The middle-aged man didn't come with good intentions, all the people he brought were local ruffians, it was obvious that he didn't come for a good reason. Jiang Shan looked at me and asked me if I knew the middle-aged man, I said I had seen him a few times, but we had to run now, because they didn't come here to play.

"Little brat, you dare to ruin my good fortune. Let's see where you can run off to today!" The middle-aged man brought his men and walked over, looking at me with a sinister expression, as if he was a eunuch.

His words are disgusting, but now is not the time to be disgusted. This time, he has brought over ten thugs with him, so the situation is not good for us.

"Give them a good beating, then I'll double your money!" The middle-aged man ordered. Under the temptation of money, those ruffians became even more active and rushed towards us.

It was obvious that we ran too late, and in just a few steps we were caught by those local thugs. Those local thugs caught us and beat us up without saying anything further. Originally, we could have run away, but seeing that me and Brother Fatty were caught by those local thugs, they came back and started fighting those local thugs.

However, this situation is very disadvantageous for us, in this situation where we are outnumbered, and when Liu Lang came back to help, he was also beaten to the ground by those local thugs. Those local thugs were so focused on money, they didn't care if we lived or died, their attacks were especially heavy, and their punches caused Brother Fatty's nose to bleed.

Four or five people directly pounced on him, pressing him down onto the ground and then clenching their fists and kicking him. Although this fatty had great strength, under the pressure of the enemy's numbers, this fat brother didn't have any strength to resist at all, and could only hold his head in his hands to prevent his head from being exposed under the attacks of those ruffians.

I was immediately knocked to the ground by those local thugs. However, just as those local thugs were about to make their move, that middle-aged man shouted at them to move away. Clearly, that middle-aged man wanted to take care of me himself.

The middle-aged man looked down at me condescendingly before spitting a mouthful of saliva onto my face. The fat on his face dropped down and he fiercely said to me, "Little rascal, where is your cousin?"

I wiped the spittle off of my face. This bastard's spittle was even worse than shit. After wiping it off, I looked at the middle-aged man in front of me and said fiercely, "Damn it, someone like you who collects benefits through authority should die a horrible death!" "Damn fat pig!"

"Using power for personal gain? "Haha, so what if I tried to use my power to take advantage of you? Are you going to bite me?" The middle-aged man looked at me disdainfully and smiled.

When he said that, I had the urge to bite him. I thought if I bit into a piece of meat on him, it would be a piece of greasy fat. For someone like him, who uses his power to gain personal benefits, he usually does quite a lot of bad things.

"I was going to look for your cousin today, but since your cousin isn't here, I can only vent my anger on you, you little bastard." With that, the middle-aged man kicked me.

I'll let you spoil my good fortune! "I'll beat you to death today, you little brat." As he said this, the middle-aged man kicked me a few more times, his fat was no joke, and the gravity alone was enough to make me feel like I was dying. After a few kicks, my stomach was in a mess, and I felt like I could spit out whatever I ate.

Under the heavy kick of the middle-aged man, my stomach was in extreme pain. The food that I ate was spat out onto the shoes of the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man saw that I threw up on his shoes, he disdainfully looked at me and said, "You are so disgusting!" After saying that, he kicked me once more and rubbed the vomit on my shoes on my clothes.

He wanted to clean me up, but he was afraid I'd dirty his shoes. He wiped the vomit off his shoes and left with his men.

After a while, Cousin Li Xiang and Sun Han came looking for us. Seeing that we were all knocked down on the ground, they hurried over to ask us what was wrong.

If they had come earlier, we might not have been beaten to this state, but now is not the time to complain.

Originally, I didn't want Sun Han to help me. After all, this guy was full of vomit and was very dirty. However, Sun Han didn't mind and helped me into a small clinic. As for Jiang Shan and the others, they didn't receive such good treatment. Neither his cousin nor Li Xiang Ning supported them. They had barely managed to walk into the clinic by themselves.

They're all skin wounds, so they can get some medicine and get some rest. I still have to take some medicine. After staying in the clinic for a while, we returned to the hotel.

When we came to the city, we brought some clothes with us, just in case. After I went back to my room to take a shower, I changed into a set of clean clothes. Sun Han took my dirty clothes to the laundromat to wash. After I changed my clothes, I obediently stayed on the bed to recuperate.

After a while, Cousin entered my room. She sat on the bed and asked me how I was doing. I said that it was alright, but my stomach was feeling really bad. Cousin, after giving an "oh" before asking me who hit us today, also told her the truth.

After my cousin heard that, she apologetically said, "I'm sorry. If I hadn't interfered at that time, I wouldn't have been beaten up today. If I hadn't interfered at that time, you would have been done in by that damn fat pig."

At this point, I muttered, "I have never done it before, how could I let that fat pig do it?"

Cousin clearly heard my mutterings and stressed to me once again that we are now just ordinary cousins, so don't keep thinking about messing with her like before.

Although I don't have a clue about her anymore, I still want to mess with her as much as I did before. Who wouldn't want to mess with a beauty like my cousin?

Cousin said that they should report this to the police to capture that middle-aged man and teach him a lesson. But even if they did report this, I believe that the middle-aged man would still be unharmed. Someone who can plan such a big event on the live broadcast platform must not be a simple person.

After chatting with my cousin for a while, I asked her why she went to find the middle-aged man. She didn't hide anything from me and told me the reason frankly.

Cousin said she was a anchorwoman. She knew what it would be like for a female anchorwoman to win a championship. If she won, she would become a crow and become a phoenix, earning a lot of money. His cousin had thought that as a woman, sooner or later she would have to sleep with a man. She might as well trade her body for a chance to earn a lot of money.

"But now I've thought it through. I'm only 21 years old, and I still have a long way to go. I'll take my time to earn money!" "If you don't die, you'll eventually rise up!"

Cousin can understand I am very gratified, I can understand what she thought at the time, I smiled at Cousin, showing that I understand.

"Cousin, look at this. In the end, it's only to help you that I've been beaten to such a state. You should at least express your condolences, for example, letting me kiss you!" I looked at my cousin and smiled naughtily.

"You should just stay here!" After saying that, my cousin wanted to get up and leave, but I stopped her.

Under my coaxing, my cousin finally agreed to let me kiss her, but by blood. She forbade me to kiss her while touching her.

I nodded my head in agreement. Just as my cousin and I were about to kiss, Sun Han just happened to return.

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