After He Jun kicked me to the ground, he looked at Li Xiang Ning with an attentive expression and said, "Student Xiang Ning, if there's anything in the future or someone bullies you, just let me know. I'll help you solve the problem!"

I also didn't know about the power behind He Jun. How could I not be angry when I was kicked to the ground by him? I immediately jumped up, patted off the dust on my body, and viciously pointed at He Jun, "You bastard, you dared to hit me. You're tired of living, aren't you?"

Now that the conflict has already turned into a conflict between me and He Jun, Li Xiang Ning disdainfully snorted. Then, she stood with her hands on her hips and the two proud balls in front of her chest as she stood there as a spectator. From her gaze, it was not hard to see that she was anxious for He Jun to take care of me, and I also didn't want to take care of He Jun in front of Li Xiang Ning to show my might.

After I finished speaking, He Jun looked at me in disdain and replied with a smirk, "You think you can take care of me? What a joke!"

He Jun belongs to the type of person with a relatively thin body. Although his appearance is very nice, he isn't strong enough when it comes to fighting, but I'm a bit stronger than him. He grabbed my hair behind my back just now, so I can't retaliate.

I didn't say anything to He Jun as I clenched my fists and punched He Jun's face. He thought I wouldn't dare to make a move, but my sudden attack made him a little dazed. He looked at me with his hands covering his face.

After two seconds, He Jun finally reacted. He looked at me and cursed, "Fuck, you dare hit me! Just you wait!"

After getting punched by He Jun, my heart felt so good. This feeling really made me feel comfortable. I looked at He Jun, who was covering his face, and said proudly, "Just wait and see. What can you do to me?"

At that time, everyone was still a freshman, so I didn't know about He Jun's background. If I knew about his background, I definitely wouldn't have said these words.

He Jun covered his face as he walked out of the classroom, shouting out a few names. Not long later, three burly male students with their hands in their pockets arrogantly walked to the entrance of the classroom. When they saw He Jun covering his face and hurriedly asked what was wrong with He Jun, He Jun pointed at me and said furiously, "That bastard hit me!"

"What the f * ck!" "Daring to hit a military brother, are you tired of living?" The three sturdy male students scolded as they walked towards me. Then, they forcefully pushed me.

You're more daring than a son of a bitch, you dare to hit a soldier!" The three of them pushed me back and forth like a rubber ball. I was alone. If I were to fight with them, I would definitely end up getting beaten up. I didn't dare to retaliate as they pushed me around like a rubber ball.

After pushing me a few times, a male student pushed me down with force, knocking over the desks of others, but I didn't dare to resist, much less say a single word of retort.

"No, weren't you awesome just now? Why did you submit now?" "You are just as awesome as before!" He Jun looked at me and chuckled. His face was full of the word 'deserve'. Even though I had punched him, he still had an arrogant expression on his face.

There were four of them, and all I could do was grit my teeth and hold in my anger, and this time I was completely dead, sitting on the ground like a dusty dog.

When Li Xiang Ning saw that I was beaten to the point that I was completely obedient, she looked sideways at me in disdain, then walked out of the classroom with her head held high, her eyes filled with ridicule and disdain. She originally wanted to take care of He Jun who had grown some prestige in front of Li Xiang Ning, but now it seemed impossible.

After Li Xiang Ning left, He Jun had scolded the onlookers to leave. After being scolded by He Jun, those people quickly packed their bags and left. Although some of them were not afraid of getting beaten up, they still peeked at the situation in the classroom from the windows. These people loved to see people getting beaten up or beaten up.

After the people in the classroom left, He Jun walked in front of me proudly and said, "You actually dared to hit me. You're really tired of living. Good, I've been exercising for a long time now!"

He Jun twisted his neck, causing his neck to creak a few times. Then, he swung his hand towards my face and slapped it. Immediately, a burning pain crawled onto my face. My originally cold face became boiling hot from the slap. I wanted to fight back, but I knew in my heart that if I fought back, my fate would be even worse. I clenched my fists and sat on the ground, fiercely staring at the floor. I vented my anger through my eyes onto the floor, because I didn't dare to brazenly express my anger in front of He Jun.

"When this Du Xiang hit me, he was still acting cool saying that he wanted to take care of me. Now, he's like a deflating balloon!" He Jun pointed at me condescendingly as his eyes filled with ridicule and disdain.

"He just saw you act so cocky, this time we're all as cowardly as a dog!" The three bulky guys laughed, the ridicule in their tone was very obvious, but I was powerless to do anything about this, so I could only sit on the ground and let them humiliate me with their words.


I didn't fight back, and He Jun casually slapped me again. His voice was very loud, and his face was also very painful.

"Wasn't Tu Xiang very capable just now? "How did I become a dead dog?" He Jun cursed, and even kicked me.

Facing He Jun's arrogant cursing and humiliation, all I could do was endure. Other than enduring, there was nothing else I could do.

He Jun continued to teach me a lesson, while the other three male students watched on with laughter. He Jun had pretty much finished packing up, and one of the male students said forget it. It's boring. I might as well go eat.

Then He Jun dusted his hands and followed the three guys out, leaving me sitting on the floor — I was covered in dust — and I stood up and dusted myself off. Then I took my book and walked out of the classroom. Then he laughed out loud.

Walking on the sports field, the dust on my body attracted quite a bit of attention. Quite a few people were pointing at me. I hastily walked out of the school in a sorry state. At that time, I really wanted to find a jar to pee my head out of.

It wasn't until later that I found out that He Jun, the son of a bitch, wasn't a good guy. He was a typical bad student in junior high school, so fighting and brawling was a common occurrence. Three days, two days, one day, five days, he had beaten a girl to death. His family had lost a lot of money because he raped a classmate on the third day, and because of that, he was expelled from school.

The reason He Jun had come for such a long time without fighting was all because of his father.

He Jun's father was a famous hoodlum near the school, and he was a bit insane. He heard that people had even hacked people to death before, so people called him Crazy He. He Jun relied on his father to get to know a lot of pig friends, and those pig friends praised him so much for his father's sake, which was why He Jun was so arrogant.

After getting beaten up by He Jun, this was the most miserable and miserable time of my life. When I was in junior high school, I relied on my brother's prestige and no one dared to bully me in school. Unfortunately, my brother is now in prison, and I started to be bullied by others.

Walking back to the road, I patted the dust off my body while looking at the passersby on the road. I couldn't help but start to miss my brother again.

Back then, when my brother was here, he would help me deal with any difficulties. He never made me feel the slightest bit wronged. It's a pity that he is now in prison.

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