I shivered at the school gate and waited for a while. Sun Han finally appeared in my sight, but what made me particularly angry was that sun Han came with Tang Tianyi, but he was still talking and laughing, with a very bright smile on his face.

I always thought that sun Han, like me, would be in a bad mood after leaving me, but now it seems that it's not the same thing. Maybe it can also be said that sun Han doesn't love her as much as I do.

Sun Han and Tang Tianyi talked and laughed and saw me shivering in the cold at the school gate, but I didn't even look at her. I took out all the hot breakfast and ate it. In fact, I had breakfast and was still a little full, but I still held on to all the breakfast I bought.

When sun Han passed me, he looked at me and didn't talk to me. He went to school with Tang Tianyi. Tang Tianyi looked at me and snorted coldly, and then went to school with sun Han.

After class, I also returned to my seat. Although sun Han was next to me, there seemed to be several walls between us. She didn't talk to me, and I didn't speak to her.

During class, my pen accidentally fell to the ground and just fell to sun Han's side. I couldn't reach it, but I didn't ask sun han to help me pick it up. Sun Han obviously saw it, but I didn't say she didn't see it. Let my pen lie on the cold ground.

But after a while, sun Han helped me pick up the pen. After putting the pen on my desk, sun Han looked at me and said, "keep your pen well and drop it on my side. I won't return it to you when I pick it up."

I didn't speak. I was reading there with my head down. My relationship with sun Han was a little stiff. Even the Chu River and Han boundary was divided on the desk. I wouldn't cross the boundary to her side, and she wouldn't cross the boundary to me.

In fact, I really want to make up with sun Han, but when I think about her and Tang Tianyi, my anger doesn't come together, and the idea of making up is gone.

After class, the weather was better. I also went out for free. I happened to meet Jiangshan on the playground. Jiangshan said that he helped me stare at Tang Tianyi these days. Tang Tianyi didn't have anything special with sun Han. Jiangshan said I can rest assured.

I don't need to say that I know all these things. Just rest assured. Is it useful? Anyway, sun Han and I have become stiff now.

Jiangshan asked me to ask sun Han for peace again. If I couldn't, the overlord bent hard and grabbed sun Han directly.

Under the advice of Jiangshan, I also decided again that I must ask sun Han for peace. If sun Han doesn't agree, whether she is happy or not, I will directly bow to the overlord.

After thinking about it, I went back to the classroom, but before sun Han and I could make peace, Tang Tianyi found me after class at noon.

Tang Tianyi asked me to go to the fence. He told me that I didn't think so much, so he followed Tang Tianyi to the fence. When he got to the fence, Tang Tianyi stopped, looked at me and said, "you beat me with someone yesterday. Are you going to solve this account?"

I looked at Tang Tianyi and said, "I'm not going to solve this account. How do you want to solve it?"

"I inquired about you in the school. You fought a lot in the school. I heard that you beat away several students. Since you like fighting so much, I'll use your way to make you pay back!" Tang Tianyi said calmly looking at me.

Although he spoke politely, to put it bluntly, he meant that he would send someone to beat me back.

"Whatever you want, I'll accompany you to the end!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said indifferently.

I thought Tang Tianyi was not afraid at that time, but later I knew that it was my low point. Tang Tianyi was much more difficult to deal with than I thought.

After that, I left. After lunch, I went to the street to buy some for sun Han after school in the afternoon.

After the gifts were ready, I went to the school. After class in the afternoon, sun Han packed up her textbooks and planned to leave. She stayed in the hotel these days. When sun Han was ready to get up and leave, I grabbed sun Han's hand. Sun Han looked back at me and asked me why. I looked at Sun Han and said seriously, "I'll take you back later. You go somewhere with me!"

Sun Han looked at me and nodded. At this time, Tang Tianyi came to sun Han, smiled very gently and said to sun Han, "if you have something to do, I'll go back first today."

Sun Han was supposed to go back with Tang Tianyi, but today he made an exception because sun Han wanted to go back with me.

"Brother Han, I'll go first too". When I heard that I was going to take sun han to a place, the steel tooth sister also said that she had gone first.

Otherwise, I usually go back with sister steel teeth. Anyway, the house we rent is not far away.

After I packed up my books, sun Han came to a deserted grove. There were no people in the grove during the day. At night, several couples occasionally came here to get a field gun or something. Fat brother told me about this place, otherwise I don't know.

After sun Han and I came to the grove, I asked sun han to wait for me for a while, and then I went to get the flowers I bought at noon today. I came to sun Han with a handful of flowers, and then looked at Sun Han and said seriously, "this flower is very beautiful. I give it to you."

Sun Han shook his head and said she didn't want it. "If you don't have anything else, I'll go first. I have something else to do!"

Then sun Han wanted to leave. I hurriedly blocked sun Han with flowers. Looking at Sun Han, I sincerely said, "I'm to blame for everything last time. Take this flower and forgive me by the way. I was wrong!"

"What's wrong with you? You're right, I'm wrong! Well, I don't want to say this again. I'll go first if I have something else!" Sun Han said and was ready to leave.

I walked quickly to sun Han, and then put sun Han in my arms. Before sun Han reacted, I kissed sun Han on his lips.

"What are you doing? If you do this again, I'll call people." I just met sun Han's lips. Sun Han pushed my face away and said angrily as he broke free from my arms.

But I didn't let go of sun Han. After controlling sun Han's hand, I continued to kiss sun Han. Sun Han was already thin and small. No matter how to resist after I held him tightly, it wouldn't help.

At first, sun Han closed his mouth tightly and didn't let me put my tongue in, but with the passage of time, sun Han still opened his small mouth. I kept kissing sun Han. Sun Han didn't move at first, but finally reacted. He responded to me shyly with his small tongue, and the originally rebellious hand was also held on my waist.

I held sun Han tightly, and then kept kissing sun Han. After I kissed sun Han for a while, her face turned red and asked me not to kiss her again.

Sun Han said that I held her too tightly and it was hot, so she blushed, but I knew the specific reason, so I didn't say much.

After kissing, I sincerely handed the flowers to sun Han. After reading it, sun Han reluctantly accepted the flowers, "well, I've collected the flowers, so I'll go first!"

Sun Han was about to leave. I hurried up and grabbed her. "What are you going to do? Let's go back together."

"I don't want to go back. When I go back, you yell at me as soon as you quarrel. Last time, you almost hit me. I'm fine outside!" Sun Han said reluctantly and even complained.

"It's my fault. You go back with me. I promise I won't be angry with you!" I looked at Sun Han's promise.

Sun Han looked at me, then looked at me with a reluctant expression and nodded.

After sun Han and I went back, I took sun Han out to have a good meal. When I went to bed at night, I asked sun han to help me with it. While doing it, sun Han played a small game and said with an unhappy look: "I should have guessed that. You must want me to help you fight Feifei. Hum, I knew I wouldn't come back with you."

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