My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 14 - 13. Strange encounter in the bus!

Wait, the activity of waiting for somebody has its own pros and cons. And when you wait for an unnecessary reason, your entire life body burn with one emotion, that is— frustration.

"What?" Peter raised his arm from the steering wheel and gave a teasing smile to Emmett Li who sat in the seat next to him, like an offended child.

His offence was justified though as his friend, or should he call him a horny jerk, made him wait for over thirty minutes and when he came out after the climax, he rushed Emmett Li out of his studio and driving towards the super market situated in the main city, in his car as he felt hungry and wanted something to eat.

Emmett Li's patience was being tested. Peter and his smile very well said, he was purposely irking him. The increasing anger within him was on the highest level and could burst any moment now. "I swear if you don't stop smiling, I will kick your ȧss, and I mean it." Peter's lips pursed together in a line as he quickly maintained a serious face.

They were driving slowly, the road was empty and Peter asked many a time from Emmett Li the reason as to why he suddenly landed in his studio. He insisted, he requested, he begged and what not did he do to convince him to tell him, yet Emmett Li stayed quiet.

He was mad at his friend.

It was about his. He liked someone and wanted to seek help from his friend whether to give it a try or not but no, the fuċkɨnġ friend was more into his sėxuȧŀ life that he can't see the turmoil on Emmet Li's face.

He wanted to inform Peter about Kelly Ho and the resemblance of the name that her boyfriend has with the fuċkɨnġ guy who slept with his cheater girlfriend the other night. However, this guy was not ready to listen to him under a peaceful situation.

"I am sorry, now speak. What is it that dragged you out of your office and to my studio like that! Is there something I need to know?" forgetting all the disappointment that Emmett Li showed and the way he grumbled in aggression, Peter asked him.

Emmett Li looked directly in his eyes and growled as if he were a mad monster and Peter, like a small rat, was annoying him. "Stop the car!" He ordered splitting his eyes from his face.

"Dude, I said I am sorry. Why don't you just tell me what is in your head than threatening me with your eyes." Indeed, Emmett Li's were as red as red chillies, his face looked way too aggressive by his expressions and lips quivered nonchalantly.

How would a person in his place react! After setting aside all his work, Emmett Li visited Peter in his studio that was not even in the main city I'd Venice, but this guy, he was bent on testing his patience.

From that thirty minutes of sėxuȧŀ ɨntėrċȯursė to these thirty minutes of driving toward the super market, Peter just wasted Emmet Li's time than giving him any advice. "I don't fuċkɨnġ want to tell you any fuċkɨnġ thing, just stop the car." Emmett sounded gravely pissed off.

He fixated his eyes on Peter's face, trying to control his dėsɨrė of punching him in the face and let out throaty growl. Emmett had had enough of his friend, he placed his foot on the brakes and the car came to a jerky halt.

Peter almost fell on the steering wheel while Emmett Li prevented himself from hitting the windscreen. "I swear, you committed your life's biggest mistake by messing up with me!" With the snap of his disappointment, Emmett Li opened the door of the car and walked out while Peter kept shouting on the back.

"Hey, Emmett, buddy what is wrong! Come back here. How will you go home from here? There are no vehicles available, you would be stuck." Emmett Li rolled his eyes, he buŧŧoned his coat and walked further, totally avoiding Peter's words.

'I would rather crawl back to my mansion that taking your help, bitch.' He balled while murmuring in his breath.


An hour passed and Emmett Li stretched his tired body. He got down in the middle of the high way that led to the main city of Venice, and that is why, he had to walk all the way alone from the main road to the main city.

Peter did come behind him, following him for almost fifteen minutes, but Emmett Li's head was on fire. He can take anything but Peter's help. Not now any more.

'I just wanted to share about Kelly Ho and her boyfriend. And if possible, wanted to ask him if it was right to intrude her love life, she was fuċkɨnġ cute. I liked her rants. But that bastard, he annoyed me twice in row. And after that, he expected me to take his help, my foot.'

Emmett Li sighed.

He had his phone, there was network and data too. Yet he preferred to walk then calling his driver with a car. He was just a dial away from getting his own vehicle.

'I have wealth, looks, ample of beautiful women in life, yet I feel incomplete! What is this. Why can't I feel a bit happy. Why do I feel so touched by Kelly Ho's appearance in my life? And why did I feel envious of his boyfriend after I heard his name, Eric Mo! She is fuċkɨnġ dating that guy. And I hate to admit they looked cute together.'

Emmett pouted.

Here, there was clue as to where was his love life moving while there, Kelly Though was financially broken, she had a partner to support her, to love her and provide her support. (If only Emmett knew his identity and motives behind being so good to Kelly)

'I felt like pulling her in my arms and kissing her problems away. I have money but she has love. I have all the expensive possession but she has happiness. I have what she needs, but she is already taken.'

He stopped at a point on the road, his mind think in a different way!

Emmett have surreally lost his mind. He was thinking about a girl who merely stayed in his cabin for few minutes. Okay, for almost thirty minutes! But what was the use of thinking about her now. She was not even sad when he made it clear that her application was almost rejected.

Emmett Li's eyes shot up at the sound of a honking bus. He reached the bus station. He quickly ran towards the bus and boarded it. "Gosh!" a victorious smile crept on his lips.

The bus was certainly empty with bȧrėly ten passengers. He sat on a seat that looked empty, however just as Emmett Li sat his buŧŧ on the seat, his body fell on the little (yet not so little girl) next to him as the bus took a turn. "Oh I am sorry, the bus took a turn." be smiled apologetically while the girl who was sitting on the window seat, blinked her eyes and stared him. "Is there something on my face?" Emmett Li questioned as she literally ripped her eyes through every inch of face.

"Oh no, I am sorry. I just thought, I saw you somewhere." The girl slight bowed apologizing him in return while the next moment, she looked outside the window biting her lips as she murmured, "Isn't he Emmett Li, the CEO Li's enterprises where Kelly went for an interview!" she also gasped at the realization. She was Casey Ho, Kelly's sister.


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