When we saw that it was a group of girls fighting there, our curiosity suddenly rose. Especially the chubby one, he kept telling us to go take a look, he didn't lose an ear anyway.

"I've heard that girls fighting is very violent nowadays, even more so than us men fighting. I've only heard about it, but I haven't really seen it. Let's go take a look and see the fighting techniques of these girls!" The chubby brother said with a very vulgar look.

To be honest, we are not good people. With the mindset of watching a good show, we walked slowly to the side of the group of girls. When the girls saw us coming over, they looked at us and didn't care about us at all.

They didn't care about us, so we just openly looked at each other. To be honest, this is my first time watching a girl fight.

When we got closer, we were able to see everything clearly. At first, I thought that so many girls were fighting in groups or something, but when we got closer, I realized that it was a group of girls bullying a girl. At first, I thought that these girls were fighting in groups, but it was obviously not.

The group of fashionable girls had their hands on their hips, blocking the corner of the wall, and the girl wearing the school uniform also took a look. She wasn't very pretty, nor was her appearance fashionable. She wore a pair of square glasses and had a very ordinary head shape. In the words of those who pursued fashion, this girl was like an explosion.

Perhaps I was a little different from others, but this seemingly crude girl made me have a very good impression of her. So when I saw that she was surrounded by so many girls, I couldn't help but worry for her, because the girls surrounding her weren't good people.

"You little b * stard, didn't you say a lot in the classroom? Why don't you dare say anything now? Do you think you can safely escape today without making a sound?" A leading girl pointed at the girl in school uniform and viciously said.

The girl dressed in the school uniform didn't dare to say anything after being pointed out. After all, there were so many girls in front of her. If she dared to talk back, those girls would definitely take care of her.

"You little b * stard, say something!" the leading girl pointed at the girl in school uniform and said like a shrew. That girl in school uniform didn't say anything, she even slapped the girl in school uniform with all her might.

Girls fought more fiercely than boys at times, which was true. The girl in the lead had quite a bit of strength on her hands. With a slap, a red palm mark appeared on her face.

However, even though the leading girl slapped the girl in school uniform, the leading girl still didn't let the girl in school uniform go. While cursing the girl in school uniform for being a scum or something, she also hit the girl in school uniform.

As for that nun, she was afraid of the girls and didn't fight back. Being hit like that, I didn't know if I should call her strong or resilient. Anyway, she didn't cry after being beaten up.

"Little trash, today this old lady will definitely beat you to death!" "Let's see if you dare to be dishonest in the classroom!" Saying that, the leading girl grabbed the girl in school uniform and slapped her a few times. Just from the loud slapping sound, one could tell that the slap was not light.

The girl in the school uniform had a few strands of her hair pulled off, and she was beaten up terribly by the leading girl.

Not only that, but the leading girl beat up the girl in school uniform and also had the others beat up the girl in school uniform together. After the group of girls punched and kicked the girl in school uniform, the leading girl even took out her cellphone and fiercely said to the girl in school uniform, "Sisters, take off her clothes.

"It's a pity, this woman doesn't look good. If she looked good, it would be fine!" "No meaning, let's go." The chubby one said in disappointment.

Maybe the fat guy's attention was on stripping clothes and pants, but my attention was on the girl in school uniform.

After saying that, Brother Fatty wanted to call me and Jiang Shan to leave together. After all, that school uniform girl didn't look good, so it was probably the same as stripping off her clothes.

Just when Brother Fatty was about to leave, the leading girl stopped him and asked him to do something for her. She directly got that girl in school uniform and sent him a video online, saying that if there was anything, he wouldn't be held responsible.

How could he refuse such a good thing? He was just about to pull his belt, but I pulled him back, looked at him righteously and said, "No, that girl was beaten up like that, you still want to do that? Then what's the difference between you and a beast?"

The chubby brother agreed, tidied up his clothes, then stood there very seriously.

The leading girl said something silly, then she walked over to the girl in school uniform and asked the other girls to help her take off the girl in school uniform.

That girl in school uniform didn't cry when she was beaten, but when those girls gathered around her to strip her of her clothes, she still couldn't help but cry, yelling at the same time as she cried, "Please, don't be like this, please don't." She cried very miserably, but she was still unable to stop those girls.

Sure enough, when a girl gets angry, she's just like a tigress. She's very scary.

While she was speaking, the girl in school uniform had already taken off her school uniform. While the girl was being stripped, she kept resisting, but what responded was a slap and a ripping.

From the sadness and helplessness on her face, I could see how I was bullied by He Jun and the rest. At that time, I was helpless and scared as well.

After that girl in school uniform was stripped of her school uniform, the leading girl still wanted to strip off her short sleeves. I couldn't watch any longer, so I immediately rushed to the girl in school uniform and stopped those girls who were like tigers.

When the leading girl saw me stopping them, she pointed at me and fiercely said, "You'd better hurry up and leave. Don't meddle in other people's business. Don't think that we won't dare to deal with you just because you're a man!"

"You think you're really something? Hurry up and scatter, otherwise don't blame me for taking care of you." "Don't think that just because you're girls, I won't dare to make a move!" I said unhappily while looking at the leading girl.

"Do you really think you're amazing!" the leading girl said fiercely, pointing at my nose. She wanted to kick my crotch, but the other girls also prepared to attack, showing off their long nails.

Seeing that I was surrounded by those girls, Brother Jiang Shan rushed over to help push those girls away.

The chubby brother glared at the leading girl, pointed at her, and ferociously said, "I don't want to chat with you here. My chubby brother is not joking with you, you better hurry up and get out of here, otherwise tomorrow the one who will be photographed will be you!"

Brother Fatty's reputation in school was not just for show. The leading girl must have heard of him before, so she was a little afraid of what he said.

"What, you still won't leave, right? Well, I'll walk you back as a photographer today." With that, he rolled up his sleeves like he was about to pull off his clothes.

If he really wanted to strip that girl's clothes, then he would do it in two or three steps.

The leading girl, seeing the fatty's attitude, was also a bit unsure. She glared at him and said fiercely, "You just wait for me!"

With that, the leading girl left with the rest of the girls.

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