After sending Li Xiang Ning to her house, I returned. After I went back to eat something in a hurry, it was almost time for class. Li Xiang Ning had wasted her time on me.

During the afternoon class, Li Xiang Ning leisurely walked into the classroom. It was probably because she was afraid that someone would see the wound on her knee, so she intentionally wore black stockings when she came to class in the afternoon.

She walked past me and intentionally gave me a glance. I didn't have any good intentions as I also glanced at her. This seductive little bitch. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have cared about her and even wasted my time.

After sitting down, I started chatting with Sun Han. Their common topic was the live broadcast platform's one-year anniversary event, and Li Xiang Ning was shameless enough to ask Sun Han to help her out, because she didn't have as many fans as Sun Han, who was a warmhearted person. Sun Han said that if she could help, she would definitely help out.

I didn't say anything. I just stood there quietly, reading a book.

When she returned in the afternoon, Sun Han had indeed gotten tickets for Li Xiang Ning during the live broadcast. Back then, Li Xiang Ning was also watching Sun Han's live broadcast.

I also told Sun Han not to interact with that coquettish little bitch Li Xiang Ning in the future. Who knew that after Sun Han heard me say this, he even said I was petty. Although Li Xiang Ning had bullied me before, that was already the past.

At that time, I was so angry that I almost exploded. This Li Xiang Ning has even affected the relationship between me and Sun Han.

With Sun Han's help, Li Xiang Ning, who was about to fall off the charts, once again returned to the rankings. Sun Han, along with the other hosts' advertising power, also fell to the back of the rankings.

As Cousin's rank on the leaderboard surpasses Sun Han's, I unconsciously felt a little jealousy towards Cousin.

One day after school I went back to my uncle's house. My cousin was washing my clothes in the washing machine. She was dressed casually. The lower half of my body was wearing a pair of white pants and a pair of white cloth shoes. Sun Han's ranking had fallen severely on the list that day, and Sun Han wasn't happy, so naturally I wasn't happy either.

It just so happened that my cousin had surpassed a few anchors that day and sat firmly in the top five. My cousin was obviously very happy about this. She had a smile on her face when she was washing clothes, but her smile made the jealousy in my heart even more rampant.

I put down my schoolbag and walked over to my cousin, who was washing clothes, grabbed her by the face, and kissed her on the lips.

"What are you doing, I'm washing clothes!" I had only kissed a few times when my cousin pushed me away in disgust, her face full of reproach.

"I just want to kiss you, no matter what!" Saying that, I forcefully kiss my cousin's face again. My cousin also tried to resist, but her strength was too weak for me to stop her.

Originally, I was going to kiss her a few more times, but now that my cousin wanted to clean her clothes, I didn't brush her clothes anymore. To be honest, playing rogue in front of my cousin was really fun. Especially when she kissed him and resisted again, that feeling got old and exciting.

After my cousin had finished washing her clothes, I had her change into a new nurse's uniform and show me her clothes. Just as I was embracing my cousin's crazy relatives, my uncle and aunt came back. Luckily, my cousin's door was closed, so my uncle and aunt quickly changed their clothes when they returned.

We didn't make any noise in the room, so my aunt and uncle didn't ask when I came out.

The next day was Sun Han, me, and the other two classmates' day off. After the afternoon class ended, I volunteered to start sweeping the floor with a broom, while Sun Han was also very diligent. When I was sweeping the floor, she helped me put the chair away neatly.

Originally, we agreed which two of the other students would dump the trash, but since those two girls had things to do, they had to leave first. Sun Han had a good temper, so she let them go first.

As Sun Han's girlfriend, I naturally couldn't just watch Sun Han empty the trash can. I took the trash can and emptied it while Sun Han was waiting for me inside the classroom.

When I took the trash can back to the classroom, Sun Han was still there. I casually threw the trash can away and prepared to leave while holding Sun Han's hand.

"Do you have any sense of public morality? Can't you put the trash can away properly? Just throw it around!" Sun Han shot me a look of disdain before going to put away the trash can.

At that time, Sun Han was wearing an extremely short skirt, and when she bent down to clean the trash can, her little butt was raised towards me. Looking at Sun Han's round little butt, I unconsciously became more serious.

"What are you doing!"

When Sun Han said this, I had already walked to the back of her fart and was on top of her fart.

After arranging the trash cans, Sun Han stood up and said angrily and anxiously, "Why are you so bad? It's the same at school!"

I looked at Sun Han with a mischievous smile. "What's there to be afraid of? There's no one at school right now, so just let me kiss you while there's no one around!"

"This is inside the school, I can't give you a kiss!" Sun Han already started to push me before I even made a move.

I was already imagining things when I saw Sun Han's pinky face. After she pushed me away, I grabbed her little hand and pressed her against the wall, giving her a kiss on her little mouth.

"I already said I won't let you kiss me, why are you so disobedient!" Sun Han, who had been kissed by me, said pitifully.

"We've been together for so long, even if you didn't let me do it, I wouldn't even kiss you!" I looked at Sun Han and said grievingly. Sun Han had already gone to a hotel to get a room for a girlfriend in a few days. How honest was I? Even if they were in the same bed, I wouldn't even move a bit if they didn't let me.

"I don't care about you, I'm going back. If you use force again, then I won't beat you up even if you ask me to!" Sun Han looked at me and gave me a little temper, but her little temper was very cute in my eyes.

The anger in my heart has started to rise. Furthermore, with no one around, how could I let Sun Han off so easily? If I don't have a good time today, I won't let her leave.

I forcefully pressed Sun Han against the wall, then used a hand to control her hands and kissed her lips. Sun Han wanted to resist, but after a battle of words, he still submitted obediently and used his tongue to respond to my crazy attacks.

After kissing Sun Han for a while, my restless hands went from Sun Han's ass to Sun Han's clothes. Just as I was about to touch him, Sun Han grabbed my hand.

"He's already been kissed by you, and you still want more from him. If you keep doing this, I won't let you kiss me anymore!" Sun Han said angrily as he looked at me pouting.

"Anyways, now that everyone has left the school, I can just touch a little, a little bit will do!" I said affectionately as I looked at Sun Han.

Sun Han was originally a little better off than the airport, but under the training of my hands, Sun Han was clearly bigger than before.

Any woman loves to be beautiful, whether in terms of body or face. Looking at Sun Han, I'm still a little hesitant.

Under my coaxing, Sun Han relaxed his guard, and I smoothly reached my hand under Sun Han's clothes.

While I was touching and kissing there, I kept feeling that someone was watching me from behind.

After kissing Sun Han a few times, I turned my head to look behind me. Sure enough, there was a hand behind me with a mobile phone through the window, patting Sun Han and me!

"What's wrong? You don't want to kiss me anymore?" Seeing that I didn't kiss her anymore, Sun Han blushed slightly and asked me.

"It's fine, it's getting late, we should also go back, we'll kiss you later!" I looked at Sun Han and said calmly, but in my heart, I was already planning on how to catch the person who secretly took our photos.

"You wish! I won't let you kiss me again when we get back!" Sun Han didn't notice that the phone behind me was looking at me naughtily.

Ignoring Sun Han, I sprinted out the door like a phoenix and prepared to catch that thief.

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