Sun Han ignored me all morning. At noon, I said I would send her back, but she didn't pay attention to me. She just quickly walked forward, leaving me behind.

After I went back, I quickly caught sight of the clothes I changed out and found the envelope Sun Han gave me. I couldn't wait to open it. Inside the envelope was a pink piece of paper that was filled with the scent of a young girl.

I opened up the pink piece of paper and found that it was filled with densely written words. The words were Sun Han's.

After reading what Sun Han had written, I finally understood why Sun Han ignored me. It was all my fault.

Before I was in junior high school, there were two types of confessions, one was to throw paper balls, the other was to write love letters. When I was in junior high school, I wasn't as enlightened as the other guys, so I wrote love letters to the girls I liked. In junior high school, love letters were very far away from me, firstly, it was because I wasn't enlightened, and secondly, it was because there wasn't a girl I liked.

The reason why I said love letters was because Sun Han wrote me a love letter. Sun Han's writing skills were very literary and he didn't feel numb at all. This made me a little disappointed, but my happiness overflowed everything.

But after being happy for a while, I started to think about one thing, and that was, do I like Sun Han? My answer was yes, I had always thought of Sun Han as a friend, but that wasn't the case. Just a moment ago, when I saw Sun Han's love letter for me, I was almost unable to contain my joy.

After I finished reading, I carefully preserved the love letter Sun Han wrote to me, then took the money to the street to buy some small gifts. Sun Han was unhappy in the morning, how could he coax her if he didn't buy some gifts?

By the time I arrived at the school in the afternoon, it was already almost time for class, and Sun Han was already seated. After I sat down, he had the nerve to lower his head and ask, "Did you watch it when you went back in the afternoon?"

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot about it again. I'll definitely watch it when I get back in the afternoon." I smiled foolishly at Sun Han. Sure enough, when Sun Han heard me say this, he turned around angrily and ignored me, even grumbling about whether he liked it or not.

At this moment, I took out the gift that I had prepared a long time ago and placed it on Sun Han's desk. I looked at Sun Han with a silly smile and said, "I lied to you. Actually, I have long since seen it!" "Actually, I was also that sort of person." I felt a little embarrassed when I finished saying that.

After Sun Han looked at the gift I bought for her, he looked at me and asked shamelessly, "Just now, you said that you were actually also … what are you also?"

I thought that I was someone who could speak fluently, but when I said those four words, I felt a little embarrassed. Seeing that I was embarrassed, Sun Han kept asking me, causing me to blush a little.

"I like you too!" In the end, I said what I wanted to say out loud. After I said it out loud, Sun Han felt even more embarrassed.

"This is in the classroom, you can't lower your voice!" Sun Han said to me in a blaming tone before burying her head on the desk with a bashful expression.

I really didn't think too much about it just now. I just said whatever I thought and didn't think it was there at all.

What I said just now was too loud, and everyone in the classroom heard it. Some of the better ones were still making a ruckus.

Of course, what I just said was heard by Li Xiang Ning, who was in the classroom. She muttered sourly from behind, "An ugly man with an ugly woman, it's quite suitable!"

Originally, I wanted to stand up and argue with Li Xiang Ning. It was as if she was the most beautiful person in the world. However, I didn't say anything in the end. People like Li Xiang Ning couldn't be bothered to argue with her. Talking to her was just a waste of saliva.

Sun Han and I didn't speak for the entire morning. The feelings between us were really strange. Even though we already broke that layer of paper, we were both a little embarrassed to talk to each other.

When it was noon, I mustered up my courage and spoke to Sun Han. I said that I would treat her to a meal. Sun Han nodded in agreement.

On the way to the restaurant, I took a deep breath and gathered up the courage to grab Sun Han's white and tender hands. Sun Han didn't refuse and just let me hold onto them.

Sun Han's hands were smooth and very elastic. They were extremely easy to touch. I almost couldn't let go of her hand. I couldn't wait to hold her hand like this for the rest of my life.

We had a simple meal in the restaurant, then walked slowly along the road, as if we were taking a walk.

Sun Han and I didn't say anything, but in the end, I broke the deadlock and said, "Why don't we go watch a movie tonight? I heard that a few good films have been released recently."

Sun Han nodded in agreement, saying that she could watch movies, but if she wanted to come back earlier, she had to do it live.

After the agreement was made, we went to the cinema at 7 PM to watch a movie together. After watching the movie, I sent Sun Han to the basement of her apartment. Originally, I was going to leave, but Sun Han told me to stay behind to accompany her.

After Sun Han said that, I didn't leave. I sat to the side and watched her live broadcast. I waited a long time for Sun Han to get off the broadcast.

Sun Han got off the live stream and took a towel and shower gel to shower. There was a bathroom on it, but he had to pay the landlord to use it. It wasn't expensive, only a few dollars a time.

After Sun Han finished his shower, he came down wearing her pink pajamas. Sun Han was rather cute in pink pajamas, just like a pink little girl. It gave people an urge to kiss her on the cheek.

After Sun Han had showered, he sat on her bed and cut off her toenails. Sun Han's pajamas were relatively loose, so when I stood up, I could see the scenery inside her pajamas. Sun Han's body wasn't as plump as Cousin's, just a little bit better than an airport, but all of this didn't affect my love for her.

After seeing the scenery inside Sun Han's pajamas, I unknowingly felt even more stoned. Smelling the fragrance emitted by Sun Han's body, it was as though there was a wild beast in my heart that lured me into committing a crime.

After cutting off the toenails, Sun Han raised his head and saw my mouse light. He followed my gaze and immediately understood that I was staring at her breasts. His face immediately flushed red.

After I was discovered by Sun Han, my old face turned red and I stood there at a loss as if I was a child who had made a mistake.

After we felt awkward for a while, I mustered up my courage and said to Sun Han, "Can you let me have that one?"

"That's that …" Sun Han said embarrassedly, his face red like an apple.

"It was the one who took off my clothes and gave it to me!" I was also out of my mind back then, speaking to Sun Han like this.

"No, my mom said that we can only do that after we get married. We can't do that before we get married!" Sun Han looked at me and said resolutely.

Since Sun Han was so determined, I naturally couldn't say anything about it. After thinking about it, I could only take a step back. Looking at Sun Han, I said pitifully, "If that's the case, then let me kiss him!"

Sun Han nodded at me after thinking for a while. When he saw Sun Han nod his head, my little heart thumped in my chest. Excitement is more important than any feeling.

I sat down before Sun Han in a very agitated and nervous manner. Sun Han was also very nervous and his face was flushed red, making him feel embarrassed to raise his head and look at me.

I sat in front of Sun Han and held her in my arms. Then I kissed her pink lips while waiting for the right opportunity. Then I stuck my tongue into Sun Han's mouth and kissed Sun Han's lips.

It was obvious that Sun Han had not accepted the kiss and even bit my tongue in nervousness.

"Sorry, I've never kissed anyone before." Sun Han looked at me apologetically.

"No problem, I'll teach you!"

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