After hearing the gunshot, the people of the white tiger society and Qinglong will turn their eyes here. Fang Qingtian holds a loudspeaker and says to them, "put down all the weapons in your hands. You have been surrounded. All your hands hold your head and squat down!". As soon as Fang Qingtian's harsh voice falls, those armed cops point their guns at them.

Xiao pangzi and Liu Haonan of the white tiger club are all dissatisfied with blood red. Most of them are other people's blood, but they also have their blood. Although the Qinglong club has more people than the white tiger club, the people of the white tiger club are too brave, especially Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. I think if we continue, the white tiger club may win.

After Fang Qingtian said that, all the people of the white tiger Club of the Qinglong society squatted down with their heads in their hands. Only Liu Haonan was still standing. When Liu Haonan saw his brother, his teeth all clenched and his fists pinched the bones.

Liu Haonan looked at his brother and said fiercely, "well, Guan Yilong, it was you who colluded with the cops to calculate us! You deliberately asked us to bring people here, so that these dead cops could carry the property of our white tiger society! Your city hall of Guan Yilong is really deep!"

My brother watched Liu Haonan take out a cigarette and light it. After taking a sip, my brother looked at Liu Haonan and said, "this is the Jianghu. This is the mixed way. Isn't your white tiger Club colluding with fat chickens to make Qinglong restless? Everyone is also each other! I advise you to stay in prison and accept transformation!"

It's like this. There are conspiracies everywhere. If you don't count on me, I'll count on you. You always have to pay back when you come out. Feng Shui turns around in turn. Who will be spared by heaven.

Liu Haonan looked at the sky and smiled bitterly. Then he looked at his brother and said, "Guan Yilong, you're really a good trick this time. I'm not willing to help you do so many things with our hands! I'm not willing!"

Liu Haonan was ambitious. At that time, if he didn't put his heart into it, he wouldn't end up today. In the final analysis, ambition hurt him.

After Liu Haonan calmed down, he picked up the guy and rushed towards his brother. Fang Qingtian shot him decisively. The reason why Liu Haonan did so was because he knew that the blood case in his hand was enough to kill him. Being caught was also a death, so he chose to end here.

After Liu Haonan fell down, those who squatted with their heads in their arms became more honest. They didn't dare to move there. Fang Qingtian ordered: "cuff them all with handcuffs! If they have dangerous behavior, shoot them directly!"

After Fang Qingtian ordered, the cops under him went to torture all the squatting people. Fang Qingtian called again and asked people to clean up the scene. After those people were handcuffed, Fang Qingtian took us away from the scene.

On the way, Fang Qingtian separated from us. Fang Qingtian looked at his brother and said, "well, let's stop here. After we separated from here, we will no longer be a cooperative relationship. If you dare to commit a crime, I will deal with it according to law! Take care of yourself!"

Fang Qingtian looked at me after finishing with his brother and said, "Guan Yihan, right? I know you. You should take care of yourself. My next goal is your triple hall! Goodbye, we may be the enemy!"

After that, Fang Qingtian got out of the car, stood in front of us, bowed to us, looked at us sincerely and said, "thank you for your help this time! Goodbye!"

After that, Fang Qingtian got on the bus and left. His brother said that Fang Qingtian was such a person. He had a clear distinction between right and wrong. He wanted to thank those who should be thanked, and he was not soft on those who should be attacked. His brother said that he appreciated and admired Fang Qingtian.

After Fang Qingtian left, brother asked us to clean up and immediately set out for the triple hall. Fang Qingtian will handle the affairs here satisfactorily.

I really didn't expect that things on the side of the green dragon club would be solved so easily. I came with the mentality of returning to death at that time, but I didn't expect that we would win a complete victory.

After packing up our things, we boarded the plane the next morning. We arrived at night. Li Xiangning heard that I was back and came to the airport to pick me up. I made her stay at home when she was pregnant. She didn't have to pick me up at the airport, but Li Xiangning said she was happy. She wasn't comfortable if she didn't pick me up.

After we went back, we had a good night's rest. The next day, we got together and had a good meal. When we had dinner, I also called sun Han. When sun Han went to talk to brother Jiangshan fat, they said it was my business and they wouldn't talk much.

In fact, I'm worried about Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister. After all, they don't want to see sun Han. After sun Han came, brother Kun, brother Jiangshan, fat brother Qian and sister Qian didn't say anything and kept silent. The faces of Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister changed at that time.

"How can we say that we used to be classmates? People will do wrong things all their life, that is, big and small mistakes, ups and downs, that's life, joys and sorrows, that's feelings. Drink to our original! Forget all those unhappy things!" I took the lead in raising my glass. Jiangshan fat brothers didn't speak, so they followed me.

Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister saw me raise her glass with a smile on her face, so they raised their glasses with me, and sun Han raised his glass to clink our glasses with us. After this glass of wine, the old unhappiness disappeared.

After we had dinner together, we began to make plans for our future. We used to think about revenge for Liu Lang, but now the fat chicken squatted in the Bureau. For a time, it was still empty. It was really a little uncomfortable.

Jiangshan and brother Pang asked me what to do in the future. I said I would take some money home to develop in my hometown and turn our place into a tourist attraction. By the way, I could accompany my parents. It's not easy for them to raise me so big.

Jiangshan said he would buy a house for his family in the county and do some business in the county in the future. Fat brother said he would marry a wife first and then plan the next step.

After that, we all unconsciously looked at each other and smiled, but there were tears in the corners of our eyes. It didn't last long. But this time, we are all in our twenties. I still remember that we were teenagers at the beginning, and now our faces are full of stubble.

I told uncle Zhong what Fang Qingtian said. Uncle Zhong said he would deal with it. When I said I was leaving, uncle Zhong was reluctant. He said if I left, who would take charge of the triple hall in the future.

After mixing for such a long time, I saw clearly that it was definitely a dead end to continue to mix. So I looked at Uncle Zhong and smiled without talking. After I left uncle Zhong, I went back to pack my bags. I planned to go back to my hometown as soon as possible. My brother said that he would go back to visit my parents when sister Qian had a child and let us go back first.

After packing up, we set out the next morning. When I was ready to get on the plane, I saw sun Han coming with me. Sun Han smiled awkwardly at me and said she was going home, too. She and I were on the same flight.

I looked at her and smiled. Then I got on the plane with her. After ten hours of flight and seven hours of driving, we finally got home. My parents heard that we were back. They killed chickens and sheep early and were ready to meet his daughter-in-law.

After seeing Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei, my parents were very satisfied. They always had a smile on their face. They even hurt Gang Ya Mei and Li Xiangning more than I did. They didn't let them wash one of the dishes and chopsticks.

After we stayed in our hometown for a few months, my brother's child was born. It was a daughter. When the child was born, my brother also called my parents. When my parents heard the cry of my granddaughter, they were also happy to shed tears.

After sister Qian finished her month, her brother came to her hometown with her and her daughter. A few months later, Li Xiangning was also born. She was a boy. When I saw the child, I was so excited that I was incoherent. I swore in my heart that I would treat them well! Treat them well all your life.

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