It was already dark by then. When he turned around, he could only see a black shadow and the sound of a wooden stick hitting the ground.

Gradually, the black shadow started to shine, it was the light from the lighter. No, not only the light from the lighter, but also the light from the cigarette.

Brother Kun was wearing a white shirt with only two buttons buttoned, and in his hand was a wooden stick. He was both domineering and elegant, and I didn't believe him when he said that Brother Kun was a pretty boy. Now I believe him.

Brother Kun came along with me. My brother was holding a black leather coat, but I didn't like his expression, it was always cold, as if I owed him money. I'm his brother, but he refused to give me a single good-natured face.

Big brother Kun brought a lot of people. It was a huge black mass, and all of them were engraved with the image of a dragon and a tiger. One look was enough to tell that they didn't know what kind of person they should offend.

I roughly counted the people that Brother Kun brought. The sky was too dark, so I couldn't see clearly, but I was certain that Brother Kun brought around 200 people, which was double the number of people that He Jun brought.

"I already told you not to worry, just look at your cowardly look!" Jiang Shan said beside me. I smiled embarrassedly, because I didn't know that Brother Kun would come.

Brother Kun looked at me and then asked if I could smoke. No, I nodded and said I could, but I rarely smoked. Brother Kun took out a cigarette from the box and tossed it to me, telling me to smoke first to calm down.

When I was smoking, I couldn't help but glance at my brother, afraid that he would be angry, but seeing that I didn't say anything, he didn't care about me at all, so why would he care if I smoked or not?

Brother Kun passed another cigarette to each of the others. After smoking the cigarette, Brother Kun walked to the side and asked his brother to come forward to talk to Madman He and the others.

Brother directly walked in front of Madman He. For some reason, the normally arrogant and arrogant Madman He who was full of curses and curses was not able to be arrogant in front of this form.

"I heard that your son bullied my brother quite a bit in school?" The brother looked at Lunatic He's cold tone. His cold tone had a trace of domineering power hidden within.

"Bully him? "He's the one who sent my son into the hospital. I'll settle this debt with him." Crazy He said excitedly. Although He Jun had all sorts of troubles, he was still his son.

"He deserved it. I don't want to waste any more words with you. Aren't we going to fight today? Come at me!" Brother said confidently as he looked at Madman He.

Madman He obviously didn't dare to make a move first. After all, there are so many of us here, and when they see Brother Kun bringing so many people along, the faces of He Jungong, Brother Tao, and the others were all filled with disbelief and fear.

"He Jun, weren't you very arrogant just now? Why aren't you so arrogant now?" Jiang Shan looked at He Jun and laughed.

He Jun wanted to refute Jiang Shan, but he didn't dare to refute my words because of how many people I had.

"You don't have to talk to them, brothers! "Charge!" Big Brother Kun didn't want to waste his breath on them, so he ordered everyone to charge towards He Jun and the others like hungry wolves.

Originally, we thought that without reinforcements, we would be depressed, but now, our morale is high. With a single order from Brother Kun, we swung our wooden sticks and started to fight.

When He Jun's people saw us, they didn't want to fight anymore, so we fought very easily. It wasn't because we were strong, but because He Jun's people didn't want to get beaten up.

Of course, those people here were basically students of He Jun's school. These students were just there to fill the numbers, and there were only a few people who truly helped He Jun in the fight.

Of course, other than the students that He Jun has called, those lackeys are not easy to deal with because Brother Kun told us to go deal with them, so we'll leave these lackeys to them.

Don't look at how gentle Big Brother Kun looks, but if they really fight, no one would believe that he hasn't trained in martial arts.

If the strongest one among them was his brother, then he wouldn't have made a move. He just stood there quietly, smoking his cigarette and watching the fight.

Even though my brother treated me coldly, I couldn't hate him. At most, I would be angry for a while, because in my heart, even though he had changed, he was still the brother who loved me back then.

Brother Kun and his men are fighting with Madman He, while I, Jiang Shan and An Dabao, have already arrived in front of He Jun and the others. Brother Kun is leading his men to fight with Madman He, and I, Jiang Shan and An Dabao, have already arrived in front of He Jun and the others.

As for Brother Fatty, Jiang Shan let him leave. Previously, Brother Fatty did not deal any heavy blows to him, so this time, Jiang Shan let him leave was considered as returning the favor.

After the chubby brother left, only He Junjun and Ma Tao remained. Everyone else was still fighting, and there was no way for them to get away.

"He Jun, I don't want more people to bully you because you have less people. Today, we'll fight one on one. If you win, that's me losing, but if not, that's you losing!" I looked at He Jun and said calmly.

Today we're going to win, but I want He Jun to be convinced of his defeat. I want him to know that without the help of some of his henchmen, he's nothing. I will return all the bullying he did to me today!

He Jun looked at me gritting his teeth, but he has no other choice other than to agree. If he agrees, he has a slight chance of winning, but if he doesn't, not only does he not have a chance, he will be beaten up by us.

He Jun didn't say anything. He brandished his wooden stick and rushed towards me. It was obvious that he was acquiescing.

When Jiang Shan saw He Jun rushing towards me, he initially wanted to help me, but I just had to let him deal with Ma Tao.

I picked up the wooden stick and went up to fight with He Jun, and the wooden stick clashed together, causing my hand to shake painfully. I picked up the wooden stick and then went up to fight with He Jun, and the wooden stick clashed with each other, and my hand trembled painfully.

He Jun fiercely attacked for a while, his strength and speed dropping. This was the perfect time for me to counterattack. If I didn't counterattack now, then when would I?

Thinking back to the bullying that He Jun had done to me at school, my entire body was filled with power. While He Jun was relaxing, I viciously kicked him in the stomach.

He Jun fell to the ground with a cry. I put down my wooden stick and clenched my fist as I rushed forward. I punched him a few times before looking at him with confidence and said, "Are you convinced?"

"I can't accept this!" Although I pressed He Jun onto the ground and punched him a few times, his mouth was still very hard.

At this moment, Jiang Shan had already knocked Ma Tao down.

Most of the people that Lunatic He had called had also been put down, and the fight was nearing its end.

I punched He Jun's back a few more times before asking him if he was willing to submit. He Jun's answer was the same as before. Not willing to accept it!

Seeing He Jun's unyielding expression, I'm really angry this time. If you don't accept this, then I'll beat you until you admit it!

I clenched my fist and used all of my strength to viciously punch He Jun's head a few times. He Jun's nose was bleeding from the punch, but he still refused to accept it!

I wanted to punch He Jun a few more times, but before I could even clench my fist, Lunatic He rushed over and kicked me away.

"F * ck me, little b * stard. You dare to hit my son? I'll kill you today!" Crazy He fiercely glared at me as his eyes turned red.

Madman He was not lightly beaten by Brother Kun, and blood was still hanging from the corner of his mouth, but for his son He Jun, he still desperately rushed over and kicked me away.

Lunatic He came over to check on He Jun's injuries. With red eyes, he walked towards me and said while gnashing his teeth, "You beat my son to such a state. I will take your life today!"

As he said that, Madman He drew a shiny blade from his waist and walked towards me viciously.

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