"What dream was that just now? Why is it that it was raised so high!" Sun Han pointed at me as he smiled, his eyes filled with mischievous laughter.

I said that I didn't have any dreams, so I took off my shoes and went to bed. Seeing that I wasn't in a good mood, Sun Han crawled in front of me, opened his eyes wide and innocently asked me what was wrong, what was wrong with me?

I said it was nothing, then wrapped myself in quilt and prepared to sleep. Sun Han mischievously and mischievously crawled under my quilt, then leaned over my chest and looked at me with that innocent and innocent gaze of his. He asked me if I had anything to say to her that I was unhappy about.

I don't know if I'll feel comfortable if I say it, but I only know that my lower body is extremely uncomfortable right now. The ducks in my mouth have flown away. That kind of feeling is really depressing.

"If you tell me, then I'll help you with that, okay?" Sun Han wriggled his body playfully on my chest.

But right now, I was very annoyed and didn't have that many thoughts. After covering Sun Han with the blanket, I didn't say anything and closed my eyes, preparing to sleep.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, Sun Han pulled open my belt, reached his hand in and grabbed the one that belongs to me.

Her hands were dishonest, and her tongue was dishonest. She licked my lips, and just as I opened my mouth, her tongue invaded my mouth and began to hook onto my tongue. Her hands also sped up a lot.

After wiping the tissue clean, Sun Han asked if I was in a better mood. I nodded my head in acknowledgment, but Sun Han leaned against my chest and said, "Tomorrow is Saturday, should we go out and play during the day?"

Tomorrow is the first day I made an appointment to fight with Liu Lang, so I could only reject Sun Han. I said that I had some business with Jiang Shan and the rest tomorrow, but Sun Han merely acknowledged and didn't say anything else.

The next morning, I called Jiang Shan and went to meet up with him. Jiang Shan and the others were already gathered together. When I went, Jiang Shan and the others were having breakfast in a restaurant.

With just the few of us here, we won't be able to get anyone else to help us. If I say it's alright, this fight has to be fought, even if we get beaten up, it has to be beaten up. Otherwise, that bastard Liu Lang would look down on us.

After we finished eating, we agreed to gather at the school gate before 5 PM. After everyone nodded in agreement, we split up. See you in the afternoon!

When I went back, my aunt and uncle had already gone out to set up a stall. I planned to go back to bed for a while to avoid being beaten up in the afternoon. As soon as I went in, my cousin came out of her room.

"Delete that video for me!" My cousin wore her little cotton dress and confidently said to me.

When I mentioned this matter, my cousin looked at me angrily and said, "It's not like I didn't give you a chance last night. It was you who ran away, it's not like I didn't want you to get it. Hurry up and delete that video for me!"

I said no, I wouldn't delete the video unless I had to.

My cousin looked at me angrily. She really wanted to bite me to vent her hatred. I looked at her and said, "How about this? If you let me do it now, I'll delete the video!"

"Scram." My cousin, wearing a small cotton dress, gave me a kick on the butt. I also tactfully ran back to my room to sleep.

I don't know why my cousin was angry. Logically speaking, she should be glad that I didn't get her. Why would she be angry?

When I woke up, it was already 4 PM. When I came out of my room, my cousin was sitting in the living room watching TV. She ignored me when I greeted her, as if she was really angry.

When I walked to the school gate, Jiang Shan and the others still hadn't come. After waiting for a while, Jiang Shan and the others finally came.

We went straight to the appointed place, where we waited for a while. At exactly five o'clock, Liu Lang led the way with more than twenty people on a motorcycle. All of them were on bicycles, the same people from that day.

When he saw that we only had a few people, Liu Lang said in a somewhat funny tone, "I explained it clearly to you last time, I told you to bring more people with you, otherwise don't blame me for being bullied. Today, you only have this many people, so don't cry if you get beaten up later.

"Stop f * cking bullsh * t. You have so many people, but who would have known that you weren't calling them useless people. You'll know once you start fighting!" Those friends of Jiang Shan were not easy to yield to.

"F * ck, you're talking so arrogantly. Although I'm calling you a useless person, do you believe that I can break your teeth today?" Liu Lang looked at that friend of Jiang Shan and said with a tone full of anger.

"Stop wasting time with them, attack!" Liu Lang waved his hand in front of us, and the people he called out to charged towards us with clenched fists.

This was a battle that had to be lost, but we couldn't retreat or be weak. Seeing Liu Lang's men charge towards us, we weren't afraid at all. Clenching our fists, we rushed towards them.

Liu Lang called in a lot of people, almost four of them beat up one of us, so there's no need to explain the outcome of the battle. Liu Lang called out a lot of people, about four of us beat up one of us, so there's no need to talk about the outcome of the battle.

"TM already dislikes you. Wasn't you awesome when you were playing basketball the other day? How can you not be awesome now?" The person who hit me said fiercely while looking at me. After that, he gave me another punch on the stomach.

The others were beaten up even worse than I was. Their noses were bleeding and one of their teeth had been broken.

Jiang Shan was also kicked to the ground by Liu Lang. Before he could even stand up, that bastard, Liu Lang, punched him and then punched and kicked him.

Liu Lang punched Jiang Shan a few more times before looking at him and saying, "If it wasn't for you letting me go that day, I wouldn't have left today unless I cripple you! How about it, did you admit defeat now? I'm waiting for your cigarette! "

"If you can beat me in a duel, I'll admit defeat. What's the point of bullying others with numbers!" Jiang Shan said as he laid on the ground looking at Liu Lang.

"1v1? "If you admit defeat now and buy a cigarette for me to smoke, then let's forget about this matter. In the future, I will no longer look for trouble with you. If you still continue to be stubborn, then don't blame me!" Liu Lang looked at Jiang Shan and calmly said.

Then, Liu Lang asked Jiang Shan if he would like to concede or not, and Jiang Shan shook his head.

Liu Lang smiled and then punched Jiang Shan. Just as Liu Lang was about to continue cleaning up Jiang Shan, a voice came from not too far away.

"You sure are f * cking cocky, people from other schools also want to bully people from our school!"

I looked towards the direction of the voice. The one who said this was none other than Brother Fatty, who few people in the school dared to offend. Although Brother Fatty helped He Jun and the rest, he was not included in our conditions. At that time, Jiang Shan let Brother Fatty off, after that, Brother Fatty was rather low-key in school, and we never had any conflicts, but we really didn't think that he would be able to help us now.

Brother Fatty's influence in the school was even greater than that of the teachers. Many of the delinquent students took Brother Fatty as their leader. As long as Brother Fatty waved his arms, it wouldn't be a problem to just call a few dozen people.

The chubby brother had called about thirty people over today. They were all quite muscular and tall. It was obvious that they had some strength.

The chubby brother walked over to Liu Lang and said in a domineering tone, "Brat, you dared to hit one of our students. Aren't you being too arrogant?"

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