When I heard the conversation going on in the room, I was so angry that my teeth itched. I gritted my teeth and knocked on the door. After I knocked on the door, the male student said unhappily, "Who is it? What's the matter with chicken feathers tonight?"

That said, the door opened, and I was answered by a bald, middle-aged man in a baggy nightgown, his flip-flops covered by his fat feet, who, if one did not look closely, might have thought he was not wearing shoes.

Not only was this middle-aged man fat, but he was also extremely ugly. His face was like a pig's head, and his eyes were so small that they were almost covered by the fat on his face.

"Who are you? "Is there something wrong?" That man probably had something good going on as he looked at me in a bad mood. He was obviously not in a good mood, but I'm sure of one thing, my mood was even worse than his.

I told the middle-aged man that I was looking for someone. Before I could finish speaking, the middle-aged man looked at me and said impatiently, "Find someone?" I don't have anyone here that you're looking for. Get lost now, don't disturb my sleep! "

I saw that the middle-aged man was especially infuriated and didn't even have time to speak with him at the door. I pushed him away with all my might and I had to say that this bastard was as heavy as a pig.

I pushed him away and walked directly in. My cousin was sitting on the bed in the room with a calm expression on her face. She had heard my voice just now.

"You little brat, what are you doing, breaking into my house!" That middle-aged man at the door said angrily, then he walked over to get me out.

I didn't pay any attention to the middle-aged man. Instead, I directly walked in front of my cousin. I looked at her and said with a voice that was neither salt nor strength, "Follow me!"

My cousin sat on the bed with her head down, and when I finished, she didn't respond. She just sat there, not even looking up at me.

"Leave with me immediately! "I don't want to repeat myself to you!" I looked at my cousin and said very loudly. I was originally a bit angry about this matter, so when I said it, my voice unconsciously became a lot louder.

When that middle-aged man came in, he originally wanted to directly get me out, but after hearing what I said to my cousin, he asked me what was my relationship with my cousin. I fiercely said, "I'm her cousin, so why?"

When the middle-aged man heard me say this, he wanted to ask for confirmation from his cousin, but my cousin didn't say anything.

My cousin stayed silent and didn't come with me. She just sat on the bed with her head down and didn't say anything. I didn't waste my time talking to her.

Cousin was wearing a black dress with a pair of high heels. At first, I thought that she was out of the house for some reason, but it turned out that she was doing something that didn't weigh too much.

When the middle-aged man saw that his cousin had left, he grit his teeth and didn't say anything.

After pulling my cousin out, I looked at my cousin and righteously said, "Cousin, you're already so old. Don't you know how to write the four words' self-respect and self-love '? Are you that irresponsible?"

When my cousin came out, she shook my hand off and walked alone in front of me. No matter what I said to her, she didn't reply.

I continued to say a few words that weren't very pleasant to hear. My cousin was obviously getting impatient. She looked at me and impatiently said, "I know my own matters. I don't need you to say anything more!" Who do you think you are to me, and what right do you have to care about me! "

Not only did my good intentions become useless, I even got bitten back at. At that time, I was completely furious, so I said loudly to my cousin on the way, "Yes! I'm not you, I was being cheap just now. I followed you out when I saw that you were worried about your safety. I shouldn't have fucking cared if you were alive or dead, I should have let you get messed with by that fat pig! I shouldn't have pulled you out at all. I should have posted your slut online! In any case, you're no different from a butcher. Oh, no, you can't even be compared to a butcher! "

After hearing what I had said, my cousin glared furiously at me. Her eyes were filled with tears, but at that time, I was especially angry and didn't care about it much. After I said that, I continued walking on my own path.

After my cousin was told about it, she stopped moving and wanted to go somewhere else to rest after I left. I saw that she didn't move, so I didn't know where she got the strength to walk up to me. I grabbed her hand and said in a bad mood, "You don't have the face to do this kind of thing? You don't even have the face to go back!"

After I said that, my cousin didn't move at all. I pulled her and she didn't leave. In the end, I just picked her up and left.

I secretly swore in my heart that from today on, I would no longer bother with my cousin after sending her back. However, I was very clear in my heart that even if such a thing happened, I would still interfere.

Although Cousin is older than me, she is much lighter than me. I am 155 jin and she is estimated to be around 90 jin. Therefore, hugging her isn't too strenuous. However, my cousin wasn't honest at all. After being carried by me, she continuously resisted. I looked at her and snappily said, "You'd better be. If not, I'll directly pull you to a room and then make you happy!"

After I said that, my cousin didn't say anything else and just stayed in my embrace. Seeing that I didn't say anything, she looked at me and said gently, "Don't tell anyone else about what happened tonight."

"It's fine if you don't say so, but you definitely can't do something like this again. How can you be so arrogant when you're so good-looking!" I said to my cousin in annoyance.

When I got into bed, I even woke Sun Han up. When Sun Han asked me what I went for just now, I said I went out to buy some supper, but Sun Han said I was too selfish and didn't buy her share. After he finished speaking, Sun Han covered himself and went to sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by the three chubby brothers. They kept knocking on the door, and as long as I didn't get up, they kept knocking on the door. Under their knocking, I had to get up.

After I got up, the chubby brother looked at me and chuckled, then asked if I had fought with Sun Han for 300 rounds in bed last night.

I didn't have enough sleep, so when I woke up, I was still in a daze. I didn't pay much attention to them as I washed my face and rinsed my mouth before going out to have breakfast with them.

After eating breakfast, Li Xiang, Sun Han, and her cousin all received a message from the live broadcast platform, telling them to go handle some formalities.

Originally, we planned to go out to play, but when they requested the live broadcast platform to handle the formalities, we went with them.

We were still kept out of the house as if we were idle, but when we went in, I saw the middle-aged man from last night. He had changed into a suit today, but he didn't look too good.

After completing the formalities, I asked Sun Han if she knew that middle-aged man. Sun Han told me that the middle-aged man was the organizer and the mastermind of this event.

It was no wonder that he would say that to his cousin last night. This bastard was truly a scum.

When we went out to eat at night, my cousin's cell phone kept ringing. It was a message from the middle-aged man asking my cousin to accompany him.

Cousin rejected the middle-aged man and told me about this matter. I feel that Cousin was very correct in her actions. A person like this isn't anything good. The further away he is, the better it is.

After we finished eating, Cousin Li Xiang Ning and Sun Han went to buy something, saying that they were going to buy something for the girls. We couldn't just follow them, so we waited for them to come back while drinking drinks inside the restaurant.

Just as we finished our drinks and were about to go out for a walk, we saw a dozen or so people coming towards us. The one leading them was the middle-aged man.

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