I hugged my cousin and greedily kissed her lips. My cousin wanted to leave right after I kissed her, but she couldn't. Just as I was enjoying my kiss, someone opened the door. The person who came in was no one else but Sun Han.

When I saw the door move, I quickly moved my lips away from my cousin's fragrant lips and laid on the bed as if nothing had happened. When Sun Han came in and saw my cousin sitting beside me, he didn't say anything and walked over to me so I could have a good rest.

Things happened too suddenly, and before the blush on his cousin's face could fade away, she hurriedly said that she left first before hurrying out. She was really sensible just now and was almost discovered.

When I woke up the next day, I felt much more comfortable. I was just about to get up when fat big brother Jiang Shan and Liu Lang knocked on the door outside. After Sun Han opened the door for them, fat big brother Jiang Shan and Liu Lang hurriedly walked in and sat beside me to discuss the matter of revenge.

Jiang Shan had said that he couldn't let that damn fat pig go. He must beat it back. I can't take this lying down, but I'm not familiar with this place, so I might as well say revenge, but where should I start from?

After thinking about it, we decided to call our big brother Kun and explain the situation. There was nothing we could do about this outside.

Big Brother Kun called Big Brother Kun, but after hearing about it, Big Brother Kun didn't ask about them coming tomorrow, but when they come, we'll think about it again. With Big Brother Kun as a backup, we have confidence in ourselves, so we can put this matter aside for now, and wait until Big Brother Kun and the others come.

We went out to have a good meal outside. After we finished eating, we all returned to the hotel. I didn't feel too well, so when we returned to the hotel, we stayed on the bed.

On the other hand, Cousin Sun Han and Li Xiang were rehearsing their performance together. After all, the time was getting closer and closer.

The next day at noon, my brother, Sister Kun, drove to the city. It was Jiang Shan who picked them up, and my brother saw me lying on the bed asking if I was okay, if I wanted to go to the hospital for some treatment, I said there was nothing going on, I just needed to rest.

After chatting with us for a while, Big Brother Kun asked us who the person who hit us was. Jiang Shan and the others weren't too sure, so I told Big Brother Kun and the others everything that I knew.

Big Brother Kun and big brother discussed for a while and asked if we could call out that middle-aged man. If we could call out that middle-aged man, then things would be much easier.

Indeed, the fat pig was from this section, he was familiar with this section, and if he didn't show up, we couldn't do anything about it.

After Brother Kun said this, I have a plan. Isn't that fat pig trying to get his cousin to come out? Then we can let his cousin lead him out and give him a good beating.

I told my cousin about this matter. At first, she didn't agree, but after I persuaded her, she still agreed. My cousin sent a message to that fat pig, saying that they wouldn't meet again until nightfall.

After successfully luring the snake out of its cave, Big Brother Kun and Big Brother Kun also called for someone. Tonight, that fat pig will definitely regret going out!

At around 8 PM, Cousin went out to meet with that fat pig. We quietly followed Cousin, while Brother Kun and the rest of them brought some people with them and waited nearby. In order to ensure that they could take care of that fat pig tonight, Big Brother Kun and Big Brother Kun called for twenty people. This way, even if that fat pig called for people, they wouldn't need to be afraid.

I got my cousin to arrange a place in a rather secluded place. In that case, even if that fat pig was beaten to death, no one would know about it.

When that fat stupid pig got to the place, he called his cousin. She took a taxi to the agreed location, and we followed closely behind.

That fat pig was parked there in a black car, very pretentious as he leaned against the car. He was dressed in a suit and shoes, and had polished his shoes. He was also holding a rose in his hand.

He looked at his cousin and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry about beating your cousin. I really missed you so much that I couldn't control myself and sent people to beat your cousin. But don't worry, as long as you stay with me today, not only will you win the championship, I will also give you some money, treat it as your cousin's medical expenses!"

The outside world isn't too far away, so we can barely hear what that fat pig said. I feel like vomiting when I hear his voice, he's so old and yet he still wants to learn to speak like a man.

We observed him in the dark for a while and made sure he was alone. We thought he was going to call a few of them, but he was obviously carried away by his womanhood and came alone.

After chatting for a while, that stupid fat pig was about to do something to his cousin. He even told his cousin to go into the car and play with him, and when I saw that his hands were about to touch my cousin's butt, I jumped out of the dark and pointed at the stupid fat pig.

When that fat pig saw that I, Brother Jiang Shan, Liu Lang, was already there, he didn't panic at all and glanced at his cousin with a smile. Then he looked at us and said, "I already knew that you guys knew how to play this kind of game and wanted to call me out for revenge.

That fat pig clapped his hands and a dozen people walked out from a corner. These people were the ones who hit us last time.

Although this fat pig guessed right, he was only half right. Today, we called for reinforcements.

Big brother Kun and big brother Kun are both waiting in the dark. As long as we send new numbers, they will immediately come. With Big Brother Kun and Big Brother here, we were all relatively calm.

"Little slut, I knew you weren't a good person, but I like you. Tonight, I will definitely kill you." That fat pig said to his cousin in annoyance and then pushed his cousin aside.

"As for me, I'm a civilized person, and I don't want to solve problems by force. If you little bastards don't disturb me, I'll let you off today!" The fat pig said confidently as he rubbed his oily face.

"I think you are overthinking things. Today, we will not let you off, and you won't let us off? "If you kneel down and call us daddy three times now, we can let you off today!" The chubby brother said to him in that stupid fat pig's voice.

When that fat pig heard this, he got so angry that he almost choked. He pointed at us and viciously said, "You little bastards, you sure are arrogant. I want to see how arrogant you can be today!"

After saying that, that fat pig ordered the dozen of thugs to charge towards us. Jiang Shan took a step forward and whistled loudly.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Brother Kun, who had been waiting in the dark, came out of the shadows with his men like hungry wolves searching for food. We had over twenty people in total, but there were only a dozen in front of us.

That fat pig would have expected us to have such a powerful backup. The moment he saw Brother Kun come out, that fat pig's face turned dark.

When Cousin saw that Big Brother Kun had come out with his men, she quickly ran over to our side and hid behind us.

"I gave you a chance just now. If you don't treasure it, then it's useless to regret it now. Let's see if I can beat you up into a speckled pig today!" The chubby brother pretended to wipe his hair as he said smugly.

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