I took Li Xiangning to the bed, put her on the bed, and then I took off my pants. After about ten minutes, I was finished. After I was finished, steel tooth sister came into the house. She made me a cup of tea for me to drink. When I was finished, Li Xiangning smiled and hugged steel tooth sister, Then he put his hand directly into the steel tooth sister's pants, and there was a burst of random touch, "Xiangning, what are you doing, don't touch it!" the steel tooth sister quickly tried to pull out Li Xiangning's hand, but Li Xiangning didn't do it. She kept touching the steel tooth sister's pants. The steel tooth sister couldn't stand it and tightly clamped her legs.

"Yo Yo! Sister Xiaoxiao, if you want to, just tell me. My hands are wet and I'm still packing here! Sister Xiaoxiao, let's say in advance. When my husband finishes the bag, you regenerate. When I'm pregnant, you take care of me, and when you're pregnant, I'll take care of you!" Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth calculated the days when they can have children. They don't understand my feelings at all.

I felt that I had become a tool for them to have children. After Li Xiangning finished her work, she did several handstands in bed. She said it was conducive to pregnant children. After I had a rest for a while, steel tooth sister also climbed to bed. She looked at me and asked gently, "are you ok? If not, let's go to bed. Doing it more times will hurt your body!"

After I smoked a cigarette, I looked at the steel tooth sister and said six words with a bad smile: "put your ass up!"

During this time, we have been cracking down on the underworld forces everywhere. Every guild is afraid to hide and dare not breathe. But it's good. We can live a peaceful life.

Li Xiangning went out and bought me a lot of tonic ingredients, such as bullwhip and sheep whip. When she bought them, she stewed them for me and made me look like a pregnant woman. Li Xiangning also made a schedule for me once a day until she successfully conceived a baby.

Brother Jiangshan, fat brother Kun came to my residence for dinner. Seeing so many tonic ingredients, he gave me a thumbs up, and then gave me a look to experience it slowly.

Not only that, Li Xiangning also took the initiative to call my parents and say hello to their two elders. She said she was my little daughter-in-law. She was pregnant. She also told my mother that I was bad to her. My mother also told me to treat Li Xiangning well. She also asked me what happened when Li Xiangning said she was my little daughter-in-law.

In these days when she came out, she lived a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife every day. It's rare to live such a peaceful and quiet life for a while. In fact, it's good to think about this ordinary and light life. Li Xiangning has also planned. When she is pregnant, she will go back to my hometown to meet her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

We spent more than two months quietly at the Sanlian hall. In these two months, Li Xiangning conceived a baby as she wished. Although Li Xiangning took a great initiative to conceive a child, in fact, I also like children very much. After so many things, I have been an elder brother and a younger brother, and I especially want to be a father.

When Li Xiangning checked out that she was pregnant, I took care of her all the time. Although the extent of her belly bulge was not very high, I couldn't relax my vigilance at the thought of my child in her belly. I didn't dare to leave Li Xiangning for a moment for fear that she might fall down.

After Li Xiangning got pregnant, she often went to sister Qian for advice. After all, sister Qian got pregnant early. Although her brother was really cold when she was cold, her brother was really good to sister Qian. Sister Qian became a empress dowager, and her brother became a little eunuch voluntarily, accompanying sister Qian all the time.

Sister Qian also used this to admonish brother Jiangshan fat. In the future, she must learn from her brother to be a good man who loves her wife.

In the past two months of Sanlian hall, our days are full of laughter. Seriously, I have many times wanted to give up the plan to avenge Liu Lang, because I am very happy with the good life during this period. I am afraid I will lose this happiness.

But every time I want to get rid of the idea of revenge for Liu Lang, I think of the look of Liu Lang looking at me when he is dying. Without Liu Lang, there will be no Guan Yihan. Today, I enjoy happiness in the world. What about him? He died like this? This is absolutely impossible. You have to repay anything you say!

After two months, the rumors in the Sanlian hall are much less. There is also news from the Green Dragon Society. There is a full swing action against the underworld forces. It is said that many people have been arrested, including those from the white tiger society of the Green Dragon Society. It is said that those arrested have to spend at least seven years in prison. If there is a homicide case, they either put them in jail, Or the death penalty.

I also heard that the leader of the Qinglong society's attack on the underworld forces is a cruel role. As long as he is allowed to catch the evidence, no matter who he is, I have to catch him, regardless of whether he is the leader or the eldest brother.

After hearing these news, not only brother Kun, but also I'm a little worried. What if I go and get caught? Our hands are not clean. If we are caught, we may lose our lives.

However, my brother is very relaxed. He doesn't have any sense of crisis at all. My brother asked me to go to Uncle Zhong and send a hundred people to follow us to the Qinglong club. We'll start tomorrow.

I went to talk to old uncle Zhong about this. Old uncle Zhong didn't think much of our action this time. As we all know, the green dragon club is the most rampant place of black forces, that is to say, the action there is much more severe. Old uncle Zhong's worry is the same as ours. He's afraid that we'll hit the muzzle of a gun this time.

But my brother said so. Old uncle Zhong naturally wanted to send people to help. Old uncle Zhong sent a whole 100 people from the Sanlian hall to help us. The next day, we got on the plane and went to the Qinglong club.

After getting off the plane, we went to find a place to live. We rested at the Qinglong club for a day or two. In these days, we heard a lot about the white tiger Club of the Qinglong club. After the white tiger club helped fat chicken win the leading position of the Qinglong club, fat chicken gave many sites of the Qinglong club to the white tiger club, but the white tiger club seemed dissatisfied, But after that, the white tiger society and the green dragon society did not dare to make any noise.

After knowing the general situation of the Qinglong club, my brother took me to the street. After shopping in the street, my brother also took me to the car and said he would take me to meet an important person. My brother said that that person was the key this time.

I thought my brother was the big brother in the Jianghu, but I never thought that my brother would find me a note. As soon as we got outside, we were pointed at by several guards. My brother and I held our heads with both hands, and then asked them to search their bodies. They informed their heads.

I was really confused at that time. We went out to find a cop. It was a trap, and it was still at such a sensitive juncture. But my brother said he had his own way, so I didn't ask much and followed him.

After the doorman's note informed us, we were put in. Just after we entered the door, a man in a suit and tie came straight towards us. When he saw his brother, he took out the gun with a black face, pointed to his brother and said, "hold your head with both hands and squat down. You're from the green dragon club. Don't think I don't know!"

I was really scared to hold my head and squat down. My brother didn't squat down, but looked at the man and said with a smile, "haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to rise faster than the hen!"

When the man saw his brother say that, he smiled and put the gun away. Then he invited us to sit in. After we sat down, he made tea for us himself.

From the way he looked at his brother, I could see that his brother knew him very well, at least they knew him very well before.

But I also wonder why my brother went with the cop. It's not reasonable. What's the matter? I have to ask my brother.

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