After the fat chicken was sent to the police station, we went back to the place where we lived. Not long ago, Fang Qingtian called his brother. He won a great victory there. All the fields and sites of the white tiger club have been controlled by him. In addition, Fang Qingtian also detained more than 300 people of the white tiger club and seized tens of millions of cash assets of the white tiger club.

My brother wanted to congratulate Fang Qingtian and told Fang Qingtian about the fat chicken. Fang Qingtian said he would deal with the fat chicken. Now the most important thing is to kill the white tiger club in one fell swoop and catch all the black forces here. My brother, um, discussed a specific plan with Fang Qingtian. After discussing it, my brother asked us to put the guy away, I Jiangshan fat brother followed him to Qinglong club, and brother Kun took people to meet Fang Qingtian.

After the order, we began to act. We just sat down and rested for a while and started immediately.

We followed my brother to the green dragon club. In the conference room of the green dragon club, the confidants and younger brothers of the big brother at the entrance gathered here. As soon as their big brother went out, there was no news. They didn't worry, but they didn't know what to do. They had to gather in the conference room of the green dragon club to find a way.

Brother has been in the Qinglong meeting for a long time. He has expected these things. After we went in, Chen Manzi's confidant came to stop us and asked us why we came in. His posture has a great intention to clean us up.

After Chen Manzi's confidant took the lead, others gathered around and blocked us. They asked me what I was doing here and said that we were not welcome here. Let's get out quickly, or we will be cut off.

Facing their threat, my brother smiled and looked at them and said, "how can we say that we used to be a member of the green dragon association? We're not here to find fault today, but to inform you of something!"

After hearing this, Chen Manzi's confidant asked angrily, "what news? Hurry up and say, don't sell off here!"

"As far as I know, your eldest brothers have been invited out to dinner by the white tiger society, but they haven't come back yet! Is that right?" the elder brother looked at Chen Manzi's confidant and said.

Chen Manzi's younger brother nodded and said it was true. His brother then said: "I'm afraid they can't come back all their life. The white tiger society called them out. In fact, it was to give them a Hongmen banquet. Just an hour ago, the fat chicken was killed by the white tiger society. The people of the white tiger society are now seizing the territory of the fat chicken. Next, the white tiger society will seize your brother's territory!"

"Why should we trust you? What if you're lying to us?" Chen Manzi's younger brother was a little shrewd and interrupted his brother's words.

The elder brother continued without changing his face: "if you don't believe it, send someone to inquire about the fat chicken farm. After inquiring clearly, you will know whether I lied to you!"

Chen Manzi's younger brother called his younger brother dubiously and asked him to see the fat chicken farm. Soon his younger brother replied, and Chen Manzi's younger brother was naturally clear.

"Although we are no longer members of the green dragon club, we don't want to see the green dragon club fall like this. You are all flesh and blood men. Your eldest brother was killed by the people of the white tiger club. The white tiger club will seize your eldest brother's territory next! Can you just look so indifferent?" , my brother excitedly stirred up their emotions there.

Their eldest brothers are a group of interest disciples, and they naturally will not be good there. Their brother's impassioned words do not have much effect on them. At most, they go in and out of the left ear and out of the right ear. No matter so much, it is uncertain how many of them are looking forward to their eldest brother's death.

For them, the best bait is interest. My brother saw that they were silent and kept their own calculations in his heart. My brother continued: "As far as I know, there are not many people in the white tiger club this time. If you can kill them to avenge your eldest brother, should your eldest brother's seat be for you soon? Moreover, if any of you can kill Xiao Pang, the head of the white tiger club, Liu Haonan, the leader of the green dragon club, it's not... Moreover, Xiao Pang, the head of the white tiger club If Zi Liu Haonan dies, the white tiger society will be headless. Sooner or later, the white tiger society will also be the green dragon society! I'll say that. You can do it yourself. After all, we are outsiders. It's inconvenient to say more! "

After my brother finished speaking, I gave him a thumbs up in my heart. This counter plot makes it right. These people are greedy. How can they not be moved in the face of so many temptations?

The white tiger society itself did not bring many people. Now their nest has been brought by Fang Qingtian. They don't even have a place to retreat. If these people of the Green Dragon Society chase and kill the past, they can only fight back. When they lose both sides, it's time to close the net.

After the elder brother said that, these people of the Qinglong club were making calculations. Chen Manzi's confidant and younger brother immediately went back after listening to his elder brother. They should go to prepare people. When others saw Chen Manzi's confidant and younger brother go out, they all followed out one after another.

We also went out to watch the change. It is reported that after Chen Manzi's confidant went out, he sent someone to inquire about the manpower of the white tiger club. After talking about them, he immediately called all Chen Manzi's younger brothers and went to the fat chicken farm, as did other people.

My brother just wants these people of the green dragon club to fight with the white tiger club. At that time, we just need to reap the benefits of the white tiger club. The nest of the white tiger club has been brought up in one pot. Their white tiger club is dying this time.

As for the green dragon club, after fighting with the white tiger club, its power will certainly decrease sharply. At that time, it will be a turtle in a jar, and the green dragon club will not survive for long.

After seeing the success of the plan, my brother called Fang Qingtian and reported the situation to Fang Qingtian. Fang Qingtian has made peace with brother Kun and is coming here now.

After the meeting between Fang Qingtian and brother Kun, we also rushed to meet them. Fang Qingtian made a big deal this time and directly sent more than 100 armed notes to collect the net.

Soon after we made peace with Fang Qingtian, we got the news. The news said that all the people of the green dragon club poured out and started fighting with those people of the white tiger club in a fat chicken farm. The old nest of the white tiger club was taken away, and there were far fewer people than the green dragon club. We had to fight back with the people of the green dragon club, but the battle was doomed to win Fang Qingtian, Because other Qingtian chose a good partner.

"You go to ambush near your destination. No one is allowed to let go! If you can't catch it alive, shoot it!" Fang Qingtian sent more than 30 cops to ambush and eliminate the fish off the net.

After giving orders, Fang Qingtian personally led the team and took us to the periphery of the fighting site between the white tiger club and the green dragon club. We'll wait here until the white tiger club and the green dragon club have had enough fighting.

Fang Qingtian was very interested. He read books there to kill time. His brother sat and waited for news. Soon, news came that the Qinglong club and the white tiger club had fought almost. It was time to close the net.

Fang Qingtian asked his brother to leave our people here and leave the rest to his cops. However, we naturally don't want to miss the scene of white tiger club and green dragon club dog biting dog.

With Fang Qingtian's permission, we followed Fang Qingtian to the scene. The situation at the scene was particularly appalling. There were corpses everywhere, some with broken hands and feet, and some with blurred flesh and blood. It was estimated that we couldn't recognize them. Others are even more sad. They are full of injuries but haven't died. They twitch in the pool of blood, but it seems that they haven't been far away.

There are still hundreds of people left in the green dragon club and only dozens in the white tiger club. They are still fighting each other there. Fang Qingtian walked over and shot at the sky, indicating the end of everything.

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