I whispered next to my brother and asked him what his relationship with the note was. My brother looked at me and said with a smile, "it's not a sensitive thing. Why did you say so quietly, or did you just get scared?"

I was really embarrassed by what happened just now, but in the face of the black muzzle, I said I was not afraid at all. It was bragging. Besides, the man with the gun was still a cop and the head of the cop.

My brother was very generous. He naturally talked to me about his past with the cop. My brother said that the cop was called Fang Qingtian. It was a previous thing that they had an intersection. My brother said he couldn't remember the specific time. My brother said that he opened a bar in the city and Fang Qingtian was studying in college at that time, He came to work in his bar to earn money to study.

People like my brother come into contact with people who are not good people. At least they are all people on the road. Fang Qingtian was beaten after a few days of fire in his brother's bar. The specific reason is that his brother said he can't remember clearly. Anyway, Fang Qingtian let people beat him.

Fang Qingtian's family conditions are also bad. He has no friends and is weak. After being beaten, he choked himself. After his brother knew about it, he took Fang Qingtian to settle accounts with those people and cleaned up all the people who beat Fang Qingtian.

Later, something happened to Fang Qingtian's family and he was in urgent need of money. His brother also gave Fang Qingtian some money. Later, his brother's bar collapsed, and his brother didn't stay there. The connection between them became less and less. Later, there was no contact at all.

In fact, my brother already knew that Fang Qingtian took the lead in severely cracking down on the underworld forces this time. My brother also had a plan in his heart. This is also why my brother is not afraid at the Sanlian hall. He should be happy.

As for Fang Qingtian, he became a cop after graduating from university. In recent years, he has made a lot of contributions. He has eliminated many guilds and naturally promoted. The situation of the Qinglong club is more complex, so he was sent to deal with the affairs of the Qinglong club.

But I personally think it's not a good thing for my brother to find Fang Qingtian, because Fang Qingtian's thin cheeks are full of righteousness. At a glance, we know that good officials with clean sleeves are like this. We really can't deal with good officials.

Fang Qingtian's figure is the same as that of his brother. He is also similar to his brother, but his brother looks like a ruffian, while Fang Qingtian's is full of righteousness. The righteousness is a person with ghosts in his heart. He will feel guilty when he sees it. That's why I don't think my brother should come to Fang Qingtian.

Fang Qingtian looked at his brother and smiled with deep meaning. Then he went to the inner room and took two documents and threw them in front of my brother and me. I picked up the documents and looked at them. One is my brother's information and the other is mine. The above information is very detailed. Even what I did in the Sanlian hall is clearly recorded, and those people around me are also clearly recorded, I was very surprised after reading it. Does it mean that Fang Qingtian is ready to catch us?

"Go to the three treasures hall for everything. Tell me what you want from me this time. If you come to beg me to let you go this time, I can tell you directly. Don't talk!" Fang Qingtian's face was still smiling just now, but now it's already serious, like an iron block.

It can be seen from here that Fang Qingtian is a man who handles affairs impartially and is not easy to be friendly. After listening to him, his brother smiled and looked at him and said, "I know your principle of doing things. We want to cooperate with you this time! It's definitely a matter of making no loss to cooperate with us!"

"I also know something about your Qinglong club. Your cooperation with me is nothing more than to help you take revenge with my hand! I'm really sorry about this. I can handle it myself!", Fang Qingtian was very awe inspiring and didn't show any emotion when he spoke, but it's a blessing for the people to have more such people.

"For our former friendship, you can leave, but after you go out of this door, we will stand on the opposite side, and I will do what should be done!" Fang Qingtian was ready to invite us out after saying that. His attitude reversed very quickly.

"Don't rush us away!" my brother looked at Fang Qingtian after drinking tea and said: "The white tiger society of the green dragon society is not a guild formed in a day or two. It's really difficult for you to get rid of them without our help. I know your principles and you should know my behavior. I sincerely look for your cooperation this time. You can do it yourself!"

After his brother finished, he got up and prepared to leave. At this time, Fang qintian stopped his brother. Fang Qingtian looked at his brother and said, "you're right. The Qinglong society and the white tiger society have great potential and have been rooted here for a long time. They say that the strong dragon does not suppress the local head snake. I really can't find a place to start them! You've been wandering in the road for a long time, which is really helpful to me." , Fang Qingtian said coldly again, "but I'll say it first. After the white tiger society of Qinglong society has been eradicated, if you're still on the road, I won't be merciful!"

My brother nodded and said he understood. My brother and Fang Qingtian sat down peacefully and began to talk about the white tiger society of the Qinglong society. I listened. My brother said that the white tiger society was ambitious and the fat chicken was a bit mysterious. My brother Qinglong society is now a disciple of interests. It will be easier to deal with it. Remove the Qinglong society first and then the white tiger society.

The specific plan. My brother said he would discuss it with Fang Qingtian after he thought it out. When my brother described the Qinglong club as an enemy, I actually had mixed feelings. At the beginning, we were still members of the Qinglong club, but now the Qinglong club has become the goal we want to get rid of. I really have some feelings in my heart.

After talking about something, my brother took me away. In the next few days, my brother went to Fang Qingtian to discuss things, while my Jiangshan fat brother, brother Kun, stayed honest and occasionally fought with the landlord.

Three days later, my brother should have discussed with Fang Qingtian and asked us to prepare for action. I thought my brother would do it if he wanted Qinglong, but I didn't expect that my brother was going to talk to the white tiger society. What can I talk with Liu Haonan of the white tiger society.

I didn't want to go at that time, but my brother said that fat chicken can design to defeat us, and we can naturally set a trap for the white tiger society. In addition, my brother also mentioned a very important point. We mainly rely on Fang Qingtian this time, otherwise we have no chance of winning by us.

If you want to kill the fat chicken, you can only outwit it, so the white tiger club must go. I don't know what set it is to go to the white tiger club.

We took a group of younger brothers to the base camp of the white tiger club. When the people of the white tiger Club saw so many people coming, they immediately picked up guys and called people to prepare for the battle. There were really a lot of people in the white tiger club. One or two hundred people.

My brother shouted to the people of the white tiger club that we didn't come to make trouble. We came to negotiate. After the people of the white tiger Club informed Liu Haonan, Liu Haonan let us in.

Liu Haonan was playing billiards with Xiao pangzi. Seeing his brother coming, Liu Haonan deliberately flew a ball out to hit his brother, but he was caught by his brother.

My brother put the ball down on the table, looked at Liu Haonan and said calmly, "I came to have something to talk to you!"

Liu Haonan smiled arrogantly, then put the club on the table, looked at his brother and said with a disdainful smile: "just your people, want to talk to me? Hehe, I heard you right!"

My brother looked at Liu Haonan and said calmly, "you really heard me right. I really came to talk to you!"

Liu Haonan asked his brother to talk about it. Anyway, we are now a sheep into a tiger's mouth, and he has nothing to worry about.

"We want to help you get rid of the fat chicken! For you to get the territory of the green dragon club!" said my brother, looking at Liu Hao's south without changing his color.

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