When I knew all this, I also understood why my cousin was looking at me like that. Last night, because of this, the comments below the live broadcast page of my cousin were like an explosion, and there were a lot of people participating in the commentary. Almost 90% of the people with a flat haircut were involved in the discussion, and they were all discussing what I had done to my cousin last night.

Some people expressed that they should be castrated by human flesh, while others expressed sympathy for their cousin, telling her to call the police and bring me to justice. In short, the next day's incident happened on the live broadcast platform, and her cousin gained a large number of fans.

Later on, I found out that this was probably what they call hype. No matter what, the incident from before had made her cousin very excited.

Originally, his cousin didn't have many fans who were broadcast live. However, after this incident, her fans were like a flying monkey and suddenly soared to the top.

Originally, I should have contributed a lot to this matter, but since that incident, Cousin didn't pay attention to me for eight days. She only used her eyes to stare at me normally.

Not only did my cousin treat me like this, the netizens on the live broadcast platform also expressed that scum like me should be executed very quickly, cut off the JJ and then shot. Besides that, there were also all kinds of comments that scolded me.

The Internet was that amazing. It could make you suck up to countless fans in one night and make you lose all your reputation overnight, making you lose a lot of your reputation.

In those few days, I didn't even dare to turn on the live broadcast, because the moment it was opened, I could see the comments scolding me. There were also quite a few morally inferior cousins who supported me as their goddess, but they were still commenting on my parents and my ancestors for 18 generations.

As a female broadcaster on the same platform, Sun Han also knew about this incident, but she didn't watch any videos. She only knew about it after reading someone's description in the comments section, and as a girl with an explosive sense of justice, Sun Han was also very angry about this. He said that scum like me should have been born with no butts, and get hit by a car when I go out.

The shadow of my heart at the time was almost black.

What made me even more unable to accept was that a few days later, my cousin tried to consolidate her goddess spot in the fans' hearts, saying that I was his neighbor. At that time, I got drunk and ran to the wrong place, and I saw that she was pretty and disloyal to her.

Knowing this, I was furious, but my cousin ignored me and I ignored her.

Ever since the school lost Ma Tao and He Jun, they didn't target me anymore. Right now, my relationship with Brother Fatty isn't that bad, so I went rather smoothly in the school.

When class ended this afternoon, Jiang Shan called Brother Fatty to go to a restaurant for lunch. He also called me over to eat too, so I didn't refuse and followed him and Brother Fatty to a restaurant.

Just as we were walking out of the school towards the restaurant, that bastard Liu Lang directly got in front of us on his motorcycle.

"You guys mean that your words don't count?" At this moment, the chubby brother had already clenched his fist, because he could tell that Liu Lang had come with ill intentions. His purpose in coming was definitely not simple.

"You mean what you say? Damn it! "It's impossible for you to feel comfortable even though you've already earned a lot of money!" Liu Lang glared at us fiercely and said after he came down.

"You brat, you're quite cocky!" the chubby brother said, about to punch Liu Lang. This son of a b * tch, he was in a good mood when he was going to eat.

However, just when Brother Fatty was about to make his move, four vans drove over from Liu Lang's side. Those four vans were obviously connected to Liu Lang, and they stopped behind Liu Lang after they drove over. Soon after, more than 20 hulks got out of the vehicles.

The burly men had tattoos on their bodies and they were well-built. I could tell at a glance that they were from the society. I was shocked as well. How could that bastard Liu Lang get the help of such a person? His face is way too big.

I was surprised for a moment, but then I saw a woman with short, milky gray hair get out of another van. She was wearing black leather shoes, tight black leather pants, and a sleeveless leather jacket with a lot of rivets on it.

The short-haired woman's white arm was tattooed with a particularly cool phoenix flower arms. The nail polish was also painted black and shiny. Her appearance made her look especially cool and cool, even more so than the characters in the TV series.

This short-haired woman's figure was also especially good, especially slim, just her chest wasn't too impressive, and her face was also especially pretty. I can guarantee that if she was dressed up as well as an ordinary woman, her charm and beauty wouldn't lose to a female celebrity, but her cool and neutral appearance really wasted her good figure and face.

"Cousin, it was these people who bullied me that day. They bullied me with their numbers!" Liu Lang said as he looked at the short-haired woman.

I am also quite speechless. This Liu Lang is too fucking shameless. He was the one who asked me to meet him back then, but now, we are bullying the weak. It is simply turning the white from the white to the white.

The short-haired woman looked at us and said, "Oh, just the few of them?"

"There are still some people, but it seems like they didn't come with them today." Liu Lang was completely like a good little brother in front of that short-haired woman, his gentle and refined speech made me feel nauseous.

The short-haired woman didn't look that old. She was probably only 21 or 22 years old, but it was unknown if she was really that cool or if she was dressed up like this.

"You were the ones who beat up my cousin that day, right? "You're quite bold, my younger cousin dares to hit them, get them ready!" The woman waved her hand, and the tattooed men walked towards us.

To tell the truth, that short-haired woman seemed to be in a rather awkward position leading these hulks. However, those hulks weren't joking with us. They came over to attack.

Just as I was about to make my move, I was pushed down to the ground by a strong man holding my collar. That strong man's strength was exceptionally strong.

Jiang Shan and I were not as big as the two hulks, so the two hulks easily beat us up. My entire body was sore from being hit by the hulks, which made me angry.

I looked at the brawny man and cursed fiercely. "F * ck you, I'll fight you to the death today!"

"You little brat, your mouth is really bad. Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents." Just as I stood up to fight with that strong man, he grabbed me and slapped me on the face.

The three of us, the twenty plus strong men in front of us, easily knocked us down.

"F * ck, weren't you guys so cocky that day? Why did you become like this today? If you have the ability, then stand up and hit me!" Liu Lang looked down at me from above and said. His shameless smile and his sneer really made people want to slap him to death, but we were beaten bad.

"I'm warning you here, if you dare to take revenge on my cousin, I will definitely not let you have a good ending!" The short-haired woman walked up to us and threatened us.

Although I didn't show any expression on my face, I had already mentally greeted this short-haired woman's eighteen generations of ancestors. If I had the chance, I would have ripped off all of her clothes a thousand eight hundred times!

But no matter how much my heart wanted to take revenge on her, I didn't dare to say anything more. In this situation, if I talked too much, I would get beaten up.

"Cousin, let's go," as he said this, the short-haired woman got into the car and Liu Lang, that bastard, gave us a mocking smile before riding away on his motorcycle.

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