It's already one in the morning. What is my cousin doing knocking on my door?

Due to the quarrel between me and my cousin, it was a little awkward for us. I calmly looked at my cousin and asked her why she knocked on my door in the middle of the night. Cousin lowered her head to gather her emotions. She looked at me and gently said, "I have something that I want to discuss with you. Oh right, you probably didn't send that video online, right?"

I said no. After my cousin made a sound, she looked up at me and said, "I've promised you that I'll let you have it. I'll keep my promise and let you have it tonight, but you have to keep your promise and delete the video!"

I said it was late at night, and my aunt and uncle were at home. My cousin said it was fine, my aunt and uncle was already sound asleep, and since my cousin said it, I didn't say anything and let her into my room.

I'm also a guilty conscience. I don't even dare to turn on the lights. After my cousin entered my room, she sat on my bed. Although she pretended to be expressionless, it was obvious that she was very nervous.

Of course, it wasn't just my cousin who was nervous, I was also very nervous. At that time, I wasn't even as nervous as Shi Yan. I was more excited than nervous, because tonight I was going to say goodbye to the boy.

I let out a long breath and moved my body to my cousin's side. Unconsciously, I held her hand.

Cousin was indeed nervous, her palms were full of sweat, so was I. Her heart was beating extremely fast and she felt as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

I sat on the bed nervously and excitedly, so that my cousin could also sit on the bed. My cousin obediently sat across from me with her head lowered. It was unknown whether it was due to shyness or embarrassment that she was looking at me.

I touched my chest to calm my tense and excited emotions. I extended my hand to hold my cousin's small white face. My cousin's face was very pretty. Her big eyes had long eyelashes, and her eyes had a special charm to them.

Cousin's face was lifted by me. After which, she blinked her eyes and looked at me, a little embarrassed. Her small face was slightly red, which was extremely enchanting.

I looked at my cousin's rosy lips, swallowed my saliva, and then kissed my cousin's rosy lips. My cousin pushed me away like a frightened rabbit after I kissed her, and told me not to kiss her, so I took off my pants.

I said that doing that thing also needed to be done. I couldn't possibly just take off my pants and start doing it as soon as I got into bed, right?

After I said that, my cousin stopped talking. I kissed her again, but this time, she didn't push me away.

I kissed a few times before launching my tongue attack, turning it into a tongue kiss. After the last time I kissed Sun Han, I already had some experience. I tightly hugged my cousin while constantly entangled my tongue with my cousin's small, rough tongue.

I am sure that my cousin has never kissed like this before. In other words, I have never kissed my cousin like this before.

Cousin was also raw, I don't know if it was due to shyness or embarrassment, her hand grabbing onto the bed sheet but she didn't want to hug me, I told her that it would be better if she hugged me, after that 'oh', she carefully put her hand on my neck. As the kiss progressed, the hand she was holding on to me got closer and closer, the distance between the two of us was also very close, we were hugging each other's bodies.

I could clearly feel the pressure on my cousin's chest. It was just that that incomparable pressure made me even more agitated. I also had the urge to act like a beast.

As my cousin and I kissed passionately, my cousin's tongue started to respond to me. As we kissed in such a sweet manner, for a moment, I had an illusion. I felt that my cousin wanted to be like me, but I put this feeling into my imagination.

After a good kiss, I extended my hand towards my cousin's pajamas. My cousin's pajamas were very loose, and they were the kind of stuff that was quite slippery.

I gently pulled off my cousin's pajamas. After she took them off, the black cover appeared in my sight.

The visual impact of that primal impulse was great, and when I saw that more than half of the white rabbit was visible under my cousin's hood, I felt as if my nose were about to burst.

When she saw me stunned while wearing the mask, my cousin became shy and lowered her head with a blush on her face.

Just as I was about to uncover my cousin's face, the light in the living room went on, and I let my cousin crawl into my bed. It was best not to let anyone see this kind of shameful thing.

When my cousin saw the light go on, she panicked and quickly went inside my bed.

When the light in the living room came on, my aunt knocked on my door and asked if I was asleep. I pulled up the covers and pretended to sleep.

After a few more questions, I still didn't answer. After a short while, my aunt unexpectedly opened the door to my room with a key in her hand.

After my aunt came in, I was very nervous. I didn't even dare move while lying on the bed, but I think that my cousin was the most nervous at this moment. She was lying on my stomach right now, and I could feel her nervousness.

If my aunt found out that I was doing something shameful with my cousin, I would probably throw her out lightly and my uncle would definitely break my legs. After all, she was my cousin, even if they weren't related by blood.

Cousin was so nervous that she couldn't find a place to place her hand. In the end, she actually placed her hand on top of mine, and as soon as I felt the warmth of her hand, I unconsciously felt even more. Cousin obviously felt my change, but she didn't dare to move.

After Aunt came in and turned on the light, I couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore. I pretended to be awakened by the light as I opened my eyes, and saw Aunt pretending to be puzzled as she asked Aunt if there was anything wrong. Aunt said that everything was fine.

I pretended to be suspicious as I replied 'oh'. Then, I asked my aunt if she was missing anything. My aunt said that she wasn't missing anything, but I still paid attention to her, afraid that thieves would come in and steal something.

The one who was talking to my aunt was me trying to keep my body as still as possible so that my cousin wouldn't be exposed. To be honest, when I talked to my aunt, I felt as if my heart was about to burst out of my throat.

Aunt looked around my room and was ready to go out. Seeing that Aunt was about to go out, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sigh!" "Xiao Han, I remember you have a habit of putting the money under the bed sheets," my aunt said after thinking for a while.

I nodded and my aunt walked over to my bed. I was already relieved, but my heart tensed again.

My aunt came to my bedside and lifted my bedsheet. At that moment, I was so nervous that I started to sweat, because my aunt was only separated from my cousin by a layer of quilt. If my aunt found out that my cousin was under my quilt, I would really die.

After my aunt lifted up my bed sheet and saw the tens of dollars I had hidden in it, she was relieved. My aunt told me to rest well and take care of my body, not to put on my blanket at night for fear of catching a cold.

I smiled and nodded, saying I understood, but my heart was already tense and my legs were shaking.

She closed the door and went out. She turned off the light in the living room and went back to sleep.

After my aunt left, my cousin came out of my blanket. My cousin said that the smell of my feet was too strong, and hiding in my blanket for so long had nearly killed her.

After breathing in the fresh air for a while, my cousin put on her pajamas and tiptoed away like a thief.

After what happened just now, we don't have that kind of primal impulse anymore. It's impossible to continue like that. There's still a long way to go, so we'll talk about it later.

I fell to the ground and slept a beautiful sleep. When I woke up the next day, my aunt and uncle had already gone out to set up the stall.

When I got up, my cousin was in the living room applying nail polish. It was probably because of what happened last night.

I looked at my cousin and giggled foolishly. I sat beside my cousin and said embarrassedly, "How about that?" "Let's continue."

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