I heard this voice last night, so of course I won't forget. The moment I heard this voice, I pulled on Sun Han's hand and prepared to run. This bastard is really haunting, he didn't find us last night, so why did he come here today?

I pulled on Sun Han's hand and was about to run away, but was stopped just as I was about to run a few steps.

"Little bastard, I'll see where you can run to today!" The man immediately grabbed my clothes and glared at me viciously.

It was obvious that he had come prepared. He had brought over ten people with him today. It was obvious that he wanted to take care of me. We won't be able to escape this time, we're surrounded. It seems like we're destined to die today.

"You sure f * cking know how to run. I've been looking for you for a long time. I finally found you today." That man looked at me and said fiercely.

I know that whatever I say at this moment will be of no use, and my only hope is that he won't hurt Sun Han, so I'll thank the heavens.

The man pulled my clothes to the side and his gaze landed on Sun Han. When he saw Sun Han's pretty face, he smiled evilly, revealing his malicious intentions.

"Damn it, you ruined my good fortune last time. Don't you have to compensate me this time?" That man looked at me with a cold smile and was prepared to make a move on Sun Han.

It was impossible for me to agree to make a move on Sun Han in broad daylight. I used all my strength to push the man away before loudly shouting at the terrified Sun Han, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

"What about you?" Sun Han was obviously worried about me, and seeing the worry on his face made me happy. I said leave me alone, they won't dare to do anything to me.

Sun Han glanced at me before running away. Those people wanted to chase after Sun Han when they saw him, so I ran up to push them away. When I saw Sun Han run far away, I finally felt relieved.

After Sun Han ran away, the man became angry from embarrassment and kicked me down to my stomach before clenching his fist to hit me. That man was an adult after all, and his strength was great, so much so that his fist almost broke my bones.

"Motherf * cker, I was planning on letting that girl in the dark take some money and then forget about it, but you're just f * cking looking to die. Okay, today I'll let you work hard!" Saying that, that man gave me a punch and a kick.

The fists rained down on my body like raindrops, causing me to feel pain all over. My brain was completely muddled, and my vision was somewhat blurry.

"Brother Jian, it's about time. If we really kill him, then something will happen!" Seeing that I was about to lose consciousness from lying on the ground, one of us stopped and said to the man.

"What's there to be afraid of? If I die, I'll just lose some money. It's not like I'm going to f * cking beat people to death!" "Keep hitting me, beat me to death!" That man roared fiercely.

After a while, the man bought a beer from the canteen and placed it in front of me. He held my clothes like he was holding a dog and fiercely said, "Do you remember what brand of beer bottle you used to hit me with last time?"

The man saw that I didn't say anything, nor did he do anything. He took out a bottle of beer from the beer and placed it in front of me, "Since you don't want to say anything, then I'll let it be. I'll smash you however you want!"

Boom! *

After saying that, he took the beer bottle and smashed it on my head. The glass fragments of the beer bottle were shattered on the floor and my hair was full of beer. My forehead was already bleeding.

Blood trickled down the bridge of my nose, blocking my line of sight. My entire body fell to the ground. I didn't even have the strength to support my body.

I didn't expect him to hit me so hard, so hard, and for a moment I felt as if I were dying, my head spinning, my vision blurring.

"Brother Jian, don't tell me you really beat me to death?" The people who hit me were clearly frightened, fearing that they would beat me to death.

"So what if he's dead!" This kind of trash deserved to die! "Let's go, let's go eat. I've been looking for this trash for the whole morning, he must be hungry!" That man brought those people away with him with a smile, leaving me lying on the floor.

I lied on the ground for a while, then Sun Han called over Andes, who quickly brought me inside the hospital. When I got inside the hospital, my head was wrapped in gauze, my body was also smeared with medicine, and I was resting on the bed.

Sun Han didn't go to class in the afternoon and stayed with me in the hospital. After class in the afternoon, Jiang Shan and Anda Bao came to see me together.

Jiang Shan asked me why that person hit me, and why he hit me so heavily.

I told everything that happened, and Jiang Shan asked me if I still remembered what that man looked like after I finished speaking. He wanted people to take revenge for him, and although I remember his appearance, I think I'll have to rest for a long time to find him in my current condition.

Jiang Shan said that he wouldn't take revenge until I recovered from my injuries. I can't take this beating for nothing, I have to fight him back.

After I stayed in the hospital for two days, my aunt and uncle brought me back. Actually, they felt sorry for my uncle and aunt, so I came to the county to study.

After my uncle brought me out of the hospital, I took care of myself in my room. When my cousin who was always at home saw me like this, she grumpily said that maybe I was fighting outside again and got beaten up like this.

If my cousin had a good talk with me, I definitely wouldn't be angry, but her tone is too unpleasant. Thinking about how I beat up that man for her, she used such a tone to talk to me. The tycoon you went to see! I was really blind back then, why do you care so much, you should have let him beat you! "

Recently, there have been fewer people in my cousin's broadcast room and the presents were pitifully bleak. She wasn't in a good mood, so how could she listen to me talk about her like this? As soon as I finished speaking, she impatiently rebuked me.

"My wishful thinking? Fine, I'll wishful thinking! "It's all my fault!" Saying that, I took out my phone and prepared to post a video of my cousin on the internet. In any case, she wouldn't let me do it after such a long time.

I was also angry at the time, so I immediately prepared to post the video to the internet. Seeing that I took out my phone, my cousin obviously knew what I was going to do, so she quickly reached over to grab my phone.

"I'm warning you, if you post a video online, you can get out of my house," my cousin said, looking at me with a worried and angry expression.

"I didn't know that it was that guy who agreed to let me do it, but even after so much time had passed, he still didn't let me do it. I actually didn't care much about that. I only hit that guy because of you, and now you're still talking about me!" I angrily said to my cousin.

Just as Cousin Sister and I were arguing, Uncle and Aunt came back. As soon as they came back, Uncle and Aunt saw Cousin Sister was snatching my phone, and was even arguing loudly.

After my aunt opened the door and came in, she asked me what we were arguing about. Seeing that my uncle and aunt had arrived, a smile immediately appeared on my angry face. I told my aunt that it was nothing.

My cousin also smiled and said yes, the game on my phone is quite fun.

Seeing how my cousin and I were laughing, my aunt didn't say anything more. She told me to take care of my rest and recover my health as soon as possible.

After saying that, my uncle and aunt went to take a shower and sleep. I also returned to my bed and prepared to sleep.

In the middle of the night, while I was playing with my cell phone, there was a sudden knock on the door. The knock was very soft.

I pulled on my pants and opened the door. Outside was my cousin in her pajamas.

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