The man was also shopping, and he was only a few steps ahead of us. I could still see the scar on his forehead where I had smashed him with a beer bottle.

There were three other people with the man. They seemed to be his friends, but in the end they were all with him.

I held Sun Han's hand and was about to head back, but who would've thought that the man just happened to turn his head and see me. Everyone was right, the man's expression immediately changed when he saw me.

It is said that when enemies meet, they make eye contact. If I were to be caught by them, I definitely wouldn't have a good ending.

"Run, run," I said anxiously while holding Sun Han's hand.

Sun Han didn't know the story behind it, but seeing that I was in such a hurry, he quickly followed suit.

"Little brat, I finally met you. Today, if I catch you, I won't be raising you even if your legs are broken!" That man cursed fiercely behind me.

He definitely wouldn't let me off easily after I used such a heavy hand on him back then. I pulled Sun Han's hand and shuttled back and forth on the street. That man brought along his men and chased after me relentlessly.

I pulled Sun Han and ran nonstop. Sun Han was with me, if I was caught, that man would definitely take care of Sun Han as well.

Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have injured this man to save my cousin. Anyway, I didn't treat her well when I saved her, but now that I think about it, it's useless. At this moment, the most important thing is how to escape and not get caught.

In the end, Sun Han is still a girl, so his stamina is definitely not as good as mine. Not long after running, Sun Han said that her legs were sore and she couldn't run anymore.

"Little bastard, if I let my labor force catch you, my labor force will kill you! "Don't think about running away today." The man was swearing behind us, getting closer and closer.

If it was me alone, I had the confidence to escape, but taking Sun Han with me now is much slower, and I can't just leave Sun Han behind. Just as I was burning with anxiety, I saw a dark alley not far ahead.

I pulled Sun Han's hand and ran into the dark alley. After running in, I told Sun Han not to make a sound and to hide somewhere properly. After doing that, everything would be up to fate.

Very quickly, that man brought me to an alley. Hearing their footsteps, my heart almost jumped to my throat. My heart was beating rapidly.

"F * ck, where's that little b * stard, didn't he run over here just now? Where did he go?" That man said angrily.

"He probably ran off in another direction. Should we chase him or not?"

"Chase your ass, you haven't even seen a shadow! Where are you going?!" That man said in a flustered and exasperated tone.

After a while, the man seemed to have left with his men. Only the distant sounds of music could be heard from outside the alley.

Sun Han and I held our breath and stretched out our heads to observe. After seeing that there was no one outside, we walked out. After we walked out, we all let out a long breath.

After calming himself down, Sun Han asked me what relationship I had with those people, and I said it was nothing. It was just a small grudge, but when Sun Han saw that I wasn't going to confess to her, he immediately ignored me and whispered that she was my girlfriend now, while I didn't confess anything to her.

After Sun Han muttered, I could only confess. After telling her everything, Sun Han was now a female anchorwoman. Saying it was like giving her a warning, don't believe that the so-called tycoons on the internet were all bad people.

After Sun Han heard what I said, he said 'oh' and said that she only believed in me and wouldn't believe in another guy. 'I laughed and pinched her nose before taking her hand and preparing to leave.

"It was really exciting just now, even more exciting than a roller coaster!" Sun Han giggled as he looked at me, revealing his little white teeth.

Stimulation is stimulation, but it was dangerous.

When Sun Han and I were about to take a taxi back, we bumped into a shop that sold bags. Sun Han went straight in after seeing it, and I followed him in after Sun Han went in.

Sun Han had chosen a suitable bag for himself for a long time. The bag looked pretty good, but it was also very expensive, costing several hundred yuan to buy. After hesitating for a while, Sun Han took out all the money he had saved and bought that bag.

At the beginning, I thought Sun Han bought it because he liked the bag, but it wasn't like what I thought. Sun Han bought the bag to give to Li Xiang Ning.

I really don't understand. Why would Li Xiang Ning buy a bag for Li Xiang Ning when she treated Sun Han like that?

"No matter what, I have already dirtied her bag and ruined her cosmetics. Just treat this bag as an apology!" Sun Han looked at me and gently said.

I didn't know if I should call Sun Han a fool or if she was sensible and knew how to conduct herself. Li Xiang Ning didn't ask for money in the end, but Sun Han already bought everything and spent her own money. I had no right to criticize her or criticize her or anything like that.

After buying the bag, Sun Han stuffed the bag into my hands and told me to pass the bag to Li XiangNing, while also apologizing for her. She and Li XiangNing didn't really have much to say, so she wasn't able to open her mouth.

The key point is that I'm having a bit of a dilemma. My relationship with Li Xiang Ning has always been extremely tense, but in the end, I'm Sun Han's boyfriend. There's no reason for me not to help her.

After Sun Han said that, I didn't say anything else. I nodded my head as I held the bag in my hand, saying that I will give it to Li Xiang Ning tomorrow.

"You're so nice to me!" Sun Han smiled sweetly at me and then tiptoed to kiss my face. I could feel the warmth of her lips on my cheek.

Originally, I thought this would make things a little difficult for me, but after Sun Han gave me a kiss, I decided that I had to go!

The next day during class, Li Xiang Ning and her friends were sitting on the school's flower beds playing. I awkwardly took my bag and walked in front of Li Xiang Ning. When I walked in front of Li Xiang Ning, I told her that there was something I wanted to tell her.

Li Xiang Ning sized me up before impatiently saying, "If you have something to say, quickly say it, I don't have the time!"

What I hate most about her is her superior manner, but I put up with it.

I took out the bag and handed it over to Li Xiang Ning. Looking at her, I said very sincerely, "I was in the wrong with what happened yesterday, I shouldn't have hit you. Didn't Sun Han dirty your bag?

Before I said this, I was already prepared to be humiliated by Li Xiang Ning. After all, Li Xiang Ning often does humiliating things, and it's not the first or second time. What surprised me was that Li Xiang Ning didn't take the opportunity to humiliate me.

After Li Xiang Ning heard what I said, she pouted at me and said angrily, "Even if this bag is for me, you still slapped me yesterday!"

After Li Xiang Ning said that in a huff, I extended my face in front of her. Clapping my face, I closed my eyes and said, "Fine. I hit you yesterday. Can't I let you hit me back today?"

"Who is it?" Who wants to hit you!? "Hmph." Li Xiang Ning pouted and snorted, then took the bag in my hand and left.

If you don't want to hit me, then why did you always use books to hit me?

After Li Xiang Ning took the bag away, I went back to report to Sun Han. After Sun Han received the news, he happily said that we would go out to eat lunch together with her. I smiled and nodded in agreement.

Quickly, it was already noon. I held onto Sun Han's hand and headed towards a restaurant near the school. However, just as I reached the entrance, I was stopped by a familiar voice calling out to me from behind.

"Little bastard, let's see where you can run to today!"

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