After finishing their meal, they digested it a bit. LiuLang, chubby brother, Jiang Shan, and the others all arranged to go to Kungodi's bar together later to play and see if there were any lonely girls. Originally, they had called me over, but after Sun Han finished eating, he wanted to go back.

After receiving the money from my brother, I sent Sun Han back to his house. Afterwards, I went to my uncle's house and told him that I was going to rent a house by myself. Uncle told me that I should stay here by myself, but he didn't say anything more and told me that I should move out tomorrow if I found a house.

After hearing the news that I was going to rent a house outside, although my cousin didn't have any expression on her face, I could see a hint of happiness in her eyes. Did she think that if I moved out, she wouldn't be bothered anymore? However, it was clear that she was thinking too much. I won't let her off so easily.

After making an agreement with uncle, I went back to my room to sleep. Initially, I wanted to tease my cousin before going to bed, but uncle and aunt were there, so I didn't have the guts to do so.

The next morning, I told Sun Han about the matter of renting a house. I wanted to rent a bigger and better house, and when the time came for me to live with Sun Han, Sun Han felt it was fine.

Sun Han and I agreed that after class this afternoon, we would look for a house and move there immediately upon finding one. Just when Sun Han and I were looking forward to the beautiful life ahead of us, Li Xiang Ning's phone rang.

At that time, there weren't any classes, so Li Xiang Ning answered the call inside the classroom. I didn't know who it was that called Sun Han, but what caught my attention wasn't who called Li Xiang Ning, but her phone.

Li Xiang Ning's family conditions are very good. When I sent her back that day, I also saw the decorations of her house. Her family is indeed rich. Due to the family's wealth, the phone Li Xiang Ning bought isn't like the one we use, it's a pink one with a big screen and very good pixels. I don't know the exact brand, but I'm sure it's definitely not cheap.

The reason why I'm so concerned about Li Xiang Ning's phone is because Li Xiang Ning's phone is very similar to the phone that was secretly taken by me and Sun Han's intimate friends the other day. It's almost exactly the same.

Thinking of this, I once again thought about how I was caught secretly taking photos. At that time, Li Xiang Ning had also entered the girls' bathroom, but at that time, I clearly hadn't started taking photos yet, yet I was found out.

When I thought of this, I almost got angry. This Li Xiang Ning really knows how to play, ah. Not only did I not say anything, I even purposely designed a bridge segment to make me feel grateful towards her.

Thinking of my innocent phone being smashed into smithereens, the rage in my heart flared up even more.

After Li Xiang Ning received the call, she didn't know if she felt guilty or not, but she quickly put her phone back in her pocket. It wasn't good for me to get angry at Li Xiang Ning inside the school.

When class ended in the afternoon, I had to clean up the field, so when class ended, I stuffed a piece of paper in front of Li Xiang Ning, saying that it was to thank her for her help that night. I wanted to treat her to a meal that night, time and so on.

When I was cleaning the field, even my chubby brother Sun Han came over to help, so in a short while, we cleaned up the field.

After we went back, Sun Han and I went to look for a house. By the time we found a house, it was already almost dark. After paying the deposit, we went back outside and moved tomorrow.

I found an excuse to tell Sun Han that Jiang Shan had something to discuss with me, so I went out in the open.

I came to the place written on the slip of paper and waited for a while. After waiting for a while, I thought that Li Xiang Ning wouldn't come, but just as I was about to leave, Li Xiang Ning came.

Li Xiang Ning was dressed very beautifully. Her short black skirt was matched with black stockings, and she was also wearing a pair of black leather shoes and a white shirt. She was dressed very beautifully, and if I hadn't thought about the fact that I was here to take revenge on her today, I would have been captivated by her.

When Li Xiang Ning arrived, she smiled sweetly and apologetically, saying that she was late. Such a polite Li Xiang Ning really surprised me. I said that I was fine and that I had just arrived.

When Li Xiang Ning arrived, she originally wanted to sit down and eat. I said, "I'll take you to another place. The food there is even better." After hearing that, Li Xiang Ning nodded and followed me.

I brought Li Xiang Ning to a relatively remote alley. The surroundings were dark and there weren't many people around. There was only a dim street light that barely lit up the place.

When we were outside the alley, I turned around and pressed Li Xiang Ning against the wall. I looked at her and said angrily, "You'd better be more honest with me. Was the person who secretly filmed Sun Han and I that afternoon you?"

She didn't know what I was talking about. I didn't say anything more to her and just reached into her pocket to take out her phone. But her phone is locked, and there's no password that can't be unlocked.

I watched as Li Xiang Ning angrily asked me to unlock the phone's lock. I saw for myself what was going on, but Li Xiang Ning felt guilty. She didn't dare to unlock the door, so I was sure that the thief who stole the photo was Li Xiang Ning.

"I'm sorry, I just happened to see you guys over there. I was curious for a moment, so I took a photo with my phone!" Li Xiang Ning weakly said as she looked at me.

"After you recorded the video, you even asked me to secretly take pictures of a girl taking a bath. Are you purposely messing with me?" I angrily said as I looked at Li Xiang Ning.

"At that time, I just wanted to play with you. I didn't know that things would get so out of hand." Li Xiang Ning looked at me with an innocent expression as she spoke.

Her innocent look made me even angrier, because she wanted to mess with me, causing me to be beaten up by those tigers, and my phone to be scrapped.

Under my interrogation, Li Xiang Ning clearly explained everything. At that time, she had joined forces with the few girls that were close to her and then colluded with them to deal with me in the female bathroom. Those tigers were instigated by them.

After Li Xiang Ning explained everything to me truthfully, the anger in my heart didn't quell in the slightest.

In a fit of anger, I started tearing at Li Xiang Ning's clothes, her short skirt, and her stockings while fiercely saying, "I let you secretly take pictures, I let you secretly take pictures!"

"No!" "Don't!" Li Xiang Ning hastily used her hand to stop me, but with that little bit of strength of hers, she was completely unable to stop me.

I was afraid that Li Xiang Ning's scream would attract people over, so I used one hand to cover her mouth while the other hand crazily tore off her clothes.

Under my tearing, Li Xiang Ning's stocking skirt was torn apart, and the small white shirt I wore had a few buttons ripped off. The white and patterned cover underneath was exposed in my line of sight.

Li Xiang Ning's skirt was originally quite short. After I tore open her skirt and stockings, the white interior was faintly discernible.

"Wuwuwu ~"

Originally, I had planned to completely tear up Li Xiang Ning, but when I saw her tears flowing, my hands stopped moving all of a sudden.

After calming down my agitated emotions, I looked at Li Xiang Ning and snappily said, "Today, I'll treat it as teaching you a lesson. Quickly scram!"

"But. "But how am I supposed to go back when I'm like this?" Li Xiang Ning looked at me pitifully as she said.

That's right, I tore apart her entire body. How can she go back like this?

Li Xiang Ning was skinnier than me. My uncle bought this coat for me, and I've already worn some of it. After Li Xiang Ning wore it, she coincidentally covered up her short, torn skirt.

After zipping up Li Xiang Ning, I told her to go back, but it was already late. If she went back alone, Li Xiang Ning was afraid that she might run into some danger. Wouldn't that make me an indirect accomplice?

So after I thought about it, I still took a taxi and drove Li Xiang Ning to the door of her house. After I sent her to the door of her house, I took her phone and put it in my pocket. Looking at her, whose tears had just dried, I said, "I'll temporarily deduct her phone for you.

After saying that, I left in a bad mood.

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