed. After I got off the bus, I saw that the cops caught a lot of guild members in the street. Fortunately, they didn't notice me.

I came to the agreed restaurant. Sun Han had come and sat there drinking and waiting for me. After I sat down, sun Han began to order. Sun Han said she knew what would happen to me in Qinglong. After I had a drink, I didn't say anything.

When sun Han saw that I didn't speak, he looked at me and asked, "if you can handle the things at the Qinglong club, will you continue to mix?"

The question sun Han asked me was also a question I was asking myself. What should I do after I avenged Liu Lang? I asked this question many times in the dead of night, and I gave myself the answer. After I avenged Liu Lang, I would take some money to my hometown and do some business in my hometown for a living. At that time, I would take sister steel teeth and Li Xiangning to see my parents.

Although I haven't been on the road for a long time, I've seen so many lives and deaths. There's nothing bad about ordinary people. It's the most important thing for me to cherish the talents in front of me. Coming out of the road is a life-threatening activity. I have only one life. Who will take care of Li Xiangning's steel teeth sister after playing with her?

After I talked to sun Han, sun Han nodded with a bitter smile, then lowered his head and began to eat without saying a word. I know what sun Han thinks. She hopes that she can exist in my future plan, but she has not participated in my past. How can she expect my future.

Although I no longer care about the past, I just treat sun Han as a friend. It's enough for me to have Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister in my life.

After eating something, sun Han asked the waiter to bring the wine. Sun Han asked me to have two drinks with her. I nodded and promised. After sun Han poured me the wine, I drank it all at once, but I don't know why. Originally, I had a good amount of wine, but after I ate this glass of wine, I quickly lost my head. It seems that the wine is too strong, Sun Han also wanted to pour me wine. I quickly waved my hand and said I wouldn't drink.

I was ready to leave while my consciousness was not very vague. Sun Han didn't trust me to go back. After checking out, he hurried to help me. I was a little dizzy at that time. I didn't know where sun Han helped me.

I only remember that sun Han helped me to a room, and then she handed me a glass of water. After I drank that glass of water, I lay in bed. After I fell asleep, I seemed to have done it with Li Xiangning's steel teeth sister several times. I didn't remember anything after that.

When I woke up the next day, it was noon. The sun was shining on my face. After I opened my eyes, I instinctively looked and lay on me. It doesn't matter. The person lying on me is not Li Xiangning, nor is she steel tooth sister. It's actually sun Han.

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