Liu Haonan laughed a few times after listening to his brother, looked at his brother and said with a smile, "did I hear you right? Do you want to help us get rid of the fat chicken? Please, is it difficult for you to have a brain disease? Don't you know that the fat chicken and we are allies? Do you think our white tiger society will attack our allies? We white tiger society won't do such unkind things!", Liu Haonan said very righteous words. He made Liu Haonan a gentleman and we are villains.

The elder brother continued without changing his face: "I know you and fat chicken are allies. Fat chicken can sit in the leading position of the green dragon club without your help. Or it can be said that without you, white tiger club, fat chicken is a hanging! Let's go out for money. Fat chicken has no use value. It's better to get rid of him than to keep him. You can get the land of the green dragon club if you get rid of him As a result, the white tiger society will become more powerful! "

When his brother said this, Liu Haonan took a look at Xiao pangzi. He obviously had an idea in his mind. His brother continued while the iron was hot: "I have to remind you one more thing. Fat chicken has been in Qinglong club for half a lifetime. He can oppose Qinglong club, not to mention your so-called ally white tiger club. Now the power of Qinglong club is far less than that of white tiger club. If the power of Qinglong club becomes stronger and stronger over time, do you think fat chicken will have a crooked mind about white tiger club?"

After his brother finished, Liu Haonan clapped his brother, then looked at him with disdain and said, "what an exciting speech. What you said is indeed reasonable, but we can do it ourselves. Why should you help? You just want to make a plot against us!"

It can be seen that Liu Haonan has seen that we are setting a trap for them. At that time, I was very worried, because all our people are here at the white tiger society. Liu Haonan saw through our plan. If he kills, we can only become turtles in a jar and wait to die.

"Fat chicken killed my eldest brother. Oh, no, it should be said that it was my father-in-law. Fat chicken killed my father-in-law. I will avenge it anyway. We are also familiar with the Qinglong club. At that time, as long as you white tiger club don't help fat chicken, we will find a way to kill fat chicken. Once the fat chicken dies, you will seize the opportunity to seize his territory. Now the Qinglong Club except fat chicken Besides, others are a group of villains with interests, which is not enough to be afraid. Once the fat chicken dies, most of the world of the green dragon club will be yours. As long as you spend some time, isn't that what you have in your bag? "My brother looked at Liu Haonan and continued: "You should know how many hands we have. Do you think our hands will pose a threat to you? If you are so timid, I have nothing to say!"

His brother's words were enough to move Liu Haonan's heart. Liu Haonan was ambitious. The fat chicken was just a chess piece in his hand. He would manage the life and death of the fat chicken. Liu Haonan looked at Xiao pangzi, who smiled at Liu Haonan, and then looked at his brother and said: "But now the wind is too tight. The cops have been staring at us. What if the cops start on us?"

"You Qinglong society and white tiger society are so powerful that cops dare to mess around! Besides, the official has two mouths. Don't you just give him enough?" my brother looked at Xiao pangzi and said.

Xiao pangzi nodded after listening to his brother. "What you said is really reasonable. Let's discuss what to do. We'll help you take revenge and you'll help us win the Qinglong club!"

After that, Xiao pangzi invited us to one side and sat down. There was still a portrait of boss Bai. After coming in, Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi pretended to worship boss Bai. I guess the boss Bai may have died in the hands of Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. They are still pretending here.

My brother sat down and discussed specific matters with Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. My brother asked Liu Haonan to contact the fat chicken and let the fat chicken bring some people out as bait to lure us. Liu Haonan took people to ambush nearby and let the fat chicken think they were ambushing us. After the fat chicken came out, we went up and killed him, and Liu Haonan and they went to capture the fat chicken when we fought Our territory.

After hearing his brother's plan, Xiao pangzi asked, "what if other hall brothers of the green dragon club stop us at that time?"

"The other Tangkou brothers of the Qinglong club are snobs. After you contact the fat chicken, call the other Tangkou brothers one by one and tell them you want to kill the fat chicken and let them come out to discuss something. If they come out to discuss something, they will divide the fat chicken's territory to them and choose a leading brother among them "Come on," my brother said after a pause, "those people are mercenary villains. They must come out and want to divide up for themselves. If they come out, you will kill them all. The green dragon will have no head at that time. That's what you have in your bag."

"The first thing for me is revenge. If you win the Qinglong club and give me half of the fat chicken's money," my brother smiled at Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi.

The reason why my brother proposed to divide up the money of fat chicken is to make Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi lower their doubts about us. If my brother doesn't want anything, it will appear that we are setting a trap for Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi.

My brother's plan proposal was accepted by Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. They accepted it because they wanted to win the Qinglong club without effort. My brother told us before he came that even if Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi promised us, we can't take it lightly. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi are not good people, even if they promised us, At that time, they will always send people to watch us. When the time is ripe, they will kill us to avoid future troubles, so that no one can fight them again.

After his brother and Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi had discussed, Liu Haonan immediately called the fat chicken. After the fat chicken was connected, Liu Haonan said to the fat chicken calmly, "I heard that Guan Yilong's miscellaneous pieces have come back and brought more than 100 people."

The fat chicken also knew the news. After the fat chicken made a sound over there, Liu Haonan continued: "they are too familiar with the Qinglong club. Even if there are not many hands, they can't underestimate it. They have to get rid of it early!"

Fat chicken said on the other end of the phone that he had the same meaning. Liu Haonan smiled and then said to fat chicken, "you killed other people's father-in-law. Can he not come back for revenge? Guan Yihan's goal is you. Well, I'll give you an idea! Let's kill Guan Yilong at one fell swoop!"

Liu Haonan told the fat chicken according to his brother's plan just now, and the fat chicken agreed. The time was set for tomorrow. After setting the fat chicken, Liu Haonan called the other Tangkou brothers of the Qinglong club and said that he invited them out to dinner to discuss something. Liu Haonan also told them what his brother said, As soon as those big brothers heard that it was profitable, they readily agreed.

Fat chicken and those big brothers at the entrance of the hall have been set up. We have to go back and prepare. Not long after we went back, Fang Qingtian called his brother and said that the people of the white tiger club gave him tens of millions of red envelopes. He asked his brother if he would accept it. His brother asked him to accept it and verbally promised everything mentioned by the white tiger club.

Fang Qingtian did as his brother said. He accepted all the things sent by the white tiger club, and the fat chicken also sent out news that the fat chicken was going to travel tomorrow. Of course, the news was deliberately released by the fat chicken to lead us to intercept him, and we will naturally intercept him.

After preparing some things, we had a good rest one night. The next day, we prepared guys. Under the leadership of our brother, we stopped the fat chicken.

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