The next morning, Li Xiang Ning returned my jacket to me, and I did as I said and returned her phone back to her. After last night's lesson, Li Xiang Ning dared to play any tricks with me, so after I gave the phone to her, she deleted the video right in front of me.

I don't know if Li Xiang Ning was mistaken, but when she returned my clothes to me, they still had the scent of washing powder lingering on them. She washed my clothes before she gave them to me; originally, I wasn't in a good mood, but Li Xiang Ning's actions caused my originally bad mood to turn sour.

After I returned to the classroom and sat down, Sun Han and I began to talk about renting a house. Sun Han said that she would help me move things when class ended this afternoon, and I accepted her good intentions. However, I didn't have many things at Uncle's house, so I didn't need Sun Han's help to settle it myself.

After class in the afternoon, I went to my uncle's house to pack up my stuff, then carried my stuff to the room I rented yesterday. After I finished moving my stuff, I helped Sun Han move her stuff over.

The room we were renting this time was quite large and both of us felt that it was rather empty after staying for a while. Other than the large space, the conditions were also pretty good.

After Sun Han made up his bed, he went to take a bath. I was a bit tired from carrying around my things, so I decided to take a bath before going to bed.

Due to the computer not having an internet connection, Sun Han could no longer live broadcast today. Sun Han was taking a bath, and since I had nothing better to do, I just laid on the bed and played with my mobile phone. I automatically turned on the live broadcast software and took a glance at the poll rankings of the fans.

He didn't know, but he was startled when he saw that Sun Han's ranking had dropped. If he went and dropped again, he would fall off the leaderboard.

As Sun Han's boyfriend, I naturally hope for Sun Han to be good. Sun Han really wants to participate in this live broadcast platform's first anniversary event, not only because of the generous prize money, but also because this is an extremely exposed event.

Although I really want to help Sun Han, everyone only has one vote and I'm just looking on anxiously.

Her cousin's position on the leaderboard had always been the same, and very few people could surpass her.

I was looking at my phone when Sun Han came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Sun Han was wearing a loose white pajamas with beautiful patterns on it. After drying her hair, Sun Han turned around beautifully in front of me and asked me if she looked good.

Everyone says that a lover's eyes can only see the west. Those words aren't false. At that time, I felt that Sun Han was the most beautiful woman in the world. No woman could compare to him.

I looked lovingly at Sun Han before smiling and nodding at him. Sun Han smiled as he sat in my arms and playfully asked, "Do you want to be hit and sent flying?"

"You're helping me?" I looked at Sun Han and smiled evilly.

"Nonsense, I'm your girlfriend. If I don't help you, who will?" As Sun Han spoke, his small hand reached into my pants insincerely.

Although Sun Han wouldn't let me and her, with her little hand here, I didn't have much energy to think about other things.

After finishing my work, I took a bath and hugged Sun Han to sleep. Sun Han enjoyed the warmth of my embrace as he played with his phone.

"The semester will end in 20 more days. Time flies!" Sun Han sighed as he played with his phone.

If it wasn't for what Sun Han said, I would have forgotten about the end of the semester. In another half a month, I would have reached the exam and summer vacation would have followed.

Speaking of which, the live broadcast platform is holding at the time of our summer vacation.

Sun Han asked me what I planned to do during the summer vacation. I looked at him and smiled evilly. "What else can I do during the summer vacation? Of course it's to fuck you!"

"Why are you so bad, aiya! "You're on top of someone else again," Sun Han said as he looked at me with hidden bitterness.

Under Sun Han's small hands, I surrendered once again. After everything that had happened, I was especially sleepy, so I hugged Sun Han and fell asleep.

The next day after school, in order to help Sun Han get on the list, I went to find my cousin at her uncle's house.

When I left, it was right when my aunt and uncle were no longer around. My cousin was playing with her cell phone, and when she saw that I had returned, she immediately put it aside and looked at me warily.

"Cousin, you don't need to look at me like that. I came this time because I need your help with something." I looked at Cousin's very sincere expression and said. Cousin saw that my attitude wasn't too bad, so she asked me what I wanted her to help with.

I came here this time to get my cousin to call her fans to vote for Sun Han. After I told her about this matter, my cousin looked at me and said, "Oh, this is going to be difficult. I don't know if any of my fans will vote!" "But if you promise me one thing, then I'll do my best to help you once!"

I asked my cousin what she wanted to promise her. She looked at me with confidence and said, "After I help you, you have to delete the video that you shot and don't harass me again!"

I used to have a video of my cousin, and she had to accept my threats. But now the situation has changed.

After my cousin finished speaking, her expression changed. She pressed my cousin onto the sofa and fiercely bit her lips. My hand rubbed her chest. After kissing her, I stood up and said to her, "Alright, deal!"

Cousin wiped her mouth in disdain and tidied up her clothes before sitting down to play with her phone. Cousin said that she would help me in the evening when the live broadcast was going to start, so I don't have to worry.

Since Cousin said so, I naturally had to show some sincerity. I opened my phone and deleted the video that was sent to me. I also deleted the video that was backed up to the clouds.

The moment I deleted the video, I felt a little reluctant. I didn't know if it was because I couldn't get my cousin that I sent it.

During the night, his cousin did tell the fans about voting for Sun Han during the live broadcast. Sun Han's ranking quickly rose a few places, which made Sun Han very happy, because the voting deadline was tomorrow morning eight o'clock and the rankings were basically settled.

Li Xiang Ning was originally on the leaderboard, but when I looked at her again, she had already lost. It looks like she wasn't fated to be here.

As the deadline was tomorrow morning, Sun Han did not sleep well all night. Before daybreak the next day, he had already been holding his phone and looking around.

When the voting ended, Sun Han's heart finally returned to his chest, because she was still on the leaderboard. I also took a glance at her, but I didn't know what method Li Xiang Ning used last night to actually get on the leaderboard.

After Sun Han arrived at the classroom, he started chatting with Li Xiang Ning. The two of them had even agreed to go together when the holidays were over.

I was very happy to see Sun Han. In order to make sure that Sun Han didn't drop the rankings, I threw away my chance to become a man. I originally planned to forcefully make my cousin this Sunday, but for Sun Han's sake I gave up this great opportunity.

A few days later, Sun Han received an invitation from the live broadcast platform, inviting him to participate in the anniversary celebration.

The live broadcast platform indicated on the invitation letter that the hosts of the event must prepare a performance before they go.

As the time of the event approached closer and closer, so did the time of our professional examination. Day by day, the time approached.

Very soon, it was time for the professional exam. The night before the professional exam, Sun Han was reading a book and revising. I was very calm.

Sun Han didn't look nervous at all and didn't pay attention to me as he focused on studying.

"The exam is tomorrow, how about you let me do something to calm me down tonight?" I said to Sun Han with a mischievous smile.

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