After we ran far away, we went back to our own homes. Originally, we thought that it would be fine to run away, but before the class started the next morning, we were called into the principal's office.

The principal already knew what had happened last night, he criticized us severely, then told us to prepare the money we had to pay for what we had to lose last night before the afternoon class. He took it to the barbeque owner and threatened us with imprisonment if we didn't lose money.

Well, it's not really right to break someone's things. It's a good thing I still have more than four thousand dollars in my possession, so I don't have to cheat my uncle of his money.

At noon, after school was over, I prepared the money and handed it over to the principal together with Jiang Shan and the others. After the principal received the money, he told us to practice our ball well while holding a champion position to bring honor to the school.

Not to mention not to bring honor to the school, but for that champion, we will practice hard.

Seeing that the day of the start of the sports event was getting closer, our training also increased by quite a bit. Sometimes, after school was dismissed in the afternoon, Sun Han would still be training with me at the side of the sports field. After training, I would accompany her back home.

Because I trained with Jiang Shan and the rest in the school late at night, I was tired after returning and went to bed after taking a shower. However, after not seeing her for a few days, my cousin's fans had really increased in popularity, even surpassing her.

Cousin has basically not used her big name anymore, she's just using her small name to broadcast and sing to everyone. Her dress has also changed from the original sexy revealing style to the style of the neighbouring sister, although I like her clothes to be a little more revealing, but I have to say that she looks a little better next door.

There were also many old fans who were dissatisfied with their cousin's transformation. Some even scolded her on the screen saying that her cousin was a piece of trash, saying that she had originally come out to sell, and had even started singing in a trumpet to look pure.

Although my cousin already has a certain tolerance for cyber violence, but when someone really scolds her like this, I can see that although she pretends not to care, her heart is definitely not singing.

When I saw those people scolding my cousin in such a manner, even though I wanted to go to sleep, I still tried my best to help them scold their cousin back, or to direct the blame onto me so that they wouldn't scold my cousin too much.

In the past, Cousin and I had a good chat, but ever since the number of people who broadcast live had decreased, we didn't have any more conversations. However, it's meaningless for us to chat.

After scolding my cousin for a few hours, I was really sleepy and fell asleep.

After diligently training for a period of time, it was time for the opening of the sports meeting. The sports meeting was held in another professional school, and it was very lively on the day of the sports meeting. 80% of the people in our school went there.

There were too many people on the day of the sports event. Besides the people from our school, there were also students from other vocational schools, making the entire venue extremely crowded and bustling.

We were preparing at the periphery of the field, and by now the basketball game had already started. We were in the second round, and it looked like we were about to arrive. Everyone was a bit nervous, and even though Jiang Shan was trying to persuade everyone not to be nervous, it was obvious that he was a bit nervous himself.

Honestly speaking, with so many people, it's impossible to not be nervous, but we also want to win.

Soon, it was time for us to go on stage. When I got on stage, Sun Han waved to me to cheer me on. With Sun Han's encouragement, my nervous nerves relaxed.

After we entered the field, our classmates were cheering for us, which made us even more competitive. After we entered the field, our opponents also followed closely behind us, but when they saw our opponents, we were a little surprised.

It was because our opponents were none other than the group of people who had clashed in the barbeque that day. No wonder I thought they were tall and as sturdy as us.

We are enemies, and both of us look at each other coldly. Especially the one opposite us, who was glaring at us viciously. The wound on his forehead had already healed, but the scar was still there. That scar lowered his looks by a lot, but even so, there were still a lot of girls cheering for him.

"This is such a f * cking coincidence, we meet again. Last time you guys took my head off, but this time it won't be so easy!" The man's words were full of anger, and he wanted to come up and fight us right away. But he couldn't do it in public, and so could we.

Before we started, we thought about winning the championship, but now it's different. We wanted to win them.

After a few minutes of confrontation, the match started. In terms of fighting strength, we were on par with each other, but in terms of basketball playing skills, they were still better than us. On the other hand, I had completely dragged down Jiang Shan and the others on the field.

Due to my lack of skill, our team has always been at a disadvantage. As the main force, Jiang Shan has been suppressed by the male lead from the other side. At this rate, we will lose for sure.

I didn't need to think much to know that they were saying that I was useless. To be honest, seeing that I was a burden to everyone, my heart didn't feel good. For a few moments, I didn't want to fight anymore and just left, but in the end, I gritted my teeth and stayed.

When Jiang Shan saw my worried expression, he hurriedly told me not to be nervous. At most, I would just lose, it wouldn't be a big deal.

I clenched my teeth and continued to hit. Jiang Shan told me to keep my eyes on the leading boy and not let him touch the ball. I listened to Jiang Shan's advice and kept pestering the leading boy.

After we changed our tactics, the score began to increase, and after a tough battle, the score even went past the opposite side. The students from the same school were all cheering loudly, the sound was as loud as thunder, this gave us enough encouragement.

When I saw Sun Han's smile, my body instantly became full of motivation.

The boy opposite me was furious after being caught by me, especially after they were behind, so I used the same method as before to tie him up. According to this trend, we had a high chance of winning, but just as I approached him, he hit me on the face with his elbow, knocking me to the ground with blood flowing out of my mouth.

"Aren't you very good at pestering? Get up and continue!" He glared at me, then walked away as if nothing had happened.

Clearly, he wasn't careless. He was doing it on purpose.

"Motherf * cker!" If you can't beat him, then hit him! "

Originally, Jiang Shan was prepared to shoot, but after seeing me being knocked to the ground, he gave up on the opportunity to shoot. He angrily walked over with a basketball and threw it at that boy.

After smashing that man's basketball, Jiang Shan rushed forward and threw the boy onto the ground, then threw a couple of punches at the boy.

When the others saw the situation, they didn't have the mood to continue competing. Both sides charged at each other and began to fight. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Seeing that Jiang Shan had been punched in the face, I wiped the blood from my nose and stood up to rush over to join the battle. I clenched my fists and beat the person I caught.

Just after we made a move, we were stopped by the teachers outside the field. The leading boy was stopped and cursed incessantly, "You f * ckers just wait. No one has ever dared to act so arrogantly in front of me, Liu Lang! Just you wait! "

"Do whatever you want!" Jiang Shan said while looking at Liu Lang, who was unwilling to be outdone.

Very quickly, we were pulled to the edge of the field by the teachers and criticized. We were even punished and disqualified from the competition.

Of course, to us, that Liu Lang is the main point. Between us, it's not over!

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