I was still a little confused. After seeing sun Han, I was completely awake. Sun Han looked at my chin with big watery eyes and fiddled with the stubble of my chin with his small hand. When she saw me awake, she looked at me with a smile and said, "are you awake?"

I opened the quilt and looked at it. Sun Han and I were naked. She just lay naked on me. Sun Han said hello with a smile. I didn't answer. I searched my mobile phone from the trouser pocket at the head of the bed. My mobile phone was muted. As soon as I opened the mobile phone, I saw more than a dozen missed calls from Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister.

Needless to say, these are all good things that sun Han did. I questioned sun Han with my mobile phone. Sun Han said that she turned the mobile phone to silent. She said she didn't want me to call the bell until I had a rest. Naturally, I don't care about silence. I care about Li Xiangning and gang ya. They called me so many times, but I didn't reply, They must be very worried.

Sun Han saw that I was a little worried and told me that she had replied to Li Xiangning by text message. She replied that I had a rest at brother Jiangshan fat. After she replied, Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth didn't continue to call me.

After I scratched my head, I opened the quilt and prepared to put on my clothes and go back. My feet had just touched the shoes on the ground. Sun Han quickly hugged me from behind me. Sun Han cried quietly, leaned against my back and said to me with a cry: "you stay with me for a while, for the sake of what I did with you last night!"

I didn't pay attention to her, but she held me tightly, and I couldn't move. I was afraid of hurting her, so she didn't break away from her arms. After holding me, sun Han whispered and apologized to me. She said that she made the wine I drank last night, and the glass of water she handed me was also made of her hands and feet. She put medicine in it, one of which is to make people unconscious, One is an aphrodisiac. "There's no way I can do this. You ignore me when you come back, and I can't do it! If I don't, you won't touch me until you die."

"Well, it's getting late. I should go back. Let go!" I said to sun Han blandly.

After listening to me, sun Han cried even more sadly. He sobbed behind me and said, "do you dislike me for being dirty?"

I took sun Han's hand away, then turned around, took her face, looked at her and said, "why do I dislike you? How can I dislike you? Don't think about it." after that, I wiped sun Han's tears with my hand, then looked at her and said with a smile, "well, don't cry any more. It's not good to cry. Smile."

After listening to me, sun Han obediently wiped his tears, then looked at me and said, "I didn't cry after listening to you. Will you stay with me for a while?"

I nodded and went back to the quilt again. Sun Han was obedient and lay down in my arms. Sun Han lay down in my arms and said to me gently as before: "I know you will do this to me because of previous things. Won't you give me a chance to compensate you?"

"Oh? How do you want to compensate?" I looked at Sun Han and asked with a smile.

"I... I'll make it up to you anyway!" Sun Han said and moved her body under me. She buried her head before I stopped her.

I had done enough with her last night. This time, my body was really unbearable and my legs trembled. After I finished, sun Han wiped it clean for me. After I put on my pants, sun Han went out to buy me something to eat.

I went back after eating. When I went back, Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth were watching TV. I had just sat down. Li Xiangning sat in my arms with a smile and rubbed all kinds of twists in my arms. At this time, my brother called me. My brother called me and told me that he was ready to get on the plane. My brother said Sister Qian didn't trust him and had to follow him, No way, brother can only bring sister Qian.

I'll pick him up when I tell my brother. It's OK for sister Qian to come. Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister sun Han are here. They can also relieve their boredom together.

After I hung up, Shannon Lee smelled his nose like a puppy and sniffed on me. After sniffing, Shannon Lee looked up at me with his head up and asked, "you sent a message last night that you were in the mountains, so I asked you, who is your perfume?"

I said this perfume is in the room of Jiangshan. Shannon Lee never stops saying that it is the perfume smell of a woman. I want to deny it. Shannon Lee directly pulled my trouser chain open. After two times, Shannon Lee looked at me and asked again, "you have more words to say!"

After being exposed by Li Xiangning, I had to tell the truth. After listening to me, Li Xiangning kicked on me with her little foot and said that I don't have a long memory. Did I forget what sun Han did to me at the beginning? Now I'm looking for her again.

The steel tooth girl is right next to me. After listening to me, the steel tooth girl's face is not good. I coaxed Li Xiangning for a while, but if I couldn't coax it, I went to bed. My body was hollowed out. Now what I want most is to have a good sleep.

The next morning, I went to the airport to pick up my brother and sister Qian. I directly took my brother and sister Qian to my residence. Sister Qian has a baby in her belly, but she can't stand so many bumps.

After sister Qian and brother came to my residence, sister steel teeth and Li Xiangning went to cook. Soon they cooked a full table of food.

After dinner, sister Qian and Sister Li Xiangning went to the room to chat. When Li Xiangning saw sister Qian's stomach, her eyes were full of longing and love. With the permission of sister Qian, she also reached out to touch sister Qian's stomach and asked her how she felt.

After they went to the room, my brother and I sat in the living room and talked about things. I told my brother what uncle Zhong said. After listening to me, my brother smoked a cigarette, and then said in earnest: "this may not be a bad thing for us, but it may be very helpful for us?"

I asked my brother what he meant by this. My brother said that we can take the opportunity to deal with the fat chicken with the help of those cops to fight against the underworld forces, but it is also risky to do so, because the fat chicken now dominates the green dragon club. If the fat chicken is knocked down, the green dragon club will no longer exist and become history.

My brother said he couldn't be the master of such an important thing. He had to ask Mr. Jiang first. If Mr. Jiang agreed, he would discuss the next step.

After my brother finished, he went to find Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang naturally agreed to let my brother do so. Mr. Jiang said that the Qinglong meeting was just a name. As long as we were here, Mr. Jiang also said that it was time for him to have a good rest and enjoy life after so many years. He was tired of things in the Jianghu, The elder brother can make a decision about the Qinglong meeting. As long as the final result is to kill the fat chicken, whatever will do.

After Mr. Jiang promised, he waited for the green dragon club to take action. Two days later, I found a place for my brother and sister Qian. After they took their bags, I went back. It was evening when I went back. I had just opened the door to go in. Li Xiangning threw herself into my arms with a smile in her sailor uniform.

I picked Li Xiangning up and asked Li Xiangning what was so happy about? Li Xiangning put her arms around my neck and said, "the moon is good today. Let's take advantage of this good moon to have a baby!"

I looked at Li Xiangning and hesitated for a moment. Having a child is not a joke. I can't play games. Li Xiangning saw me hesitant. After watching me hum, she pinched my nose with her hand. "They all said that if a man doesn't want children, he probably changed his heart and fell in love with another woman! You must have fallen in love with another woman!"

I asked Li Xiangning who said this. Li Xiangning angrily said that she saw it on the Internet. I smiled and lifted Li Xiangning's short skirt away, "OK, let's hurry up and have a baby!"

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