The leader of the group obviously knew his brother. The elder brother smiled at him and said that if he was free, he would go have a drink later. It had been a long time since they last met, so they had to get together.

Seeing this scene, besides us, that fat pig was also stupefied.

I was also extremely confused. Didn't I say that we would have a good fight tonight?

Besides knowing his older brother, the leader also knew Big Brother Kun. It seemed that they were having a great time chatting, and there seemed to be a fight going on.

"What the f * ck are you talking about? I paid you to come here so that you could hit people, not to talk about old times!" Seeing the leader chatting so happily with big brother Kun, that fat pig couldn't stand anymore and immediately got the leader to hit us.

The leader was a stocky man with a short stature and dark skin. At that time, he was wearing a black vest, revealing the tattoo on his arm. It was obvious from the tattoo that he was not a good person.

After that fat pig said that to him, he turned around and looked at that fat pig with a bad expression and said, "I can chat if I want, it has nothing to do with you. Although I took your money, I'm not your slave!"

"You. "Good, you have guts!" Saying this, that fat pig righteously asked the leader to return the money, saying that he was spending it for him to fight, not for him to play with. He wanted him to immediately return the money!

"You're thinking too much, the money that came in from my hands hasn't been returned!" "I'll tell you the truth, I have the money!" The leading man looked at that fat pig and laughed disdainfully.

"F * ck!" "Just you wait, if you dare to mess with me, I won't let you off!" That fat pig pointed at the leader and angrily said.

However, just as he finished speaking, the leader grabbed his fingers. That fat pig was not a good-natured person, and the leader was not a good-natured person either.

"I hate people pointing their fingers at my head the most!" The leader glared at the fat pig and said.

The fat pig wasn't an idiot. Seeing the leader's expression darken, he panicked a little. He looked at the leader and asked, "What are you trying to do?" Let me warn you, if you dare to do anything unfavorable to me, you will definitely not have a good life in the future! "

It was clear that his threat had worked, but it was counterproductive.

The leader kicked the fat pig in the stomach, then said unhappily as he looked at the fat pig, "You f * cking think you're so awesome just because you're rich!"

As we said that, the leader of the group ruthlessly beat up that damn fat pig, and we were a little stunned by what we saw. We should have been the ones to take care of that damn fat pig, but who would have thought that the dead fat pig was actually taken care of by the person we paid for.

That fat pig was beaten up until it cried out in pain, rolling around on the ground while hugging its head. After a round of punches and kicks, that fat pig's head had already been beaten into a pig's head.

Even though he was beaten to such a state, the fat pig didn't dare to say anything. It just laid there moaning in pain.

The man in the lead got someone to take care of the fat pig, then he walked in front of Brother Kun and continued to chat with him.

"Today I'll just treat it as teaching you a lesson. I don't want to cause trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble. If you can't take it, I'll welcome you to take revenge at any time, but next time you won't be so lucky!"

The fat pig gave the leader a glare and then left in a dejected manner in his car.

"He won't harm you in the future, will he?" After that fat pig left, the elder brother looked at the leader and asked. Obviously, they were in the same group.

"Don't worry, I'm the most familiar with this area. I know what kind of trash he is, but he can't do anything to me due to his fat. You can rest assured, Brother Long!" The leader looked at his brother and said.

He didn't know what the relationship between him and his brother was, but when he talked to his brother, he was very humble and respectful.

Later on, I found out that the reason for this turn of events tonight was because Big Brother Kun had long since discussed it with the leader. The leader took the money from that damn fat pig, and even made Brother Kun owe him a favor, killing two birds with one stone.

That fat pig was the most tragic one. Not only did he spend money, but he also got beaten up. He deserved it.

"Brother Long, I didn't say anything after you came out for almost four or five months. It's rare for you to come to the city. I'll treat you tonight. Let's go have a good meal!" the leader said with a lewd smile.

I thought he was talking about meat, but I didn't expect him to be talking about women.

After brother Kun and the others followed the leader, we went back together, but I'm not too sure, Liu Lang said that brother didn't go, it's not that brother didn't go, but when brother wanted to go, he was held back by Sister Qian. Sister Qian said that the women outside might have AIDS, so she told brother not to go, of course, who wouldn't know about Sister Qian's thoughts?

But no matter what, hearing Liu Lang say that Big Brother Kun didn't go makes us feel a bit more at ease.

I haven't seen him since that damn fat pig got tidied up that night, and he didn't make trouble for us. I saw him five days later on the news.

The news revealed many of his scandals, that he had used his power for personal gain, that he had set up a conspiracy at the time of the event, and so on.

After he was exposed, the live broadcast platform dismissed him, and many employers blacklisted him.

Brother Kun, the one who started all of this was Brother Kun. Brother Kun was also worried about that fat pig, afraid that he would come back to take revenge on us.

Sun Han has already gone back, so there's no point for me to stay in the city. After resting for a day, I'll head back with Jiang Shan and the rest in the morning.

After solving the problem with Sun Han's account, the live broadcast began. Because it was summer vacation and nothing had happened, Sun Han's live broadcast time was also relatively long, and his popularity also increased. After his popularity increased, he earned more money than before.

At that time, live broadcasts were not very common, and there was not much competition between the web hosts. Even a slightly famous female host could earn a lot of money.

Cousin earned a lot of money during our summer vacation. The money Uncle and Aunt made from setting up their stalls wasn't even as much as she earned from live broadcasts.

Later on, he heard that his elder cousin even spent money to get his uncles and aunties a grocery store. This way, his uncles and aunties wouldn't have to spend money to set up stalls all over the place.

Ever since I moved out of my uncle's house, I rarely went back home. These things only came to my ears when school was about to start and I was returning to my uncle's house.

The summer vacation passed quickly in our playtime, and soon it was time for school to begin.

After I lost He Junjun, Ma Tao, and the others, my days in school were also quite carefree.

But this restless school is bound to have many stories, where it can be so easy to be ordinary.

One day at noon, not long before school started, Brother Jiang Shan and I were preparing to go to a restaurant for lunch, but Sun Han had already left.

We wanted to go to the corner of the school wall and smoke a cigarette, but when we went to the corner of the wall, we found people fighting there.

Of course, we are not interested in this kind of ordinary fight, but at the corner of the wall, there is a group of girls fighting there.

Fighting between girls was much more interesting than fighting between boys. After discussing it for a while, we decided to go and see what was going on. We just didn't think that …

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