At that time, feiji was driving along a small road with several younger brothers, and the driving speed was not fast. We went directly to the front of feiji and waited for him. Soon, feiji drove over, followed by several buses in the distance behind feiji. Needless to say, all the people in the buses were from the white tiger society, And there was a black car not far behind us. The people on it had been staring at us since we started. Needless to say, they were also from the white tiger society to monitor us.

After the fat chicken drove over, we flocked to the bar like a wolf. The fat chicken's car was surrounded. The fat chicken sat on the car wearing a pair of sunglasses and smoking a cigar. Even if we surrounded his car, he didn't have the slightest fear, but looked relaxed. However, it's no wonder that he must think that the white tiger society helped him kill us.

My brother kicked on the fat chicken's car, pointed to the fat chicken in the car and said fiercely, "you killed brother Hu, today I want you to bury brother Hu!"

After a sneer, the fat chicken rolled down the window, looked at his brother and said with disdain: "I thought you Guan Yilong were so smart, but I didn't expect you Guan Yilong to be so stupid. You have to be angry if the dead tiger lives with your IQ! You know? You have fallen into my trap! You Guan Yilong is dead this time, and the immortal Luo can't save you when he comes. I'll be merciful to send you to reunite with the dead tiger this time!"

After sneering, my brother said to the fat chicken disdainfully: "I think the trap you said should be about the buses you followed? Hehe, do you think they came to help you? You really should come out and have a look. They are already turning around. What they are thinking about now is how to seize your territory. They don't want to help you!"

The fat chicken didn't think so. The fat chicken still said it was impossible. My brother took a steel pipe and smashed the door of the fat chicken twice. We also smashed the other doors of the fat chicken.

"Fuck NIMA, do you TMD still have to shrink in the car at this time? Get out of the car quickly!" the fat man shouted and scolded. He made a sudden force on his hand and unloaded the door of the fat chicken directly.

The fat chicken still shrank in the car and refused to come out. He also thought that the people of the white tiger club would help him. If he refused to come out, the fat brother put his hand directly into the car, and then violently pulled the fat chicken out. Although the little brothers on the fat chicken car had guys in their hands, none of them dared to move. They could only watch their big brother being dragged like a dog Get out of the car.

Although the fat chicken was as heavy as a pig, he was as strong as a cow. He pulled the fat chicken down from the car. After the fat chicken was pulled out of the car, he looked at the buses behind him, but at this time, those buses had disappeared. It is estimated that he is seizing the territory of the fat chicken now.

"I guess they are seizing your field and territory now! Don't have any hope. It's all for money. You should have thought of what happened today when you colluded with them to swallow the green dragon club!" said my brother, taking a handful of guys from his men and preparing to do it.

The fat chicken sat on the ground without the style just now. It was like a lump of rotten tofu. After the fat chicken was dragged down, all his younger brothers were dragged down.

The fat chicken sat on the ground and looked at the ground like this. After a while, he looked up at his brother and asked, "if we guessed correctly, today's thing was discussed with Xiao pangzi Liu Haonan of the white tiger society?"

"You're right. Otherwise, you think I'll kill you without the help of the white tiger society. Didn't you beat us like lost dogs with the help of the white tiger society? Jianghu is like this. You're an elder. You should know better than me!" At first, I thought my brother would be very angry when he saw the fat chicken, but I didn't expect my brother to be so indifferent.

The fat chicken sat on the ground and smiled bitterly. He looked up at his brother and said calmly, "I watched you enter Qinglong today. I know you are a man. I killed your eldest brother. You deserve your revenge! Do it!"

After finishing, the fat chicken closed his eyes and was ready to die, but my brother didn't start with a knife. My brother handed me the guy, then took out his mobile phone and called Liu Haonan and asked how Liu Haonan was going.

Liu Haonan said that he had taken most of the farm land of fat chicken, and some were still being seized. As for the big brothers at the entrance of the hall, they had all been removed just now. Liu Haonan also smiled and said to his brother that when the matter was completed, we would have dinner together. His brother smiled and agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Liu Haonan invited his brother to dinner to get rid of us all. He has a good abacus, but we are not fools. We can't see his tricks.

After hanging up Liu Haonan's phone, his brother called Fang Qingtian and asked Fang Qingtian to take action! Fang Qingtian had already sent good people to wait at the headquarters of white tiger club, waiting for his brother's news.

After his brother's news arrived, Fang Qingtian must have started to take action. Fang qintian's brother believes very much. He believes that the rest of the white tiger club's base camp will be caught soon.

The white tiger club sent people to watch us. My brother also treated him with his own way. Fang Qingtian asked Fang Qingtian to send people to watch Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi came out and took most of the staff of the white tiger club this time. There were only some remaining parties in the base camp of the white tiger club. Fang Qingtian's men were all armed cops, Fang Qingtian will finish it perfectly.

After informing Fang Qingtian, his brother pointed to the black car in the distance and said, "brothers, block the car and catch the people on it alive!"

After his brother gave an order, brother Kun took more than 30 younger brothers to block the car, and all the people on the car were dragged down. After the people on the car were caught alive by brother Kun, brother Kun took them over.

"Be honest and squat here. If you dare to move, I'll kill you," brother Kun said fiercely, pointing to the three people in the white tiger society.

The three of the white tiger club were sent by Xiao pangzi to watch us. My brother didn't intend to kill them, but asked someone to tie them with a rope and escort them to the car. My brother's actions made me wonder. Why do these people keep them and just kill them directly?

After the three men from the white tiger club were taken into the car, my brother looked at the fat chicken and said, "tie him up too! Take him into the car!"

Fat chicken thought his brother was going to torture him to death. Looking at his brother, he said calmly: "Guan Yilong, I killed your eldest brother. That's right, but how can we say that we used to work together in the Qinglong club? Just give me a pain and happiness for the sake of our being the Qinglong club!"

My brother squatted down and looked at the fat chicken and said angrily, "brother Hu was so kind to me, but you killed him. Do you think I don't want to break you into pieces? But I won't let you die like this. It's too cheap for you! I want you to live, let you live well in prison, and let you spend the rest of your life in prison!"

The veins on his brother's body burst, which was enough to see how much he hated the fat chicken. He wanted to eat the meat and drink the blood of the fat chicken!

After the fat chicken was tied up, my brother asked someone to take him to the car. I asked my brother why he didn't directly kill the fat chicken and bury him with brother Hu. My brother sighed and said that he also wanted to kill the fat chicken, but Fang Qingtian and his brother had an agreement. Fang Qingtian and his brother agreed that my brother would not do anything illegal in the future, let alone kill people. If my brother broke the agreement, Fang Qingtian will punish his brother according to law. If you should kill him, you should arrest him!

Fang Qingtian and his brother had a word in advance. Naturally, his brother would not violate the agreement between them. This is also the reason why his brother didn't do it.

I have to say that Fang Qing is a good official worthy of respect. Even though I don't like him, he deserves my respect.

After the fat chicken was put on the bus, my brother drove the car and sent the fat chicken to the police station. The fat chicken was handcuffed into the police station by the police. As for his future life, Fang Qingtian will deal with it, so we don't have to worry about it.

Next we have to deal with the white tiger society, which is also the agreement between my brother and Fang Qingtian.

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