I said to sun Han with a bad smile that she was my girlfriend and deserved me to help me with that. Sun Han pouted and said angrily, "I don't want to listen to you. It's you who take advantage of it. Of course you said so!"

Although sun Han said so reluctantly, he was diligently helping me with it. From time to time, he would change his hands to help me with it. After that, I went to sleep with sun Han in my arms.

"Stay away from Tang Tianyi in the future!" I said to sun Han when I was sleeping with sun Han. To be honest, I was a little afraid that Tang Tianyi would take sun Han away from me. After all, Tang Tianyi was not a little better than me.

"As I told you, Tang Tianyi and I really don't have anything. Why do you always misunderstand me like this?" Sun Han looked at me and said wrongfully.

"I know I must be a little cautious when I do this, but I'm really afraid of you leaving me. Tang Tianyi is so handsome and pleasing. I......" I watched sun Han say everything in his heart. To put it bluntly, all this is jealousy caused by inferiority complex.

"Well, I'll try to stay away from him in the future, but let's say first that you can't be angry with me in the future, otherwise I won't help you fly from now on!" Sun Han pouted and said seriously. I'm naturally happy to accept the condition put forward by sun Han.

Sun Han and I went to bed with each other after making an appointment. The next morning, I was woken up by sun Han. Sun Han got up early and put his hand into my crotch. When I woke up, sun Han just took a paper towel to help me, so as not to let it fall on the sheet.

I let out a dull hum, and then all got on the paper towel in sun Han's hand. After sun Han lost the paper towel, he looked at me with a naughty smile: "Why are you so many? There are so many paper towels every time. You get wet!". Then sun Han put his hand on my nose and let me smell the smell on me.

I said with a bad smile, or I'll help you with my hand. Sun Han didn't agree. He said I wanted to take off her pants and hurt her all day.

It was getting late. After we got up and washed, it was almost time for class. On the way, I met sister steel teeth, and the three of us went to school together.

After arriving in the classroom, Tang Tianyi brought sun Han a breakfast and pretended to be a gentleman and handed it to sun Han in front of me. He obviously made it for me.

"I remember you didn't seem to buy breakfast in the morning. I bought a lot of breakfast today. It's delicious. Have some!" Tang Tianyi said politely as a prince in front of sun Han.

Maybe in the eyes of others, Tang Tianyi is polite and very gentleman, but in my opinion, he is purely forced.

Sun Han was obviously a little embarrassed. It wasn't either to answer or not to answer. I made a look at Sun Han and asked sun Han not to answer, so sun Han finally refused Tang Tianyi's breakfast.

Tang Tianyi returned to his seat with a smile, but when he sat down, he gave me a cold look, which was clearly angry and malicious.

I didn't want to be outdone. I looked at Tang Tianyi and said to him with my eyes: if you want to move my girlfriend, are you still young?

The people in the classroom were happy to see us conflict. After Tang Tianyi sat down, they all whispered there, saying how Tang Tianyi liked sun Han. There were so many beautiful girls in the school.

Many girls said they would silently support Tang Tianyi and said that I couldn't fight Tang Tianyi at all. Anyway, many people were bad at me.

As a school flower, Li Xiangning is not interested in these things. She plays with her mobile phone there. Anyway, these things have little to do with her.

After class in the afternoon, Tang Tianyi stopped me and called me outside. After calling me outside, Tang Tianyi looked at me and said calmly, "you should count the last time you hit me today. If you have seed, follow me outside the school!"

"I'm afraid of you!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and shouted unconvinced.

At that time, I didn't know the strength behind Tang Tianyi. I thought I could deal with Tang Tianyi, but that's not the case.

I told sun Han that I might have something to go back later and let Sun Han go first. After sun Han and sister steel teeth left together, I was unconvinced and followed Tang Tianyi out of the school gate. I was probably used to a comfortable life. At that time, I didn't call fat brothers, and went out alone with Tang Tianyi.

Tang Tianyi looked casual and took me to an alley outside the school. As soon as I followed Tang Tianyi into the alley, eight yellow hairs came and blocked my retreat. The alley was another dead end. Without a retreat, I had to fight hard.

When I saw the eight yellow hairs, I knew I was going to plant today. Tang Tianyi had made a trap for me to take the bait. It's also strange that I despised the enemy and followed Tang Tianyi out alone.

After Tang Tianyi arrived in the alley, his face turned from sunny to cloudy. Looking at me, he said coldly, "what did you tell me last time? I remember you told me that if I were a little farther away from sun Han, you would let me go?"

"What do you want?" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said.

Tang Tianyi snorted coldly, touched his watch, looked at me and said coldly, "I'll give you what you told me today. If you leave sun Han, I'll let you go. Of course, if you don't promise, your end will be the same as that day!"

It's impossible for me to leave sun Han. Although I'm afraid of being beaten, I'm even more afraid of losing sun Han.

"Don't whine here, just hurry up if you want to do it!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said unhappily.

Tang Tianyi heard me say this with a cold hum, "don't worry, I remember all your accounts that day. You won't leave intact today!"

Then Tang Tianyi asked those yellow hairs to come and clean me up. When those yellow hairs hit me, Tang Tianyi looked at me and said, "you asked so many people to hit me that day, of course I won't treat you badly today!" and Tang Tianyi put his foot on my stomach.

Those yellow hairs didn't stop. They punched and kicked me. However, after those yellow hairs hit me a few times, Tang Tianyi asked them to stop. Tang Tianyi said how I asked people to hit him at that time and how he hit me today. He won't beat me too much or very lightly.

After beating me, Tang Tianyi was ready to leave with others. When leaving, Tang Tianyi also told me to keep my mouth shut and not to tell sun Han about it. Needless to say, I wouldn't tell sun Han. It's not a glorious thing to be beaten.

When I went back, sun Han asked me what was the matter. There were blood stains on the corners of my mouth. I said it was okay. I accidentally fell. Sun Han obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything more. After a sound, he went to get me medicine to wipe it.

The next morning, Tang Tianyi came to the school like a person who had nothing to do and showed all kinds of hospitality to sun Han.

I told brother pang that I was beaten by Tang Tianyi. Brother Pang was so angry that he wanted to ask someone to clean up Tang Tianyi at that time, but I stopped him. After all, we beat Tang Tianyi first. He should have called back this time.

In fact, I don't care whether I'm beaten or not. As long as sun Han and I are good, I'll be satisfied. However, things always backfire.

One afternoon after school, sun Han broadcast live on time as before, but in the process of live broadcasting, a local tyrant appeared in sun Han's live broadcasting room and kept brushing gifts for sun Han. The gifts almost flew up and brushed the screen.

Originally, it's nothing strange. Anchor, it's normal for someone to brush gifts, but the local tyrant is no one else. It's Tang Tianyi's son of a bitch.

I also opened the information of the local tyrant and saw the photo of Tang Tianyi. I knew it was Tang Tianyi. Tang Tianyi even knew that sun Han was the anchor. I was a little uneasy at that time, but I didn't expect that there were worse things waiting for me.

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