"You already said that you will be taking the exam tomorrow, so why don't you let me study properly? "Furthermore, I've told you many times that you can't do that thing before you get married!" Sun Han raised his head and looked at me boldly and confidently as he continued to review.

I'm a little regretful. In order for Sun Han to participate in this live broadcast, I threw away the opportunity to become a man, but she refused to let me do it. If I knew earlier, I would have ignored her and played with my cousin first.

After two days of professional exam, she had a vacation. After receiving her professional grade report, Sun Han began rehearsing her performance in the room in preparation for the live broadcast of the platform's anniversary celebration.

I didn't want to disturb her, so I went to find Jiang Shan and the others to play basketball. When we were playing basketball, I told Jiang Shan and the others that Sun Han was going to participate in an event.

I wasn't stingy. I told them the time and place, and when the time comes, I'll definitely go and cheer Sun Han on, coincidentally with Jiang Shan and the rest.

After they finished talking about Sun Han going to participate in the event, Brother Fatty and Jiang Shan started to chat about meat. After they finished talking about it, Brother Fatty and Jiang Shan asked me if I was still doing sex? I said, a little depressed.

The fatty looked at me with disappointment and said, "As far as I know, you're the only one among us who hasn't broken through yet."

After hearing that, he looked at me obscenely and said, "If you don't understand what's going on in this area, tell me. Like this, tonight you'll get 500 yuan, I'll take you to find a woman to mess with!"

Obviously, Brother Fatty is taking me to whoring, but five hundred dollars is too expensive. I heard the boys in the school say that you can get it for two hundred dollars for Miss.

Brother Fatty said two hundred yuan was a fast food, five hundred yuan was a bag night, all of this I was a country bumpkin, I didn't even know what a bag night was, it was only after Brother Fatty and I explained it in detail did I understand.

At that hot-blooded age, I was very curious about the affairs between the sexes. Under the urging of the chubby brother, I took out 500 yuan from my unspent savings and followed the chubby brother to a foot-bath shop at 8 pm.

Brother Fatty is very familiar with this foot-bath shop. After he brought me in, he had the boss call all the foot-washing girls out for us to choose from. Brother Jiang Shan and I are the only ones who haven't chosen yet.

To be honest, the nervousness and excitement in my heart was greater than anything else when I came out for the first time. Looking at those feet washing girls who were dressed in revealing clothes, I had a sudden impulse to ask them all to accompany me, but my purse was limited. In the end, I chose a younger foot washing girl who had a better figure.

After choosing, she led us to our respective rooms. I went to my room and sat down on the bed. The foot washer came to my side and extended her dishonest hands to my lower body.

After being touched so shamelessly by her hands, Shi Zhe became even more embarrassed. His face also turned red unconsciously, and when the girl who washed my feet saw me blushing, she giggled. She looked at me and said in a very ordinary manner, "Little handsome brother, is this the first time I've come out to play?"

I nodded. The foot girl touched my lower body and continued to ask if I was a virgin. I felt a bit embarrassed to say that.

"Oh, so it's like that. Rest assured, big sister will definitely help you break your place. Look at how hard you've become, it's almost as if you're made of steel." Saying that, the foot cleaning woman gently pulled open my belt, and then took off my underpants.

Just when she was taking off my underpants, she heard an extremely enchanting shout coming from next door. The fat guy next door is here, and I haven't even taken off my pants yet, but he's already starting to make such a loud noise?

Hearing the scream from next door, a fire ignited in my lower abdomen. I immediately pushed the feet washing girl in front of me down onto the bed. I used my hands to touch her body as I took off her clothes.

Originally, I wanted to play some tricks, but after being told that tricks needed to be paid for, I could only behave.

Just as I finished pressing down the foot girl to take off her underpants, I heard footsteps coming from outside. Not long later, the door was kicked open with a 'bang' and a few middle-aged men walked in, full of righteousness.

My good fortune was ruined. Just as I was about to curse, those middle-aged men took out their identification cards. Oh my god, they actually met with a failure.

There was no point in trying to argue now. The evidence was solid. I was destined to be taken away today. The middle-aged men sternly told us to put on our clothes and then led us away.

Just like me, there were Fat Brother and Jiang Shan, as well as other men and women, a total of twenty people.

After being taken back, we accepted the educational criticism. Later on, it was all Jiang Shan who called Brother Kun, and Brother Kun came to take us out.

"This is too fucking unlucky, I've been to this place many times before, how could I be so unlucky today!" On the way, the chubby boy said gloomily.

In the end, when I met such a situation, I really doubt that the heavens would intentionally punish me. At every critical moment, I would have to do something for them, at least wait for them to finish, then they would come and take me away. The moment they took off my pants, they would come in and take me away.

After this incident, the five hundred yuan was wasted. This wasn't even counted as Brother Kun's money.

Big Brother Kun brought us to his place of residence. Big Brother Kun's residence was very close to his place. When we went there, Big Brother Qian and Liu Lang were both at Big Brother Kun's place.

After we sat down, covered in dust, Liu Lang came over and asked us why we didn't bring him along when we went to find a woman. The chubby brother said snappily: "That's for you! If I called you over, you'd be taken away today as well!"

"Aren't you guys being too unlucky?" Liu Lang looked at us and laughed.

Brother Fatty said that he was the most aggrieved, and it was almost over, yet he was just taken away at that critical moment. Speaking of which, I was the saddest, I didn't even get a chance to do anything before I was taken away.

Brother Kun didn't really care about us. He just sat there watching the TV, and Brother Kun gave us each a bottle of drinks to drink. He told us to calm down.

After we finished our drinks, Brother Pang and Liu Lang started chatting happily. They even agreed that next time they would go there for a hooker, and then the four of us would be together.

As they chatted, Brother Fatty, Jiang Shan, even told Liu Lang about Sun Han's participation in the event. They said that there would be a lot of beauties there, and they asked Liu Lang if he wanted to go as well.

These fellows all loved beauties but not mountains and rivers. When Liu Lang heard the chubby one and Jiang Shan say this, he immediately agreed. If he told the chubby one to call him when the time came, his bad memory would easily forget the time.

"Your girlfriend is going to participate in the competition?" Sis Qian was originally sitting with her brother quietly watching TV, but when she heard that we were discussing somewhere, she also joined in.

After I nodded, Qian-jie said that she would go as well and cheer for Sun Han.

"As your brother, you have to go, no matter what, it's your brother's wife, we'll go together then!" Sister Qian said as she looked at her brother with a serious expression.

I can see that Sister Qian isn't cheering for Sun Han, she just wants to be together with her brother. I'm curious about one thing, do you and your brother have anything to do with each other?

After hearing what Qianjie said, my brother looked at me, said that we can talk about it when the time comes, and then went back to watching TV.

His brother, Sister Kun, was watching TV, while his fat brother, Liu Lang, was happily chatting.

When Liu Lang heard the chubby brother say that I still had a girlfriend, he whispered to me, "Why didn't you mess with her? It's not easy to explain it to him. After all, this is a secret between Sun Han and me."

"I say, just ignore her and just take off your pants. If she doesn't agree, then use force!" Everyone admires you, you have a girlfriend or you're a virgin. This bro doesn't have a girlfriend's bitterness, otherwise I would have taken her to get a room on the first day. If not, I would have forced myself on her! ", Liu Lang looked at me and gave me a rotten idea.

I'm very clear on what kind of person Sun Han is. I hope Sun Han let me do it voluntarily.

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