"My brother won't let you go!" Hearing Zhang Jian say this, Jiang Shan looked at him fiercely.

Zhang Jian threw up his hands in disdain, "I'm fine with what you said, if you're that strong, then you can talk to him!"

After Jiang Shan received the phone, he hurriedly made a call to Brother Kun. Not long after, Brother Kun picked up the phone, and Brother Kun was also very anxious on the other side. He hurriedly asked where Jiang Shan was and why he still hadn't returned yet.

Tears streaming down his face, he said to Brother Kun in a teary voice, "Brother, Guan Yi Han and I have been locked up by that bastard Zhang Jian. He even beat me up just now. Come and save me!"

Jiang Shan still wanted to say something, but his phone had already been snatched away by Zhang Jian. After snatching the phone, Zhang Jian smiled and said to the phone, "F * ck, that night, I paid for you and you even beat me up. If I had paid for you and you let me go, I wouldn't have bothered to pursue this matter, but you forced me onto this path.

"Now your brother is in my hands, I'll bring a hundred thousand tomorrow afternoon, and I'll give you the address. Oh yeah, call that little bastard's family, and only the two of you are allowed to come. If there's too many people, then I'm sorry, but they won't be able to leave!" Zhang Jian said into the phone.

After saying that, Zhang Jian hung up the phone, looked at Jiang Shan and me with disdain, then left.

So Jiangshan and I starved until the next afternoon, when we were dizzy with hunger and our lips were dry and cracked, and just before dark in the afternoon, the brawny men escorted me and Jiangshan to a rather shabby billiard room with two billiard tables in it. They looked very old, but Zhang was playing badly on the billiard table, even though he was limping along the aisle.

Zhang Jian, this bastard, was afraid that Brother Kun would play dirty tricks, so he specially ordered dozens of people to protect and escort him, causing the already small billiard room to be so full that it could be seen that Zhang Jian was afraid of Brother Kun and the others, but he wasn't scared at all.

"How is it, how do you feel after more than one day?" Zhang Jian put down his baseball bat and smiled as he looked at Jiang Shan and I. Originally, I wanted to scold him a few times, but I hadn't eaten for more than a day and was so hungry that I didn't even have the strength to scold him.

Zhang Jian gave me and Jiang Shan a look of disdain before continuing to play. After about ten minutes, Big Brother Kun and Big Brother Kun arrived.

Big brother Kun and big brother looked at me and Jiang Shan when they came in.

Seeing that Jiang Shan and I were covered in scars, Big Brother Kun and Big Brother's expressions were extremely ugly. I don't know if it was because I was seeing things, but Big Brother's eyes were filled with pity when he looked at me, as if he had returned to his childhood. I remember that Big Brother looked at me like this when I was young.

But thinking about it, I quickly rejected this idea. Ever since I saw him again, my brother had always been cold to me. Even now, he is still neither hot nor cold. How could he be like how he was when he was young?

"Stop looking at them, I didn't do anything. I only gave them a small lesson and then starved them for a day!" Zhang Jian looked at Kun Ge and said with a smile, but that smile was full of evil intentions.

"You!" Big brother Kun pointed at Zhang Jian as he gnashed his teeth in anger.

At most, I just frowned slightly. For a moment, I really hoped that my brother would be like Brother Kun and be angry for me, at least for me, but for someone else, things that are easy to do are a little difficult for me.

"You guys are very honest, it really is two people coming, then I don't want to waste my breath on you, take out the money!" Zhang Jian said arrogantly as he walked in front of Brother Kun. On Zhang Jian's side, there were a total of fifteen men, and he had the ability to be arrogant.

His brother took a step forward and handed a bulging bag of money to Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian took a look at the bag and gave the money to those people.

Although that bastard Zhang Jian already got the money, he didn't let our worries go. Brother Kun impatiently shouted, "What the fuck do you mean?! Why aren't you letting him go after the money is taken!"

"What are you in such a hurry for!" Saying this, Zhang Jian calmly smoked a cigarette, then looked at Brother Kun and continued, "Didn't you not let me go when I took the money?"

It was obvious that Zhang Jian was still trying to pull a fast one.

"I know that these two are your brothers, I'll take the money. If you want to save them, that's simple. You only need to do one more thing?" Zhang Jian laughed sinisterly. Seeing his wicked side, Zhang Jian knew that he would not have any good ideas.

Brother Kun, why are you asking so urgently? Zhang Jian smiled and said, "As long as you kneel down, I will let these two little bastards go. Of course, if you don't kneel down, these two little bastards will probably starve for a few more days. As for whether they will starve to death, I don't know!"

After listening to Zhang Jian's words, Brother Kun looked at the big brother, but the big brother's gaze was always on those four strong men, as if they knew each other.

From the corner of my eyes, I also looked at the four strong men. The four strong men were like strong men, but under my brother's cold and fierce gaze, they lowered their heads and didn't say anything. It was obvious that my brother had some sort of relationship with them.

"I'll give you guys one minute to think it over. You'd better think it through!" Zhang Jian threw his cigarette on the ground and said very arrogantly.

Brother Kun saw that brother hesitated for a moment, then kneeled on the ground, followed by brother kneeling on the ground as well. Yesterday, Jiang Shan and I were ruthlessly beaten up, and even now, our bodies are still sore from the beating, plus the fact that we haven't eaten for more than a day, we were so hungry that we became dizzy. But when we saw brother Kun and I kneel down, Jiang Shan and I still hysterically shouted, "No!"

Even though brother doesn't have a good attitude towards me, in my heart, he's always been my idol. I don't want to see him kneel to Zhang Jian, this bastard.

But in the end they did.

Seeing Brother Kun and his brother kneel down, Zhang Jian was at a loss. It was not because he was afraid, but because he was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

"I never would have thought that the great Brother Kun would kneel down for me. I guess your dad hasn't done such a great thing before, haha!" Zhang Jian laughed out loud.

"We've already done what you said, we should let them go!" Brother Kun said coldly as he looked at Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian laughed and walked towards us before kicking Jiang Shan and I over. Jiang Shan and I didn't have much strength left, so after being kicked by Zhang Jian, we fell onto the ground.

"Fight for me!" Brother Kun and brother had just wanted to help me and Jiang Shan up, but at this moment, Zhang Jian had called for people to surround Brother Kun and brother.

With a single order, those people clenched their fists and kicked Big Brother Kun and Big Brother Kun. Only after beating them for a while did Zhang Jian release us.

Brother Kun and Brother Kun each held one of us and helped us into the clinic. The four of them treated our wounds simply. Then Big Brother Kun took me and Jiang Shan to a restaurant. Jiang Shan and I no longer cared about the pain on our bodies. We opened our stomachs and ate a big meal.

After we finished eating, my brother asked if he would like to take me to my uncle's house. I thought about it and decided that it was better not to. These days of staying at my uncle's house were just to create trouble for my uncle, so I didn't use it this time.

Finally, I went to the basement where Sun Han lived. On the way, I called my uncle and told him that I was at his classmate's house yesterday, and that I would spend the next few days there, so I didn't come back.

Uncle was also quite busy, so he hung up the phone after a few sounds. He was probably busy right now.

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