After getting off the bus, we found the live broadcast platform according to the address, and a lot of female anchors who had been with us for a day were all great beauties, and there were even a few foreign chicks, especially an island chick. Originally, Liu Lang wanted to play around with the hoodlums and ask them if the island chick had ever filmed a film before, but in the end, in order to prevent Liu Lang from getting killed, we stopped him.

After registering at the front desk, someone specially came over to lead Sun Han, Li Xiang Ning and Cousin Sis upstairs. As for us, we were left outside as random people.

We weren't idle outside either, smoking while chatting about where the female streamer looked the best. Liu Lang had a deep affection for that island chick, and said that he would get her to contact him for the address and then get revenge for her 180 times. Regarding this, we just smiled without saying a word.

Like what Liu Lang said, I didn't dare to hope for that much, so I might as well just hide in my bed and watch my island movie. Don't think too much about the other stuff.

We waited outside for a long time, but Sun Han, Li Xiang Ning, and Cousin Sister didn't come out.

We waited for nearly two more hours before Cousin Sun Han, Li Xiang Ning, came out. After Sun Han came out, he let out a sigh of relief. I asked Sun Han why he was going upstairs.

Sun Han said that although the results of the rehearsal was not bad, he still needed to do more rehearsals. This time, his competitors were too formidable. If he did not put in some effort, he would be able to take first place.

Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning's rehearsal results were not bad, but according to what Sun Han and I said, Cousin Han's rehearsal results were not very highly regarded by the judges. This could be seen from Cousin's expression.

Since it was only five days before the event officially started, we didn't plan to go back. We found a nearby inn to stay at. They each stayed in one room, while Sun Han and I stayed in the other.

After paying the deposit, we all went out for a meal. After eating, my cousin's expression didn't look too good, and she gloomily returned to the hotel alone. We weren't familiar with this place, so we couldn't find anything to play with outside.

When I was about to take off my clothes and go to sleep, a small card suddenly floated in between the crack of the door. I picked it up and looked at it, and there was a picture of a beauty on it, and it even says that we can do special services on our doorstep. I didn't need to say anything about that special service to know what it was, but it also had a phone number placed on it.

Sun Han saw me looking at that small card and took it away from me in a very naughty and naughty manner. Then, he carefully and curiously looked at it, Sun Han is also not a child, so he naturally knows what this card is for. After throwing the card into the trash can, Sun Han looked at me and said, "Speak!" Do you want to call for special services? "

I said no, I don't have a girlfriend like you, what special service do I need?

After Sun Han had been praised by me, he was overjoyed. He then hugged my neck and kissed me for a while.

Sun Han was a little tired. After kissing me for a while, he fell asleep. I was still unable to sleep, so I planned to open the window to take a breather.

I opened the window and smoked a cigarette. When I finished, I was about to close the window when I saw my cousin coming downstairs with her bag.

Why did his cousin go out so late at night? I was a little curious, but thinking about how unfamiliar this place was and how my cousin was alone, it was very dangerous for a beauty like my cousin to travel alone at night.

I put on my shoes and opened the door and went downstairs to catch up with my cousin, who walked a few steps down the stairs before catching a taxi and leaving. I was going to say hello to my cousin and say that I was with her, but before I could finish my sentence, my cousin got in the car.

To be honest, ever since Cousin was almost harmed by Zhang Jian, I was quite worried about Cousin's safety. I forcefully kissed my Cousin multiple times, and my aunt and uncle treated me so well.

Cousin took a taxi to the brightly lit street. After getting off the taxi, she went to a relatively remote hotel. I was also rather curious at the time, what was Cousin doing? It's not like she didn't have anywhere to sleep.

I got out of the car and followed my cousin to the small hotel. This time, I didn't want to greet my cousin, so I wanted to see what she was up to first.

My cousin went straight to a lighted room after entering the small hotel. I followed her upstairs.

At this time, it was already very late. Many rooms in the small hotel had their lights turned off, and there were even the cries of women coming from a few of them.

I stood outside the door of the room where my cousin had gone in to eavesdrop. The soundproofing effect of this small hotel wasn't very good, so I could clearly hear what was being said inside.

"You're here, Miss Li?"

"Mm, is there something important you're looking for me for so late at night?"

A man's voice came from the room his cousin went into. Judging from the voice, this man should be in his thirties or forties. Ye Zichen could tell from the man's voice that this man definitely wasn't anything good.

I called you here to tell you something. As you can see, all of the female anchors here today are all very pretty and they prepared a very good program. If you want to win this year's event, it'll be a bit difficult!

"Oh, if you can't win, then forget it, just treat it as coming to see the world!"

"Sigh!" "I haven't finished speaking. There's no one in the world who doesn't want to be the champion. If you really want to win, there's still a chance. There is a chance, but I don't know if you really want to win!"

"Of course I really want to win. I just don't know if there's any other opportunities?"

When I was outside, I could tell that this man definitely had evil intentions, but what made my heart a little cold was that this cousin of mine wasn't a good person either.

I was planning to leave, but I decided to stay for a while.

The man in the room continued, "With your beauty and figure, you'll definitely have a chance to win. As long as you stay with me tonight, I'll guarantee that you'll win the championship. When the time comes, not only will the prize be yours, the live broadcast platform will also help to increase your fame and increase your fame.

The man in the room started to laugh. Although I couldn't see what was going on inside, but I was sure that the man in the room would be very ugly when he smiled.

"What you said is indeed very tempting, but there are too many swindlers outside right now, so I don't dare to completely trust you. How about this, when I become the champion, I'll listen to your orders!" The cousin said in a coquettish voice.

I used to think that my cousin wanted to tease her, but now I want to scold her.

"Miss Li, haven't you heard? Promotions in the future! "This hasn't even reached the day where there is a reason to advance." The man in the room continued.

In order to make Sun Han obey him, the man in the room even made many promises to his cousin, such as' Cousin Han will do his best to help his cousin after winning the championship ',' Package and promote his cousin ', and so on.

I wasn't a webcaster after all, so I didn't know how tempting these conditions were, but it wasn't hard to deduce from my cousin's silent hesitation that they were tempting.

"I can promise to accompany you tonight, but you have to keep your promise!" After hesitating for a while, her cousin still agreed to the man's request.

I felt that I had no other feelings for my cousin other than possessiveness, but for some reason, when I heard that my cousin had agreed to that man's request, my heart felt like it had split open. I couldn't help but feel a stab of pain, followed by an inexplicable resentment.

I angrily knocked on the door, and then...

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