Before the games were over, we were expelled. The principal said that we had completely lost face for the school. If we stayed any longer, it would only be more humiliating for the school.

We left the sports meeting together, found a restaurant to sit down and have a good meal. Everyone was very annoyed, so we drank a little more.

Actually, if Jiang Shan hadn't fought back then, we would have definitely won, because the time for the competition was coming soon, but at the crucial moment, he still chose to help me fight. After drinking a bit of wine, I curiously asked Jiang Shan if he could have won, why did he give up the opportunity to help me?

"Come on, it's not only our team that's participating this time. Even if we win, who can guarantee that we'll be able to win?" Jiang Shan said indifferently. Although he said this, I could tell that Jiang Shan still wanted to win.

I still wanted to say something, but Jiang Shan said that there was no need to talk about those unhappy things. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so now we just need to properly eat and drink.

When the sports meeting ended at 5: 30 PM, Sun Han also came back. I had just finished eating and was playing with Sun Han's computer. When Sun Han returned, he asked me with concern if there was anything wrong.

It's just a small matter. I said it so casually, but just like Jiang Shan, I also wanted to be the champion of the basketball game. After all, for this champion, I trained for who knows how long under the sunlight.

Sun Han saw through my thoughts and smiled at me as he said, "It's fine. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. There's no need to be depressed."

With Sun Han's encouragement, my mood improved a little. It was getting late, and it was about time for the broadcast to begin. I took my seat and let Sun Han do the broadcast.

As soon as Sun Han logged in, someone sent her a private message. When Sun Han opened it, he found that it was from Li Xiang Ning. If I didn't see Li Xiang Ning sending Sun Han her private message, I would have forgotten that Li Xiang Ning and Sun Han are on the same live broadcast platform.

I haven't paid much attention to this recently, could it be that this Li Xiang Ning is still playing a live broadcast?

Moreover, this private message had only been sent a short while ago. Originally, I wanted to ask Sun Han to ignore Li Xiang Ning, but as the saying goes, be polite to me. Sun Han still replied to Li Xiang Ning and asked her if anything had happened.

In less than a minute, Li Xiang Ning had already replied to Sun Han, asking what his phone number was.

Sun Han didn't think twice before giving the phone number to Li Xiang Ning. Soon, Li Xiang Ning called Sun Han. Sun Han only found out why Li Xiang Ning was calling after he picked up the call.

But someone like her didn't have much talent, and she also didn't want to show her face. That fan and the number of people watching were pitifully small, and the reason why she called Sun Han was mainly to get more information from him, because he had unintentionally seen Sun Han's live broadcast on the live broadcast platform. Seeing that Sun Han had so many fans, she wanted to get more information from him as well.

Sun Han's powder was for profit, and Li Xiang Ning's powder was for vanity.

Sun Han wasn't the type to hold a grudge. Since Li Xiang Ning asked, she also answered truthfully. Sun Han said that she didn't know how to get in touch with the live broadcast because of me.

The moment Li Xiang Ning heard my name, she didn't say anything else and hung up the phone.

Of course, it's impossible for Li Xiang Ning to call me. I can completely relax on this point.

However, Sun Han actually told Li Xiang Ning to come ask me. This made me a little unhappy. It's not like this Sun Han didn't know that Li Xiang Ning and I had a very stiff relationship.

Sun Han saw that I wasn't happy and looked at me as if I were a little teacher. "Why are you so petty? You have to be magnanimous when you're a man!"

After Sun Han said that, I smiled evilly and said, "I'm a boy now, not a man. How about you turn me into a man tonight?"

"Get up, what have you been thinking about all day? All you think about is these bad things," Sun Han said as he looked at me with disdain.

I was just about to cause a ruckus with Sun Han when Sun Han said that she was going to broadcast live and told me to stay put and not disturb her live broadcast. After all, it was more important for Sun Han to do so, so I just stayed by the side and didn't disturb her.

After Sun Han's live broadcast for a while, Li Xiang Ning actually went to her live broadcast room and crazily drew out many gifts worth of money. After Sun Han's live broadcast for a while, Li Xiang Ning actually went to her live broadcast room and crazily drew out many gifts worth of money.

I said that it was her, Li Xiang Ning's, voluntary act and there was no need to return it to her, but Sun Han was still a little worried. After all, they were all classmates.

At first, I planned to spend the night here, but after thinking about it, I decided to go back. I kept telling my uncles and aunties that I was sleeping at my classmates' home, but it was a bit long, so I had to go back to sleep during this period of time.

When I went back, my aunt and uncle had not come back yet, and my cousin was in her room practicing her songs.

I knocked on my cousin's door and went in to sit down for a while. My cousin didn't pay any attention to me after she let me in and continued to practice her song. I just quietly listened to her sing. My cousin smiled when she saw me clapping her.

This is the first time in real life that my cousin took the initiative to smile at me. Looking at her sweet smile, I couldn't help but laugh along foolishly.

My cousin asked me why I was giggling so foolishly. I said you looked really good when you smiled, especially when you smiled at me like that in real life.

Cousin thought for a moment and didn't say anything else. She said that she was going to broadcast live and told me to stay silent.

I watched by the side as my cousin left from the live broadcast until the live broadcast ended. Before leaving, I kissed my cousin's fragrant lips. I didn't know if it was because my cousin's lips contained magic, but I slept extremely well that night.

At noon the next day, after school was dismissed, Jiang Shan called Sun Han and I out to eat dinner together. But just as the three of us walked out of the school a few steps, we were stopped by a group of people riding bicycles.

There were about twenty people on bicycles, all wearing helmets, and it was obvious that they were not friendly. We had just left school when we were surrounded by bicycles.

When we were close enough, I realized that the people riding the bicycles were the same people who had been with Liu Lang the other day, but this time they had clearly called for someone else, more than twice as many people as the last time.

"These bastards are obviously here to take revenge on us!" Jiang Shan looked at me and said.

After experiencing so much fighting, I no longer felt any fear towards fighting anymore. But Sun Han was with me because I was afraid that they might accidentally injure Sun Han.

I told Sun Han to leave first, but those people didn't say anything about letting Sun Han leave. Sun Han finally relaxed a bit after he left, hoping that Sun Han could call for a few helpers for us after he leaves. Otherwise, just Jiang Shan and I would definitely be beaten half to death.

Those people surrounded us for less than three minutes before Liu Lang arrived on a motorcycle. Liu Lang thought that he was very handsome as he stepped off the motorcycle, walked up to us and said with an arrogant face, "Why is it only the two of you today? What about the others? "Could it be that you're afraid of us hiding in the school and not daring to come out?"

After I asked Jiang Shan in a low voice, I found out that his friends were drinking at a meeting with them last night. Not a single person came to class today and only Jiang Shan came to class.

When I heard Jiang Shan say this, I nearly fainted. It's just the two of us, how can we fight like this?

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