After those girls left, Brother Fatty and Jiang Shan left first. They said that they still had to go eat. After spending so much time here, they were hungry.

After Brother Jiang Shan left, the girl in school uniform picked up the dirty clothes from the ground and put them on. She walked in front of me, a little embarrassed.

To be honest, for someone like me who was often scolded, I wasn't used to hearing the words' thank you '. I looked at the girl wearing the school uniform, whose face was covered in tears, and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help you at the first moment!"

The reason why I didn't help this girl in school uniform at the start was because I felt that it was better to have less things to do. After all, she wasn't my person, so why should I help her?

The girl in school uniform said it was nothing, but she still had to thank me for helping her. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable for her.

I let that girl in school uniform go to a restaurant to eat with me. Just take it as compensation for not coming out earlier. That girl in school uniform didn't want to eat with me in the beginning. She said she should treat me to a meal, but she didn't bring any money today.

I said it was fine, it was just a meal. Then I brought her to the restaurant. When we went in, Fat Bro Jiang Shan was already eating.

I sat with the girl in the school uniform next to the river and asked the owner to bring us two bowls of noodles.

Perhaps it was because of the fierce look on the chubby brother's face, but that girl in the school uniform was a little embarrassed. She tried to sit closer to me.

Very quickly, the noodles were done and I was hungry. I started to wolf down my food, and after a while, I finished eating, and the girl in school uniform ate well, and she ate very slowly. We had only eaten half of her noodles and we, the three of us, had just finished eating and watched the girl in school uniform eat, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"I didn't expect you to be a girl with steel teeth!" After a while, the chubby brother noticed the braces on the teeth of the girl in school uniform. Actually, the chubby brother didn't mean it; he was just joking.

However, that girl in school uniform didn't mind that the fat guy called her Sister Steel Teeth. Everyone used to call her Sister Steel Teeth, but that was all later on.

Under our gazes, the Steel Teeth Sister embarrassedly finished the bowl and chopsticks before putting them down. She said that she had eaten her fill.

After we finished eating, the four of us went inside the school. At that time, there weren't many people in the school, so we sat on the flower beds and chatted.

During my chat with the Steel Teeth Sister, I understood that the reason why those girls surrounded her today was because she had a conflict with the leading girl in the classroom. The leading girl told her to wait after class, and at the end of the afternoon, she was surrounded by the leading girl in the corner of the wall.

The girl with the steel teeth was also from the countryside. She and I were in the same class, but not in the same field. She and I were similar in circumstances and family background, so we had a very good chat.

Sister Steel Teeth asked me to help her once more, because the leading girl is the class's class leader. She was afraid that I would meet with the lead girl's revenge in the afternoon, so what if I helped her once more? Thus, I readily agreed.

Jiang Shan and Brother Fatty also agreed. In the afternoon, we went to the Steel Teeth Sister's class to help her take care of that leading girl. That leading girl was indeed very arrogant and domineering. We had to take care of her and sharpen her spirit.

After class in the afternoon, I told Sun Han to go back first. I said that I had some matters to attend to and Sun Han had to go back to the live broadcast.

After Sun Han left, I called Big Brother Fatty Jiang Shan over. In order to ensure that everything went smoothly this time, he even called a few sturdy people to go with him. After everyone was gathered, we all went to Junior Sister Steel Teeth's class together.

As soon as we went outside, we heard the leading girl cursing. We walked over and saw that the leading girl was beating up the girl with steel teeth.

"You little piece of trash, do you think that you'll be safe and sound just because of those dead boys at noon? Let me tell you, if I don't strip you naked today, I'll have the same surname as you!"

When we arrived at the entrance of the Steel Teeth Sister's classroom, we saw the leading girl holding a book fan, so we immediately rushed in. I pulled the Steel Teeth Sister behind me and pointed at the leading girl while saying in a bad mood, "You stinking woman, you really don't stop. Today, I must teach you a lesson!"

When the Steel Teeth Sister saw me coming, she obediently hid behind me. The chubby brother and Jiang Shan led their men and surrounded the leading girl.

What was different from noon was that now, it was only the leading girl alone, so it was much easier to deal with.

But just as I thought that, a group of girls came in with books, pens, and other stuff. Obviously, these girls were the helpers of the leading girl. They came to help the leading girl.

The leading girl saw that we had arrived and didn't have a shred of fear or panic. She looked at us and arrogantly said, "Hey, you didn't have enough fun fighting at the wall. You came inside the classroom to teach me a lesson!"

The leading girl had light purple hair, two earrings and a tattoo on her chest. It was obvious that she was not a good student. How could a good student dress up like this in school?

But then again, if I really had to take care of her, I wouldn't be able to do it. I've never hit a woman before.

The leading girl also relied on her womanhood to provoke us, "Aren't you guys very powerful? Come on, hit me if you have the guts. I'd like to see how you guys beat girls up!"

Like me, Fat Brother Jiang Shan and the others were in a difficult situation. If it was a man who dared to provoke them like this, they would have already rushed up to beat him up, but the problem was that the person in front of them was a girl.

Seeing that we didn't dare to do anything, the leading girl pushed me away. She still wanted to go and take care of the Steel Teeth girl, but with me here, she wouldn't even think about it.

However, it was also not good to touch her, which made us a little awkward. A few guys stood there, too bad to move.

I'll let the Steel Teeth girl go to the side first, and we'll talk after we settle things here.

Just when the leading girl was provoking us again, the chubby one walked in front of the leading girl with a naughty smile. He touched the butt of the leading girl right in front of everyone of us, as if he was touching her chest.

The leading girl wanted to hit him after scolding him, but he wasn't someone she could deal with. The moment she moved her hand, he would touch her body and some of her private parts.

Brother Fatty was probably feeling happy, but he didn't want to look outside anymore. This was completely naked playing hooligan, but it seemed very useful.

If those girls were to fight, they wouldn't be a match for them. The leading girl was even more disgusted with the fat guy, so they had no choice but to leave.

The next day, the chubby brother told us very smugly that he had taken a photo of that leading girl last night and had even successfully put her on the bed.

The chubby brother said that when he went out to play last night, he coincidentally bumped into the leading girl messing around with a bunch of non-mainstream girls. The chubby brother always followed the leading girl, and when the lead girl was left alone, he carried her out to the wilderness and forcefully took a photo of her. The chubby brother said that he didn't want to do that kind of dirty thing, but the lead girl clearly knew about taking pictures of the Steel Teeth Sister, so he acted on behalf of the heavens.

Although the chubby brother said he didn't want to do such a dirty thing, his expression betrayed him.

Fat Brother stopped talking when he reached this point. He made us anxious and let him continue. Under our pleading, he continued to speak.

After taking a fruit picture of the leading girl, the chubby brother threatened the girl with a photo to get her to get a room with him. He didn't expect the leading girl to really go there, so he naturally sent her what should have happened.

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