My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 15 - 14. Same intention, different thoughts

Both Emmett Li and Casey Ho silently sat intact in their seats after buying a ticket for themselves. Both of them were lost in the thoughts. And surprisingly it was Kelly Ho that occupied their mind!

Casey Ho was concerned for her dear sister. She still can't get herself to like Eric Mo. Whatever she saw few months ago, was still fresh and live in her brain. She tried to forget it but every time that guy came across her eye sight, she recalled the mȯȧns and shouts of that woman who was under him in that construction sight.

'That Guy is double faced. He shows something else to Kelly Ho but in reality, he is something else. There is a mask of fake personality on his face. He pretends to love my sister but in real, his motives are something else. I am sure he is with my sister for a cause otherwise— why would a rich guy like him chase my sister who is financially broken. Rich guys want double rich girls for themselves. Then why is this Eric Mo behind my sister!'

Casey Ho tapped her chin. She stared at the stores with crowd outside them as the bus moved forward and left them behind.

She though was looking outside the window of the bus but in the back of her mind, she was busy imagining all the possible cases which is why Eric Mo could stay with her sister!

On the contrary, Emmett Li was lost in Kelly Ho's innocence and her rants that he over heard! He cannot get himself to the position to drag her thought out of his mind.

'That girl, she looks different. I am sure there is something about her which is attracting me. And that is surely not her body! My body never reacted in that way after she entered my cabin. However, I am fascinated by her love life. She is thought financially broken but still she seems to have a rich boyfriend. But I wonder if why does she even want to work if her boyfriend is rich! Can't he help her with some money— if their love is true for each other? I know it is not my concern to think about her and her life but I can't help it. She is not what she seems. And my heart is screaming to enter her life for my self greed. I don't know what to do and that was why I had gone to see Peter in his studio but that bitch, he only maddened me.

I am doubtful. I don't know what do I want but one thing is clear— I want to enter Kelly Ho's love life and destroy it. I can't— see her happy with that guy after I learned that his name is Eric Mo! I just want to ruin Kelly Ho's love life because of that guy!

But I fear, I will hurt her. That girl does not have anything to do with my issues, yet I want to drag her in it. I want to make her part of my life and mar her love life! Should I... Do it!'

Emmett Li's true emotions were twinkling through his eyes now!

It was definitely disappointing that Emmett Li was planning to enter her life as destruction but for a change, wasn't he right?

She was living in a blue world created by her boyfriend. She was being cheated and if Emmett Li would enter her life, he would any way reveal Eric Mo's true face and pull Kelly out of the false world that her boyfriend has created.

Yet, it was wrong as he was aiming to hurt her. Kelly Ho was already stressed out for not getting a job and if he would enter her life with the motive of hurting her relationship, she would completely break down!

"Oh God, I am irritated!"

"Oh God, I am irritated!"

Casey Ho and Emmett Li stared each other. They blinked their eyes and smiled at each other as they expressed their irritation together.

The passengers, that were sitting in the seats next to them and behind them, fixated their eyes on both of them.

Nevertheless, Casey Ho and Emmett Li bȧrėly paid any attention to them and stared each other. "I don't know why but it is strange, that we both are irritated?" Emmett Li chuckled giving a full tooth grin to Casey Ho.

She nodded her head in yes and bit her lower lip in embarrassment. She knew he was the well known CEO, sitting next to him was an honour. She even wondered, why on earth was he travelling in bus but sat silently, minding her own business.

"Yeah, I feel the same. But i am just stuck in a problem and I don't know what to do!" Casey said in a soft tone. She watched the passengers getting on board in the bus as it stopper on the bus station. "Should I stand against it or let the problem mess up with my life!" Here, by Problem, Casey Ho meant by Eric Ho, and the protest meant, whether she should stand against him and try to reveal his true face to her sister!

Emmett Li smiled as he thought even a minor like her could have a problematic in life. Nevertheless, he replied like a gentleman, which was indirectly, the answer to his own question, "I guess you should protest against the problem and try to eradicate it rather than just thinking about it! If you think it will give you happiness and prevent you from falling in more problems then, you should do every that thing, that helps you get rid of it. Doing it is better than said, right." Emmett Li smiled and blinked his eyes in a sudden realization.

'Fuck, how could I be so stupid! This is also the answer to my question. Kelly Ho needs the job, and I need her attention. So why don't I hire her and eradicate her problem! And this way I will also get her heed and get to know more about her. I really want to ruin her relationship but it will do no wrong if I want some of her time to enjoy my love life by interfering in hers!'

Emmett Li thought with a devilish smile. He had made his mind to mess up with Kelly Ho, finally!

Never mind, here Casey Ho blinked her lashes in realization too. She stared Emmett Li's face while he was lost in his own fantasy land.

'He is right! Before Eric Mo does something wrong to my sister, I better bring his true face in front of Kelly. She needs to see that that guy is not her ideal match. There is something big going on in his mind, and I need to find that out.'

Casey Ho smile. She looked at the familiar shop of cake and tapped Emmett Li's shoulder. "Excuse Me, Sir..." Emmett Li moved her concentration on Casey and smile.

"Yes? You have any more doubts or what." he joked and Casey Ho nodded her head in no.

"Nope, and thanks to you, CEO Li. You showed me the right path." Emmett was amused to know that he knew her name and position.

"Ehh, how do you know me?" He asked her excitingly, this girl had some different swag.

"Who does not know you, Sir. You are the famous CEO Li of Venice city. I see you photos every day in the newspaper and on the front page of magazines. How can I not know you?" Casey Ho wore her bags on her shoulders and gave him a cute smile. "Now if you excuse me then I would like to go out, my stop is the next."

"Oh, sure little girl. Here you go." Emmett Li stood up and the passengers sitting behind him gasped.

"This is CEO Li!"

"OH my god, isn't that CEO Li?"

Several women uttered recognizing him and Emmett Li Proudly smirked at Casey Ho was amusingly staring him.

"It was nice to talk to you girl, hope to see you again." Emmett Li smiled sitting back in his seat as he saw Casey Ho bowing down to him in respect after she thanked him.

"Sure, sir. Would love to meet you again only if you travel in the bus!" Casey chuckled and bid him a bye as the bus stopped on the next station.

Well she was right though, Emmett Li does not keep travelling in the buses. It was luck that they collided with each other. And they were unaware of that fact that, meeting each other would become a daily routine soon!

"Bye." Emmett smiled sitting on the window seat and saw Casey Ho joyfully walking on the side of the road amusingly. "She is cute. Very cute." Emmett Li smiled as the bus started again, little does he know, she was Kelly Ho's sister!

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