Seeing that Brother Fatty had brought so many people here, Liu Lang couldn't help but be shocked. He looked at him and said, "Who the fuck are you, what do we have to do with you?" Although Liu Lang's tone wasn't good, but from his bearing, he was clearly weaker than before.

"Your arranged fight is none of my business, but you can't hit the people in my school …" The chubby brother raised his eyebrows and said in a domineering tone. Liu Lang clearly felt a little guilty.

Brother Pang walked in front of Jiang Shan to help him up, and then helped us up one by one. Just now, Liu Lang cleaned us up like this, and now that Brother Pang has brought us here, we have to beat back that bastard Liu Lang.

Brother Jiang asked Brother Fatty why he came to help us, he said he heard from the school that we are going to have a fight with someone from another school at 5 o'clock this afternoon, he was afraid that we can't beat him so he brought someone with him to help us, the Brother said he not only came this time to help us, but also to let the people from the other school see, people from our school are not to be trifled with.

No matter what reason Fat Brother came over to help, we can't thank him enough for being able to help us. If he didn't come, we would have definitely been beaten up by Fatty today.

Seeing where we were chatting, Liu Lang started to panic, because the current situation has changed. If we counterattack, the loser would definitely be Liu Lang.

Liu Lang wanted to escape while we were chatting, but he was able to catch our attention, "Weren't you very awesome just now? You relied on your numbers to bully us, but now you see our reinforcements coming, you want to run away, how can that be so simple!" A friend of Jiang Shan looked at Liu Lang angrily and said. He was beaten up even more than I was, and now his body was covered in mud and footprints, and he was willing to let Liu Lang go like that.

"Who the f * ck wants to run away!" Liu Lang knew that he would definitely lose, but his mouth was still very hard.

We stood up and let out a loud shout, "Kill these bastards!" Then we all swarmed forward and started hitting him, regardless of whether he was hit or not, as long as he was caught, we would immediately smash him with our fists.

Brother Fatty was quite cocky before he came here and wished he could fly up to the sky. However, when he brought us here, they didn't dare to hit back. They didn't dare to retaliate, afraid that we would ruthlessly hit them again.

They didn't fight back, and after a few punches to vent our anger, we didn't do much. We were all still students, so our attacks weren't too heavy. The places we hit were painful, but they weren't fatal, because we all knew that if we hit something, it wouldn't be something we students could deal with.

Although Brother Fatty had rushed over with his people to provide support, Jiang Shan no longer had the strength to beat up Liu Lang. Originally, Brother Fatty did not plan to do anything, but if Brother Jiang Shan did not do anything, then no matter what, someone must at least take care of that bastard Liu Lang.

That bastard, Liu Lang, patted the dust off his back and still wanted to stand up and fight with the fatty, but the moment he stood up, he was kicked by the fatty onto the ground. There was even a "dong" sound when he smashed onto the ground; it was obvious that the fall was not light.

After seeing Liu Lang being beaten down, we all cheered for the chubby one in our hearts. No matter how close our relationship with the chubby one was in the past, now, we are all grasshoppers on the same side.

"What is it? "Do you still want to stand up and fight?" The chubby one walked in front of Liu Lang and said condescendingly.

He didn't have the time to answer the fatty's question, but when he saw the fatty clench his fists that were as big as a sandbag again, Liu Lang looked at the fatty and hurriedly said, "I admit defeat, I give up!"

"Since you have already admitted defeat, we will not make things difficult for you. However, I hope that you will not come back to our school to cause trouble again. Next time, I will not let you leave so simply." Jiang Shan solemnly said to Liu Lang.

How could Liu Lang have any reason to refuse now? He hurriedly nodded and said that he would definitely not do so, while Jiang Shan didn't say anything else and left with his men.

After Liu Lang left, we helped Jiang Shan to sit aside for a while to let him rest. After resting for a while, Jiang Shan finally recovered.

"This bastard is too ruthless, it makes my entire body ache from the pain!" Jiang Shan complained while squatting down after resting for a while.

Although that b * stard Liu Lang promised that he wouldn't look for trouble with us in the future, I feel that this Liu Lang isn't a good person. After being tidied up by us today, he definitely won't let this matter rest.

Today, Brother Fatty came to help us out. No matter what, we have to treat him to a meal. After chatting for a while, the big guy smoked a cigarette and then went to the restaurant to eat.

Brother Fatty said that the reason he came to help us this time was all because Jiang Shan let him go that time.

"If you don't mind, then we'll be good friends from now on." Jiang Shan said to the chubby brother as he raised his temper.

"Of course I don't mind!" The chubby one smiled and opened a bottle of beer.

"Alright, then after we drink this bottle of wine, we will all be good friends. We will help each other in school!" Saying this, he would then do it as a form of respect.

However, before he started drinking, he purposely gave me a bottle of wine. If it was in the past, I would definitely not be taken seriously, but after what happened last time, his attitude towards me had greatly changed.

Originally, I didn't plan to go, but today, since Brother Fatty helped us, if I don't go today, then it would make me look down on you, so in the end, I decided to follow him.

I drank a little wine at the side. After playing for a while, I left because I had something to do, so I didn't stay any longer and followed closely behind him.

When I went back, my aunt and uncle hadn't come back yet. I drank a bit and my mind was a bit muddled. I actually walked to my cousin's door. Her door wasn't locked, so I pushed it open and went in.

At that time, my cousin was in the middle of a live broadcast. When she saw me enter the restaurant, reeking of alcohol, she immediately stood up and wanted to kick me out.

"What are you doing? I have something on, hurry up and get out of here!" said his cousin as she pushed me with her hands, trying to push me out.

However, she was too weak and couldn't push me away at all. It was all due to my strong body and my courage. Since I was already old and full of energy and blood, and my cousin was standing right next to me, smelling the fragrance from my cousin's body, I impulsively grabbed my cousin's hand and pushed her onto the bed.

My cousin was so light that I pushed her down on the bed, and when I saw her lying there, the raw impulse and desire made me jump on her, and I threw myself on her and began to kiss her on her lips, and my hands were ready to touch her.

"Ah!" I had just kissed my cousin a few times when she bit my lips until I bled. I was in pain and my whole body was wide awake, but before I could scream out in pain, she pushed me away and slapped me in the face.

With a slap, I was slapped awake by my cousin.

"What are you doing!?" "Get the hell out of here!" Cousin Liu was really angry and kicked my butt a few times.

After I woke up, I was also in the wrong. After all, I was too reckless just now. I left in an extremely sorry state. My cousin angrily slammed the door shut and there was no more 'after'.

When I woke up the next day, my cousin was looking at me with red eyes. It seemed that she even had thoughts of killing me.

I thought it was just a kiss, so it shouldn't be like this. But later on I found out that my cousin didn't do anything related to the live broadcast last night and everything I did to her was captured by the live broadcast cameras.

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