The next day was Sunday, so I didn't wake up until noon. When I woke up, Sun Han had already bought lunch.

My uncle was so kind to me, and now I have a little money to give back to him. I have to wait in the house until dark, when my uncle and aunt come back with their tired bodies, and I take five thousand out of the ten thousand to him.

When my uncle took the money, he looked at me and asked me where it came from. If I said that I got the money myself, my uncle would never believe it. It would be unrealistic to say that my parents sent it. After some thought, I told my uncle that my brother gave me this money and told me to give it to you.

"This Xiaolong has finally learned well. Let him have time to come to our house for a meal!" Uncle said to me after he received the money.

I said that if my brother had time I would ask him to come to dinner. My uncle nodded and went to take a shower and get ready for bed. My uncle was tired enough for the rest of the day.

It was already getting late. I was planning to go find Sun Han, but it was getting late. According to Sun Han's habit of going to bed early and getting up early, she should be asleep by now.

Although Uncle and Aunt were asleep, Cousin was still awake. The lights in her room were still on, and I wasn't sleepy. Since Cousin was also awake, I knocked on her door.

My cousin gave me a glance as she opened the door. Before I could open my mouth, she directly said, "This is at home. Don't act recklessly. It's not good for anyone if you get caught!"

I'm really wondering, don't tell me that's why I went to find her in my cousin's eyes? Even though I wanted to do it, I didn't have any other thoughts right now.

My cousin said that you couldn't sleep so why did you come to my room? I said that I just wanted to see how your live broadcast was going, and at that time, didn't I get my cousin to register a trumpet for singing? I just wanted to see how that trumpet of hers was progressing and if it was getting any better.

Cousin probably gave me some advice before, but she still let me into her room. Other than the equipment for the live broadcast, the rest of the decorations in Cousin's room were no different from those of an ordinary girl's, but Cousin's room was especially fragrant. I don't know if it was the smell of perfume or the body scent from Cousin's body.

My cousin wanted to go live, so I just sat on her bed and played on her cell phone. My cousin wasn't going to let me sit on her bed and say that I had dirty her bed, but she didn't bother to bring me a chair, so I just sat there and played with my phone.

At that time, it was popular to sing online love songs, but she just didn't know how to sing it. I don't even know the name of the song, and although my cousin's voice is nice, but to be honest, that song gave her quite a few points.

I nudged my cousin on the side. She took off the earplugs and asked me why I was doing it. When I said that I was doing something, she snappily said that I was doing it live, are you trying to cause trouble?

"Come over here first, I have something to tell you!" Saying this, I grabbed my cousin's hand and pulled her to the side.

Cousin said what was on her mind quickly. I looked at her and said resentfully, "Your voice is quite nice, but the songs you sing are too unpopular. Why don't you sing some of the popular songs?"

When my cousin heard me say that I didn't even understand fart, she said that that song was the classic, that the current song couldn't compare to the current one. I said that the classic isn't the classic, but its popularity isn't high at all, so what's the use!

Because I was arguing with my cousin about whether the songs were good or not, my cousin and I almost had a fight, and in the end I threw the five thousand dollars I had in my pocket at my cousin and made a bet with her. If she didn't have enough people to watch her pop songs, I'd give her three hundred dollars.

My cousin wanted to argue with me, but when she saw the money, she didn't even bother to ask where the money was coming from. She put on her headphones and went on to the live broadcast, explaining to the audience that she had just gone to the bathroom and that when she came back a dog was trying to bite her, she had wasted her time.

It's obvious that I'm a dog, but I can't say anything about my cousin's live broadcast for fear of disturbing her.

After she sat down, her cousin began to sing the most popular female voice song in the world. It was the kind of song that was coquettish, coquettish, sweet, and even a little naughty. This song was very popular at the moment.

Just as I expected, under my cousin's sweet singing and singing, more and more people were watching her live broadcast. The present was almost brushed to the point of flying into the air, and my cousin was also very happy.

Nowadays, with the internet's popularity, it was not uncommon for anchors to become famous overnight. On the live broadcast platform where his cousin was, some female anchors became even more popular overnight, and were even better than some celebrities. Of course, I do wish my cousin would do the same,

Because more and more people were watching, and because there were quite a few people who were playing and listening to the song, their cousin only broadcast live late tonight. However, she had also gained a lot, her fans had risen, and she had gotten quite a lot of presents.

His cousin stretched lazily after the live broadcast, saying how tired she had been feeling today. Her throat was getting a little hoarse.

Although she was a bit tired today, her cousin was still smiling.

"I feel like these audiences are as tasteless as you are. It's better to clearly listen to the songs I like. If you don't believe me, just listen!" Saying this, my cousin walked over to me, took off one of the earplugs and stuffed it into my ear.

The song my cousin likes is indeed nice to listen to, but what I like the most is her actions just now. Although it was a very minute action, the charm that was transmitted with each movement made me stunned, as if I had met a fairy.

After listening to the song, I returned the earplugs back to my cousin's ears, but coincidentally met her eyes. My calm eyes instantly became warm.

I looked into my cousin's eyes. She was also looking into mine. At that moment, it was as if she had been enchanted. Her entire mind was blank, but in her heart, there was an indescribable urge.

Unconsciously, I held my cousin's face in my hands and kissed her on her fragrant lips.

However, just as my lips touched my cousin's lips, she pushed me away. She blushed and lowered her head as she said nervously, "I already told you, behave at home. It's not good for both of us if you get caught!"

"I'm not doing anything, I'm just kissing." I kissed my cousin on the lips before returning to my room to sleep in satisfaction.

Sunday soon passed, and it was time for class. I went to school with Sun Han, just like before.

Since the absence of He Junjun and Ma Tao from the school, the peace was not at all quiet. After the class ended at noon, Jiang Shan asked me to play basketball. I also didn't know how to play basketball, but Jiang Shan said that he would teach me, so I played basketball with him for an entire afternoon.

Jiang Shan said that he was afraid that Zhang Jian, that bastard, would take revenge, so it was best for him to return after school. I nodded my head in agreement.

However, Jiang Shan and I overlooked an important point. Since that bastard Zhang Jian wanted to take revenge on us, he would definitely make things difficult for us. As long as he had the opportunity, he would definitely not let us off.

In the afternoon, Sun Han had to go to the toilet when school was dismissed, so I was told to wait for her at the school gate. At the same time, Jiang Shan also came out from school.

After saying "oh", Jiang Shan said goodbye to me and prepared to leave. At this moment, a van was driving towards me from afar, and Jiang Shan had only taken a few steps.

The van stopped in front of me, and three big men got out and threw my clothes into the van like chickens.

I was just thrown into the car.

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