After saying that, that man led Brother Kun and the others to us. That man obviously didn't know what relationship we had with Brother Kun and became even more arrogant after he brought Brother Kun here.

"Big Brother Kun, it's these three bastards that want to beat me up. Help me properly beat them up! "I will definitely treat you to a good meal when I'm free in the future." That man pointed at us and said extremely arrogantly.

One thing that I'm particularly curious about is how did he get to know Brother Kun? How could such a bastard have dealings with Brother Kun?

After Brother Kun heard what he said, he walked up to us and pointed at us: "This bastard is my younger brother, and this bastard is my younger brother. You're talking about my brother's younger brother!"

After Brother Kun said this, he furiously looked at the man and said, "You hit my Brother Long's younger brother last time, this matter hasn't been settled yet. I was just about to look for you, but you delivered yourself up! Let's put aside the matter of me beating them up first. Let's talk about the matter of you beating someone last time! "

After hearing what big brother Kun said, the man's expression became abnormally ugly, because he knew that this time he was definitely going to be extremely unlucky.

"Brother Kun, I really don't know what kind of relationship they have with you. Even if I was given ten guts, I wouldn't dare touch him, ah … I was wrong about this, so just open your mouth and ask for any compensation you want. Just let me leave here safely today!" The man pleaded at Brother Kun Kun; his arrogance from earlier had completely disappeared.

Seeing that man at a loss for words, Big Brother Kun looked at me and casually said, "Speak, how much compensation do you want? You can't be beaten for nothing!"

I don't quite understand what Big Brother Kun means. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we ruthlessly beat up this bastard? How could she accept his compensation so easily?

However, since Big Brother Kun said that, I didn't waste any more words. I said with a bit of a lack of confidence: "One. 10,000 yuan! "

I spent more than 800 yuan in the hospital. I wanted to make that man unable to pay that amount of money so that I could have an excuse to beat him up when the time comes.

"Good!" "Ten thousand is ten thousand!" With that, the man took out a wad of money from his pocket and handed it to me.

When I got that ten thousand yuan, I was a little stunned. This isn't the usual way to play cards. I didn't think that he could come up with that much money.

"Brother Kun, look, I've also lost money. Can I leave now?" The man looked at Brother Kun with a pleading expression. At this moment, he was completely speechless. Big Brother Kun just brought over a dozen people. If Big Brother Kun wanted to beat him up, then he would have definitely been beaten half to death.

"You did take the money, but this money should be considered as medical fees and soup fees. As for the beating you gave him, that's another matter!" Brother Kun looked at that man expressionlessly and said.

I finally understand what big brother Kun means. Not only do I need money, I even want to beat him up! It had to be said that Big Brother Kun was very smart.

Big Brother Kun told me to keep the money properly, so I put the money in my pocket. To be honest, this is the first time I'm putting so much money into my pocket.

"The heck, are you trying to scrape up capital?" "You took the money and still want to hit me?" The man pointed at Big Brother Kun and cursed, but he only realized what happened at this moment and it was already too late.

"You should still remember how he hit you back then, right?" Big Brother Kun looked at me and asked.

"The memories are still fresh!" I looked at the man and said coldly.

"Just how did he hit you? I'll return it to him today!" Brother Kun said with an expressionless face.

I stretched my wrist a bit, then clenched my fist and rushed towards that man. I punched him in the face and knocked him down onto the ground.

I was the first to take the initiative, while Anfey was also the first to attack. He clenched his fists and also dealt with the other two.

When I thought about the time when he hit me, the anger in my heart immediately rose to thirty feet, and the strength in my hands increased by quite a bit.

After beating that man up ruthlessly, I grabbed the beer bottle on the table and smashed it against his head.

With a 'bang', the glass fragments of the beer bottle shattered and the beer spilled all over the floor. Just like before, I had already scooped out his head, unceasingly spurting it out.

"You hit me back then, I'll return it to you today!" I fiercely said as I looked at him.

That man held his injured forehead and pointed at Brother Kun and said fiercely, "Fuck you, you better remember this, one day I will return it to you!"

I originally wanted to stop, but when he said that about Big Brother Kun, I hit him a few times with my fists.

"Just you wait, I won't let you get away with this!" That man glared at us and said fiercely.

The fight was more or less over. Big Brother Kun told people to lift him and throw him outside, affecting the business!

After the man was carried away, Brother Kun took us into the room.

I gave the ten thousand yuan in my pocket to Brother Kun. After looking at me, he said, "This money is for you. What are you giving me? Just keep it for yourself."

I said that at the time, my medical expenses weren't that great, so if Big Brother Kun had any problems, I would have just spent some money to buy some clothes or eat something delicious.

Since brother Kun said so, I could only accept the money. I kept the money properly, and told him the question that I had always wanted to ask him about. I asked him how he knew that man, and brother Kun told me about that man's background after giving me a glance.

That man's name was Zhang Jian. His father was a famous rich man in the county. He owned several shops and made a lot of money every year. But this Zhang Jian was not a good person. He was lazy and had nothing better to do. He only knew how to play all day, or he would just be racing cars outside or something.

Because he was generous and had money, Brother Kun drank with him a few times. It was also because of this that Brother Kun got to know Zhang Jian, but their friendship was not that deep, it was just that they got to know each other.

Big brother Kun said that this Zhang Jian was not a good person. He had killed before and spent a few years in jail, but his father spent money to get him out. Brother Kun said that Zhang Jian is a vengeful person, and since he was dealt with by us today, he will definitely take revenge on us in the future. Brother Kun told us to stay outside the school and be careful of this Zhang Jian!

Even Brother Kun told me to be careful, it proves that this Zhang Jian isn't someone that's easy to mess with.

It's getting late, so Big Brother Kun told me to bring Sun Han back to have a good rest first.

After Big Brother Kun said this, I hugged Sun Han and took a taxi back. I sent Sun Han to the basement where she rented the house, and after putting him on the bed and covering her with a blanket, I prepared to leave.

I've never had that experience with a woman in my life. People are weird, and when I haven't tried it, I'm very curious about it. I'm also very curious about that kind of thing, so I don't know what it feels like to be with a woman.

After thinking about it, I still took off my shoes and socks and climbed onto Sun Han's bed. I crawled into Sun Han's bed and kissed her fiercely on her lips. My hand wasn't idle as I started taking off Sun Han's clothes and pants, and just as I was about to take off Sun Han's pants, Sun Han woke up in a daze.

"What are you doing?" Sun Han looked at me and asked. Although Sun Han was still confused, he had become much more clear-minded.

When I said I didn't do anything, Sun Han pinched my ear and pouted. "You already took off my pants and said you didn't do anything, let me warn you, if you dare to kiss me like that before the marriage, I won't even let you kiss me or touch my chest anymore!"

I said I kissed her and touched her, that's very normal too.

Sun Han patted me on the body and said stubbornly, "No, I can let you kiss me or touch you, but I can't let you touch that. If you don't want to, then get off the bed. "Humph!"

"Alright, alright, alright, I won't do that. Let me kiss you a few more times!" I said to Sun Han.

Sun Han nodded in agreement before pulling on his pants.

Just like that, I slept through the night with Sun Han.

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