She unwillingly sat on the bed and took off her jacket and pants, leaving only the hood and the insides to protect the important parts of her body. However, I didn't know if she was being overly vigilant, but after taking off her clothes, she squatted on the bed and covered the part I wanted to see with her hands.

"Take your hands away! Why are you blocking my view!" I said to my cousin in a bad mood. The feeling of being able to see but was blocked was very disturbing.

Cousin glanced at me before unwillingly taking my hand away. Naturally, I was filled with bliss. Cousin's perky little fart and the proud big white rabbit really made it hard for me to control her. My cousin sat on the bed with her head down and let me look at her like that. Those white legs of hers should be enough for me to play for a lifetime.

I swallowed my saliva and slowly sat beside my cousin. My hand unconsciously placed my cousin's large white legs. My cousin's entire body shuddered at that moment and was frightened by me.

Although her cousin was unwilling, she didn't know that her unwilling expression would only increase everyone's desire.

When my hand touched my cousin's smooth white legs, my whole body became restless, almost uncontrollable. I let the animal go, kicked off my shoes, and threw my cousin, who was sitting on the bed, down.

Impulse took over my consciousness, I held my cousin's face to my cousin's small mouth like a mad man. My cousin's lips were full of magic, so even if I kissed her ten thousand times, I wouldn't get tired of it.

Just when I was about to take off the rest of my cousin's inner and outer cover, my cousin tightly held onto my hand. She looked at me pitifully and said, "If you really want to do it, do it at the hotel. Don't do it at home.

The fire in my heart was extinguished by what my cousin had said. Unwilling to give my cousin a big kiss on the cheek, I sat on the bed.

As I sat there, my eyes happened to glance over my cousin's wardrobe, and I had an idea. I wanted my cousin to show me the sexy clothes she used to wear.

"I remember that you have a maid costume in your wardrobe. Go and put it on for me to see!" I said to my cousin while looking at her. This feeling of having command was too refreshing.

Cousin looked at me with her big eyes, then obediently went to the wardrobe in her inner and outer covers to find the maid outfit she used to wear for the live broadcast. After searching for a while, Cousin found it in the closet.

After finding the maid attire, my cousin looked at me pitifully and said, "You should turn around first. We'll talk about it after she has changed her clothes."

I said that even if I wanted to, my cousin couldn't do anything about it. After all, now that she was in my hands, she couldn't do anything about me.

My cousin changed into the maid outfit in front of me. I said very domineeringly, "Come sit in my embrace." She hesitated for a moment before obediently sitting in my embrace.

I hugged my she-like cousin in my arms and kissed her fragrant lips for a while. As for the rest of my actions, I just made a move when my cousin stopped me. My cousin said that I couldn't do it at home, I could do whatever I wanted outside, so I endured it and didn't say anything more.

After kissing, I left. Before leaving, I looked at my cousin and said righteously, "This month, I'll teach you to wear whatever clothes you need to wear. This is my second request."

The cousin rebutted unwillingly, "You already let me take off my clothes for you to see, and now you even want me to put on my clothes for you to see. You're deliberately being shameless!"

"You can't refuse, but if you don't agree, I can't guarantee that I won't post the video online." I looked at my cousin and said confidently. My cousin looked at me with a helpless expression.

After coming out, I couldn't calm down for a long time because my cousin's allure was too strong. I couldn't hold it in any longer and had no choice but to run into the bathroom to get rid of the five ladies.

I just came out of the toilet feeling refreshed when Sun Han called me and asked me to accompany him. I was fine, so I went to the basement where Sun Han lived.

When I went there, Sun Han was watching the other female hosts' live broadcast on his computer. After I went there, Sun Han gave me his seat and sat on my lap without any trace of politeness.

Cousin Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning are both female anchors on the same live broadcast platform. Recently, Cousin Sun Han has been in a rage, and Sun Han also noticed Cousin Han.

When I said that it was just hype, Sun Han became interested as soon as he heard it, asking me what hype was, and she wanted to hype it up as well. I said just be honest and don't think about those things, hype it up isn't some sort of glorious matter, and Sun Han said that as long as there were fans who had money, it didn't matter whether it was glorious or not.

There were many people who had the same thoughts as Sun Han, which led to a drastic rise in hype.

I didn't discuss this issue with Sun Han any further. Sun Han was watching a female anchorwoman singing.

On the same city page, I saw the live broadcast of Li Xiang Ning. This Li Xiang Ning was still live, which surprised me a little, but I opened Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast room out of curiosity. Li Xiang Ning was in the middle of making a face on the live broadcast at that time, but there were quite a few people watching this meaningless performance.

Maybe it's because there's a little conflict between me and Li Xiang Ning, so I'm full of disgust towards what Li Xiang Ning has done. But it's undeniable that the reason why Li Xiang Ning's live show was watched by people was all because she had a pretty face.

Among all the streamers in the city, Li Xiang Ning was the second prettiest, and no one really dared to be the prettiest. It was precisely because she was pretty that she possessed a lot of brainless fans, and many fans called her a goddess.

When Sun Han saw that I was watching Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast, he picked up his mouse and swiped quite a number of gifts towards Li Xiang Ning. Consider it as repaying the favor Li Xiang Ning gave me last time.

The moment she saw Sun Han's account, Li Xiang Ning happily said, "Is that Sun Han? Thank you for the gift."

Sun Han was quite happy to chat with Li Xiang Ning. He tapped the keyboard as he chatted with Li Xiang Ning, and in the end, even started a live broadcast with Li Xiang Ning.

I played with my phone for a while, and after feeling a little sleepy, I fell asleep on Sun Han's bed. The next morning, before the class even started, Sun Han woke me up.

I curiously asked Sun Han why he was so happy. Sun Han opened the live broadcast software on his mobile phone and showed me a message.

That piece of news said that in order to celebrate the first anniversary of the live broadcast platform, within ten days, the fans would vote to pick out a hundred popular female anchors. After a month, they would compete in the city, and the first would get a prize of 100,000 yuan.

After I looked, I still couldn't understand why Sun Han was so happy. Sun Han opened up another page for me to see, it was a fan poll. Although this poll had just begun, Sun Han was still in the top ten.

"I didn't see it, but my Sun Han is so powerful!" I said as I looked at Sun Han.

"That's right, my Little Han is so good, his girlfriend must be pretty good too!" Sun Han happily kissed me on the cheek.

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