I sat down in the van and looked around carefully. There were four strong men in the van, all covered in tattoos, and two of them had dyed yellow hair, so it was obvious that they weren't good people.

"Who are you? Why are you capturing us?" Jiang Shan looked at the four muscular men and questioned them harshly.

The four hulks didn't answer my question. The driver continued to look at the cars while the other three sat to the side and stared at us. Seeing these hulks remain silent, Jiang Shan was on the verge of going berserk, because he, like me, felt a sense of crisis.

However, just as Jiang Shan was about to speak, the driver immediately turned around and slapped him in the face, scolding loudly: "You little bastard, behave yourself, don't affect the work driving! "And I'll fucking work so hard to kill you!"

According to Jiang Shan's temperament, he would fight to the death, but in this situation, resistance was only a loss.

After being slapped in the face like that, Jiang Shan became obedient and sat in the car just like me, obediently waiting. The van drove us to a house, and after stopping, the four hulks escorted Jiang Shan and I into it.

After opening the door and entering, I found that the person inside was Zhang Jian, that bastard. Zhang Jian was currently sitting on the sofa with bandages on his head and his bruises could still be clearly seen.

There's no need to think too much about it, he's the one who called the four hulks over. After pinning us in, He Jun took out a sum of money and gave it to the four hulks.

"You two were really awesome last time in the bar!" It's fun to play me, isn't it? "But you guys probably didn't expect that we would meet so soon!" Zhang Jian looked at me and Jiang Shan and laughed sinisterly. The bruises on his face made him look even more sinister.

If it fell into Zhang Jian's hands, it would be a complete defeat. He definitely wouldn't let River Mountain and me off that easily.

"You'd better not attack us. If my brother finds out, he won't let you go!" Jiang Shan looked at Zhang Jian and snapped. However, Jiang Shan's rebellious tone completely infuriated Zhang Jian.

"Is your brother very hung? "Ahhh!" Right after Jiang Shan finished his sentence, Zhang Jian came up and grabbed him by the collar, and roared at him. After roaring out, Zhang Jian used all his strength to slap Jiang Shan in the face.

After being slapped in the face by Zhang Jian, Jiang Shan was completely furious. Clenching his fist, he ruthlessly punched Zhang Jian's head. Zhang Jian was in so much pain that he was knocked down with a single punch.

When those strong men saw that Jiang Shan had made his move, they immediately got ready to take care of him. I couldn't just stand there and clench my fists against those strong men, even though I knew that I couldn't beat them, for their sake, I still acted without hesitation.

Just as I expected, those strong men easily controlled Jiang Shan and me. Zhang Jian got up from the ground and rubbed his injured head, then looked at Jiang Shan with a gloomy face and said, "You're pretty brave. You dared to hit me in this kind of situation, so I'll give you a Like. But I promise you, you won't even be able to cry from it!"

"And you, little b * stard Song, if you break my good plan and beat me up, I will deal with you two together today!" Zhang Jian then walked up to me and said with a gloomy face.

I glared at him fiercely, wishing that I could bite off a piece of his flesh. Under such circumstances, it would be useless no matter what. Rather than being weak in front of him, it would be better to be strong in front of him.

"How dare you glare at me!" Saying that, Zhang Jian smacked me in the face and gave me a hard look in the stomach.

At that moment, I felt as if my stomach had been cut by a knife. The pain was excruciating, and I couldn't help but bend my body.

However, just as I bent my body down, that bastard, Zhang Jian, grabbed my hair and ruthlessly hit me on the back with his elbow. Zhang Jian is already an adult, how could I bear his hit?

Zhang Jian wanted to step on my body a few more times. I fiercely stared at his feet, so angry that my body was trembling.

When he lifted his foot to stomp on me, I pounced ferociously on his leg, and bit down viciously on his leg. When I bit down, Zhang Jian screamed as if he had seen a ghost, and his other foot stomped on my body viciously, but at this moment it was like a mad dog biting his leg. I didn't mind, but gradually, I could feel the liquid flowing into my mouth, and a fishy taste.

Ah!" F * ck me, you crazy dog, you dare to bite me! "What are you guys standing there for, hurry up and pull him away!" Where Zhang Jian was screaming in pain, the blood on my mouth was from his calf, the smell of blood and his painful howls made me even more crazy, making me stronger.

Under the pull of that strong man, I finally couldn't bear the pain on my body and let go of my lips. Zhang Jian looked at his bleeding calves and collapsed onto the sofa. He glared fiercely at me and said, "Don't worry, I will make you regret what you did!"

Jiang Shan and I were escorted to a house that hadn't been renovated yet. After looting our phones, those hulks threw us in and locked the door heavily behind us. Although I fiercely bit Zhang Jian, he beat me up badly.

Now that the phone has been taken away and we can't contact the outside world, we can only wait to be dealt with by that b * stard Zhang Jian.

Rivers and mountains were also shouting for help, but every time we heard a sound, the few men guarding the door would come in and beat us. We were not made of iron, and although we had the guts, we were also afraid of pain, so after a few cries for help, we had no choice but to sit there and do nothing.

Thus, Jiang Shan and I sat together with a sigh. From time to time, we would look at each other before smiling bitterly as we looked away.

Without a cell phone, we didn't know how much time had passed. It was already very late by then, and my stomach and I had started to protest, but there was nothing we could do but stare at the ceiling in a daze.

After a while, the door opened. Zhang Jian also came. His calves were covered with gauze, but he was limping. It seemed that I had taken quite a bite at that time.

Zhang Jian took a chair and sat down. He looked at me, who was sitting on the floor, and said fiercely, "Don't you like to bite people?" "Come on, I'll f * cking let you bite me again!" Saying this, he even provocatively stretched out his other foot.

I was so hungry that my stomach hurt, and my body hurt from the beating, so I just sat there without saying anything.

The chair he was holding was made of steel and it felt like it was smashed against my body by a steel pipe. It hurt so much that after being smashed by him, I fell to the ground and used my hands to cover the place where I was hit.

"Weren't you stronger than a dog just now? Why don't you dare to bite me now? "Ah!" As he spoke, Zhang Jian smashed the chair towards me a few more times.

Seeing that I was beaten up, Jiang Shan wanted to push Zhang Jian down, but the moment he stood up, he was kicked to the ground by the strong man beside Zhang Jian. Jiang Shan wanted to resist but was mercilessly beaten up by the strong men.

I was ruthlessly hit by Zhang Jian a few more times. I felt that my arm was about to break and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

After that chair had been deformed, Zhang Jiancai stopped. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at me with a smile. "What's wrong? Your dog doesn't dare to bite, right?"

I was lying on the ground like a dead plague dog, trembling in pain. I didn't even have the strength to speak.

Stretching his waist lazily, Zhang Jian looked at the beaten man and smiled, "It's enough, you should call your brother who has killed a thousand men."

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