In order to cheer Sun Han on, I took out my phone and cast a vote for Sun Han. In this voting event, everyone only has one vote, so I gave my vote to Sun Han.

After reaching school, I took Brother Fatty and Jiang Shan's phones to register their account, and then voted for Sun Han. After voting for Sun Han, I removed the live broadcast software from Brother Fatty's Jiang Shan's phone and returned the phone to them.

When I was voting, I looked at the name list, Li Xiang Ning actually also made it into the top 100, and Cousin Sis also made it into the top 100.

Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning were both female anchors now, so they naturally had common topics to talk about. At the end of class, Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning were discussing about the poll.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, I really didn't want Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning to have any interactions. Even if it was just a simple chat, there was no need for her to have any bad feelings towards me, in any case, I didn't like Li Xiang Ning very much, this seductive little bitch had been targeting me ever since I entered the school, and she even called me a fool not long ago. I wasn't being petty, but because she was really too excessive in the past, if it wasn't for He Jun to leave now, she would definitely still be as arrogant as before.

After He Jun left, Li Xiang Ning became a lot more honest. At least she didn't hit me with the table again during class.

At the end of class, I had a little homework to do, so I told Sun Han to go back first. I'll be there in a bit, Sun Han nodded his head and left, while I sat in my seat doing my homework.

Although I came to class with the mindset of coming here to roam around the world, under the influence of Sun Han, I would still pass my homework to the teacher. I'm not here to learn anything, I just want to make Sun Han happy and have him have a good impression towards me.

This is the first time I've ever seen her doing homework. When I finished my homework, there's only Li Xiang Ning and I left in the classroom. After I put the book on the table, I got up and prepared to leave.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, Li Xiang Ning put down her book and left as well. She walked in front of me in just a few steps, and when she reached my side, she gave a provocative snort.

When I reached the staircase, Li Xiang Ning was still walking in front of me. When Li Xiang Ning was walking down the stairs, she took out her mobile phone to check the time.

Li Xiang Ning fell onto the balcony, her hands and knees bleeding from the rubbing of the floor. When I walked over to her side, she glanced at me with tears in her eyes. Her meaning was clear, there's no one left now, so she wanted me to help her.

If other girls had tears in their eyes as they looked pitifully at me, wanting me to help, I wouldn't have thought too much about it and would have immediately helped. However, Li Xiang Ning was an exception to my rule.

I pretended not to see it and prepared to leave. Just as I was about to leave, Li Xiang Ning looked at me and snappily said, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that someone fell over? Even if you did, you wouldn't give me a hand. Do you have any sympathy!?"

Actually, if Li Xiang Ning's tone had been a little better, I might have helped her up. However, based on her sarcastic tone, I felt particularly uncomfortable when I heard it.

"Do you really think that your beautiful appearance makes the entire earth revolve around you? What does your fall have to do with me? It's not like I was the one who pushed you down. A person like you fell down, it's just a single word. You deserve it!" I looked at Li Xiang Ning and snappily said.

Li Xiang Ning pouted her lips as she looked at me, unable to say anything for a long time. Finally, she looked at me with a disgruntled expression and said, "Just you wait. I won't let you off!"

"Whatever you want! As long as you have that thing!" I looked at Li Xiang Ning as I said nonchalantly. In the past, it was because of He Jun that Li Xiang Ning that could be so arrogant. Let alone now that He Jun was no longer here, even if He Jun was still here, I still wasn't afraid of her.

Today, Li Xiang Ning was wearing a short skirt. Her long, fair legs weren't covered in stockings. After she fell, her knees were covered in blood and the floor of her calves had been scraped a layer of skin.

When I just walked down a few flights of stairs, my heart softened a little. Although this Li Xiang Ning was indeed a little overbearing in her way of doing things in the past, she hasn't reached an unforgivable level yet. There isn't a single person in the world right now.

After thinking for a moment, I decided to head back. I walked in front of Li Xiang Ning and calmly looked at her. "Let me help you down and see if there's anyone in the infirmary. If there is, I'll send you to clean your wounds."

"I don't want you to worry! I can walk by myself! "Li Xiang Ning stubbornly said as she sat on the floor with a cold expression.

I looked at Li Xiang Ning and said, "You said it yourself. If you could walk by yourself, I wouldn't care about all that. I'm not really willing to help you anyway!"

After I finished speaking, Li Xiang Ning didn't argue anymore. Seeing that Li Xiang Ning had shut her mouth, I leaned over to help her up. After I helped her up, Li Xiang Ning looked at me and snappily said, "I didn't let you help me up!"

Although she said that, her body was still very big. She tightly held onto my shoulder. I didn't say anything to her and helped her downstairs to the infirmary.

The people in the infirmary went to eat. There was no one in the infirmary, so I helped Li Xiang Ning buy a bottle of disinfectant water from the canteen. After helping her sit down and give her the disinfectant water, I prepared to leave.

"What are you walking away for? Your eyes aren't good. My hands are broken too. I can't clean the medicine!" Just as I walked away, Li Xiang Ning shouted from behind me.

Originally, I didn't want to care about her, but as a good person, I'll go back and help her apply the medicine.

I scolded Li Xiang Ning as I placed her feet on my knees, then used a cotton swab to dip it with disinfectant to wipe her injured knee. Sometimes, I feel that my brain is sick, so I'm afraid that I might hurt Li Xiang Ning.

But Li Xiang Ning is my enemy. Why would I treat her like this? I really suspect that my brain is filled with water.

After helping Li Xiang Ning wipe the wound on her knee, Li Xiang Ning extended her fair and slightly baby fat little hand in front of me. "My hand was even scratched. Wipe it a little!"

Originally, I wanted to say something to Li Xiang Ning: You really think I'm your butler, yet you're so righteous and confident, you didn't even say thank you! But when I thought about it, Li Xiang Ning had always been like this. She rarely said the word 'thank you', so I didn't say what I wanted to say. I used a cotton swab to wipe the wound on her hand.

After I finished wiping, I put down the disinfectant and prepared to leave. I was a bit hungry, so I had to go back to eat first. However, just as I got up to leave, Li Xiang Ning called me back.

"Why are you leaving? Didn't you see that my legs and hands were injured? No matter what, you have to send me home!" Li Xiang Ning looked at me and said as if it was a matter of course.

"You don't know how to take a taxi! "There are so many bullshit things, and you're still talking about them so righteously. I owe you!" I turned my head to look at Li Xiang Ning as I snappily said.

"I didn't bring any money today," Li Xiang Ning weakly said as she looked at me.

I had no choice but to hold onto Li Xiang Ning and send her back. I swore to myself that I would help her to the ground this time. If I were to encounter such a situation again, I wouldn't care even if she were beaten to death.

On the way back, Li Xiang Ning said that her legs were hurting and she couldn't walk anymore. There was no other way, I could only carry her on my back.

She wasn't polite at all. Just as I squatted down, she laid down on my stomach. Carrying her on my back meant that this Li Xiang Ning was not light at all. By the time I carried her to her house, my forehead was already covered in sweat.

What happened this time has taught me a principle, Li Xiang Ning can't help you!

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