When we arrived at the hotel, I thought my cousin would lead me straight in, but I thought too much about it. My cousin took me around the hotel and we came to an alley where there were several houses and a dozen women standing outside the house. They were all dressed in revealing clothes and dressed very seductively, and she would occasionally ask a man who walked by the side of the road to come in and have tea. I didn't know what such a woman was doing or what they meant by drinking tea.

Cousin and I were walking in a small alley when Cousin turned around and looked at me, asking me who I liked the most out of all these standing women. I said embarrassedly, "I only like you!"

"Come on, don't talk to me about this! "Among these women, which one do you like?" Cousin asked impatiently.

Seeing the impatience in my cousin's clothes, I took a quick glance at the women standing outside. A younger girl came into my line of sight, and I told my cousin that the girl was pretty. She nodded and led me to the girl.

Cousin did not dawdle and directly asked that girl how much money she spent in one night. That girl said 1000 yuan in one night. This was pure robbery.

At that time, I was really too young. I even thought that this girl wanted to pay me and my cousin to stay at her place, but that was obviously not the case.

The cousin talked with the girl for a long time before she finally raised the price from 1000 to 800. After fixing the price, the cousin casually told me to follow the girl in. Why did I go in, the cousin casually said, "Don't you want to do it?

This time, I finally understood that this girl was here to sell, and my cousin was actually bringing me out to do it.

"Am I not clear enough? I'll only do you! "I don't want the other women!" I seriously and seriously said to my cousin.

"Women are like that too. They are not the same as anyone else. Moreover, they have the experience to make you feel comfortable! "Hurry and follow her in," my cousin impatiently said to me.

That girl stood beside us as if she was looking at a lunatic. She looked at me and my cousin arguing with each other. Seeing my cousin's impatient look, I got angry. I took out my phone and prepared to put the video online without saying a word.

My cousin gritted her teeth as she looked at me furiously. After that, she forced a smile and said, "Alright! Can't I do it with you?"

After my cousin compromised, I kept my phone and followed her to the entrance of the hotel. The girl on the street lost her business and when we left, she scolded angrily, "Mom's retard! They're clearly a pair yet they're looking for a woman, idiot! "

Although she was scolding me and my cousin, I was still a little happy when she said that I was a couple.

When we were about to enter the hotel, my cousin's cell phone rang. After receiving it, my cousin looked at me as if I had been released from prison and said, "It's not that I don't keep my promises, I have some things to take care of. We can talk about it later, but of course, if you want to leave my virginity, you can go and find that girl just now, I'll give her money!"

"You wish! I'll definitely make you happy!" I resolutely said. I had spent so much effort just to get rid of her. How could I be willing if I didn't get my hands on her?

"That's up to you. I don't have time today. If you want to mess with me, then do it in the future!" said his cousin as she proudly walked in front of me, preparing to go back.

Looking at my cousin's perky little butt, I couldn't help but to wish that I could take her on the spot. I've been preparing for so long today, but the result is, this is truly sinful!

Cousin said that she had something to do so I couldn't possibly not let her go. I dejectedly followed her back like this. After Cousin went back, she went out to play with her friends.

Cousin would be back in a few hours, because she had to do a live broadcast on time.

The account I registered with has already been blacklisted by my cousin, so I can't watch her live broadcast. However, this isn't difficult for me at all, as long as my account is blacklisted, I can register a new account. I quickly registered an account and found my cousin's live broadcast room to watch her live broadcast.

Cousin's dress is still so exposed, her voice has always been coquettish, and from time to time she even made seductive gestures. I have always been silently giving my cousin some free gifts, and she would also thank me with a smile. Although she doesn't know who I am under her nickname, I would still smile when she coquettishly thanked me.

Just when I was enjoying myself, there was a tycoon who kept giving gifts to his cousin, and after a wave of gifts, he even mentioned on the screen that he wanted to take care of his cousin, giving her 500,000 yuan a month. After my cousin was cheated last time, she was already on guard against this kind of thing.

After refusing, the tycoon started scolding his cousin on the screen saying that his cousin was a coquettish woman who pretended to be pure. Other than that, his cousin also scolded him with a lot of nasty words, and although she kept on emphasizing that this "tycoon" was more civilized, it was completely useless.

Even though Cousin's temper is really bad, I still couldn't bear to see her being scolded on the internet. Thus, I started to attack that 'tycoon' on the internet, and made my stand to protect Cousin when I attacked him. Very quickly, that tycoon switched the target of his scolding to me.

Cursing others on the internet is a competition of hand speed. The Qilin arm that I rolled up over the years isn't a joke. Very soon, that tycoon was scolded by me until his head was drenched in dog blood.

Not long after, that typos left the live broadcast room. I typed and asked my cousin why she didn't kick that tycoon out. She said that he had spent more than a thousand yuan. It would be immoral to kick him out of the room.

Previously, I thought my cousin was petty, but now it seems that she still knew how to behave, only that she was displeased with me.

I waited for my cousin to go on the live broadcast before I went to sleep. It was 3 in the morning by the time I went to sleep. When I went to school the next morning, I was already tired and kept yawning.

Fortunately, I had a good night's sleep in the morning, but it was only because of this morning's sleep that I was in big trouble.

After resting for a while, I wiped the saliva off the corner of my mouth and prepared to pack up and go back to eat lunch. At this moment, Li Xiang Ning walked away from behind me furiously.

Not only did she not apologize after hitting me, she just gave a righteous grunt and prepared to leave.

Today, Li Xiang Ning was wearing a small white shirt, and one could faintly see the black interior. She was also wearing a black plaid with white stockings that perfectly revealed her beautiful legs, but being beautiful wasn't unreasonable, so she had to be reasonable.

"Classmate, you bumped into me just now. You should at least apologize!" I said as I looked at Li Xiang Ning with a serious expression. This matter was indeed her fault.

"Why should I apologize to you?" Li Xiang Ning had already walked to the door, but after I finished speaking, she came back and arrogantly said to me.

What I hate the most is her look of contempt, making me feel like a servant. She is a princess, isn't everyone equal these days?

As for Li Xiang Ning, I personally feel that her only good point is probably because she is pretty. Her professional results are a mess, even worse than mine, and her character and temper are really worse than any other person in history. As for the word 'courtesy', it can be completely ignored by her.

Thinking about it, I didn't say anything more to Li Xiang Ning. "Alright, alright, alright, talking to you is like playing a lute to a cow." I quickly packed up my books and prepared to leave.

Who knew that this Li Xiang Ning, instead of finding trouble with her, she instead targeted me.

"What?" You call me an ox? "Try saying that again!" Li Xiang Ning looked at me righteously. Her attitude was as though she wanted to hit me.

As a man, how could I possibly be afraid of a girl like Li Xiang Ning? I looked at her and rudely said, "I already said that you're awesome, so how could I?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Just as I finished speaking, an arrogant and proud voice sounded out from behind me. Before I could turn my head back to look, my hair was firmly grabbed by the person behind me. My scalp felt as though it was pierced with needles, and a few strands of my hair were ripped off.

While covering my head with my hands, I turned my head to see who it was. The boy pulling my hair was called He Jun, and he was the one with the worst professional grade in our class. He usually slept during class, or he just didn't come.

Although He Jun doesn't like to study, he still loves to dress up. He usually wears a small suit with shiny leather shoes. His arrogant attitude got the approval of many girls. However, I am disgusted with He Jun.

He Jun pulled on my hair, and after showing off in front of Li Xiang Ning, he kicked me to the ground. He then arrogantly said to me from above, "In the future, be a little more courteous towards Li Xiang Ning. Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

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