Madman He looked at me with a red glow in his eyes. He really wanted to kill me, but I was really scared when I saw the cold blade in his hand. I kept moving my body back and forth on the ground, afraid that madman He would actually kill me with one slash.

Lunatic He was only a step away from me, and I could already feel the warmth of the knife in his hand.

"I'll kill you with a single slash of my blade!" Crazy He roared, raised his knife and charged towards me.

I was so scared that my whole body was shaking. I put my hands in front of me to block it, and I was so scared that I didn't even dare open my eyes.

Just when I thought I had been stabbed by a knife, I realized that Lunatic He's knife had not pierced me. I opened my eyes to see what was going on, only to see that there was a thug in front of me who had grabbed Lunatic He's knife.

I looked up along the pair of large hands and saw a familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar face. It's my brother! It was his brother who held the blade in Madman He's hand!

"Big brother!" I looked at my big brother and sincerely called out. Somehow, seeing that my brother was injured made my heart hurt, and my eyes filled with tears.

"Are you alright?" My brother looked at me and asked with deep concern. It was the first time in a long time that he used such a gentle tone to talk to me. I didn't really react to him speaking like that, but in the end, I just nodded my head and said he was fine.

Then, his brother kicked Madman He onto the ground and threw the knife to the side. Just as his brother was about to charge over and give Madman He a good beating, He Jun crawled up from the ground and looked at his brother with sincerity: "I give up, I give up, don't hit my dad!"

After He Jun said this, the elder brother loosened his clenched fists and shouted at He Jun, "Scram!"

He Jun supported Madman He, Ma Tao, and the others as they left in a sorry state. When He Jun had just taken a few steps, Jiang Shan said, "I hope you will keep your promise. I don't want to see you in the school!"

He Jun turned around and angrily looked at me and Jiang Shan. Then, he said, "I, He Jun, am not someone who goes back on my words. I will keep my word!"

Brother Kun sent all of the injured people to the clinic to be bandaged. After they were bandaged, Brother Kun brought us to a KTV, the rest of the people are in a different room, while Brother Kun, my Big Treasure Kun, is in a different room.

Brother Kun had a few songs ordered and a few beers brought up as a celebration of victory today.

Originally, I didn't have much to drink, but after being persuaded by Brother Kun, I drank almost eight bottles of beer until I was dizzy and couldn't even walk steadily.

Jiang Shan also drank a lot, but he wasn't as drunk as me, so he sent me back after drinking a bit, leaving brother An Dabao behind in the private room to drink. Just as Jiang Shan and I came out of the private room, brother Kun called five or six pretty girls in to keep us company, and after drinking with us, I naturally slept with them, I was very dissatisfied with brother Kun's actions, why didn't we call him a woman when we were here?

He left me at my uncle's house, and I knocked on the door for a long time before I opened it. It seemed that my uncle and aunt were not at home, and only my cousin was at home.

Cousin saw me so drunk, with a disdainful look on my face, saying "What are you drinking outside? Drinking like this".

As soon as Cousin said that, she helped me into my room with a look of disgust. At that time, I was still in a daze from the alcohol, so I didn't know what kind of tendons were in place. After Cousin helped me into my room, I immediately pushed her onto the bed and kissed her on the lips.

When I kissed my cousin's jelly-like lips, I smiled foolishly. After my cousin pushed me away from her body, she kept wiping her lips, puking with disdain.

When I saw my cousin's pretty face, I wanted to kiss her a few more times. My cousin raised her hand and slapped me in the face. When I woke up the next morning, my face was still burning with pain.

When I woke up, it was almost time for class. I quickly got up and washed my face. My cousin was in the living room eating. When she saw me coming out of the room, she looked at me with disdain and snorted sinisterly.

Wasn't it just kissing you a few times? With that expression, I will definitely make you cry that day! I said to myself.

It was already late. After I finished washing up, I went to the school. When I arrived at the school gate, I saw a group of people gathered there. I didn't know what was going on.

The two people in the crowd are the people I hate. One is He Jun and the other is Li Xiang Ning. Today, Li Xiang Ning was wearing a small black and white shirt, matching her short black skirt. She was as beautiful and beautiful as ever.

And today, He Jun fought particularly formally. He wore a black suit and was even sprayed with a lot of perfume. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the 99 roses in his hands.

Originally, I didn't want to continue watching, but He Jun didn't notice me. Moreover, I really wanted to know if Li Xiang Ning would accept He Jun. After that, I shamelessly hid in the crowd and continued watching.

"Student Li Xiang Ning, I have liked you for a long time. From the first time I saw you, I had already fallen in love with you. Today, I may have dropped out of school. Before I quit, I felt that I must tell you my love so that I won't have any regrets!" He Jun looked at Li Xiang Ning lovingly and said.

Li Xiang Ning looked at He Jun, who was kneeling on one knee with a rose in his hand, but didn't make any gesture. She just stood there, watching He Jun silently.

"Student Li Xiang Ning, can you be my girlfriend?" He Jun looked at Li Xiang Ning as he asked in a loud and serious voice.

Li Xiang Ning looked at He Jun hesitating for a long time, then very politely apologized to He Jun, saying, "I feel that we're only fit to be ordinary friends! Being a couple was really inappropriate! "Sorry."

Although Li Xiang Ning said this with an apologetic tone, in the end, she still rejected He Jun. Li Xiang Ning had refused too many people, and every few days there would be people who would confess to her.

After He Jun heard what Li Xiang Ning said, he kneeled down on one knee, his face filled with pain and disappointment.

It wasn't strange for Li Xiang Ning to reject He Jun. In the eyes of all the boys in school, a goddess like Li Xiang Ning was not someone who would end up single so easily. Only then would she, who was single, be able to enjoy the adoration and adoration of others. Moreover, a pampered rich child like Li Xiang Ning had extremely high standards. There were very few people who were able to enter her eyes.

"I'm sorry! "I still have to go back to class, so I'll be leaving first!" Li Xiang Ning probably felt that it was rather awkward continuing on like this and found an excuse to leave.

After Li Xiang Ning left, the crowd also dispersed, leaving behind He Jun who knelt there with a face full of disappointment.

Although I really hate He Jun, I sympathize with him quite a bit at this moment. For Li Xiang Ning, he and I had a conflict, and in the end ended up like this, while Li Xiang Ning treated her like this.

After the crowd dispersed, I followed the stream of people upstairs. When I entered the classroom, Sun Han was already seated on a chair.

When Sun Han saw me enter the classroom, he lowered his head with some shyness. After I sat down, he shamelessly asked me if I had seen what she had given me.

When Sun Han said this, I remembered that the envelope was still in my pocket. I honestly told Sun Han that I had forgotten to look at it.

After Sun Han heard what I said, he became unhappy and turned around to ignore me. He didn't even want to talk to me anymore.

I said that I would watch it when I returned home at noon. Sun Han looked at me snappily and said, "I told you not to watch it today. Don't look at it anymore. Hmph!"

I said what was in that envelope. Is it important?

Sun Han Li ignored me, and didn't even answer me.

What was in the envelope?

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