My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 20 - 18. Is he mentally retarded?

At Kelly Ho's house,

The two sisters woke up early in the morning. Kelly Ho three new places to go for interview whereas her younger sister Casey Ho, has some work to get done in the school.

Being a bright student and the class monitor together, is not easy. A lot was put on her shoulders to look after and today, Casey Ho needed to help the cleaning staff arrange the chairs and decorate the seminar hall today.

That is because their Principal was going to pass some important announcement regarding the school syllabus. Some amendments were going to happen and for the same purpose all the students of the school were expected to be present in the seminar hall for the announcement.

And Casey was given the responsibility for all the preparation of cleaning and arranging the hall with the cleaning staff.

"Okay, bye. See you in the evening. Love you, Mama, Love you Kelly." Kissing the cheeks of her mother and sister, Casey Ho ran out of the door not before taking her bag.

She rushed down the stairs of her building and came running outside the colony. Luckily, today Eric Mo was not there. She was happy that her sister would be going to her interview venues alone as that bastard had some important work to get done.

She smiled looking at the spot where his bike was parked yesterday and huffed. "That bastard!" she cursed him in her breath and resumed running towards the bus stop where the school bus usually picks her up from.

Casey Ho was that bright student of the school who enjoyed all the opportunities of school for her hard work. Not only was she rewarded with scholarship but also given free transportation facilities in the school bus. And she very well deserved it.

Never mind, the early morning breeze ċȧrėssed her cheeks lightly. She looked at the surrounding at the shop owners who were preparing to open their shops for the day's selling. She laughed in excitement seeing a dog crossing the street on the opposite side with her five puppies.

The puppies were cute, they were so small that for a moment Casey Ho fretted that they don't get hit by a vehicle. She stood at the side of the bus station watching them. Her eyes were busy witnessing the little puppies cross the street that when a black car stopped across her, she failed to notice it.

"Yay, they crossed the street." Clapping her hands excitingly, Casey Ho jumped in a circle, feeling delighted.

She was lost in her own mirth such that when the car's door opened, she did not notice it yet again until someone stepped out of it and closed the door.

The noise of the slamming door was loud enough to drag Casey Ho out of her enjoyment. She stopped jumping. Her eyes stilled at the ground, and she spotted the shoes and then the black trousers and then her eyes travelled upwards until they stopped on the face of the person who was leaning against the car, "Ethan!"

Her bewilderment was high. Casey Ho blinked her eyes in shock to find him stand there. Several thoughts rushed in her brains, and she was forced to think about every possibility as to why would he stop before her.

"Hi." Ethan greeted with a small wave of his right hand.

Casey Ho ċȯċked an eye brow. She entertained that 'What do you want' types look and crossed her arms against her ċhėst.

She did not reply anything to him but waited until he stated next, "You are in my class only, if I am not wrong!" his exclamation had Casey Ho staring him more with shock. Her mouth hung open meeting with his eyes those stared back at her normally like he did not say anything wrong!

'Is he mentally retarded?'

Thought Casey Ho biting her lower lip.


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