My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 21 - 19. Can't you see... I'm reading you?

"Oh hello, mister! That is you who joined my class, not me who joined your class. You are a transfer. So I should be the one telling you this" Casey Ho crossed her arms across her ċhėst and raised her head proudly.

If words could really kill or harm a person then Ethan would have been lying injured on the ground. Her words hit him hard that he could not not hold back his expression of bewilderment with a chuckle.

Yeah, he reacted to her rude and brute statements with small chuckles of curiosity. Ethan smirked lightly as he inserted his arms in the pockets of his trouser. That was the moment when Casey ho noticed that he was dressed in their school uniform.

She gulped her saliva when her eyes trailed down his body from bottom to top— twice. She was literally checking him out. Ethan Wang looked amazingly handsome. He bȧrėly looked like a school student, his features conveyed more of charm as that of an ȧduŀt than a teenager.

She was lost ogling at his appearance that Casey ho failed to notice the smirk that grew on his lips. Ethan Wang was smirking over her condition. He was surreally a piece of handsomeness and who knows if she was standing with the future businessman or diamond merchant!

He was taller and broad, his body was well built that showed the labour of hours spent in the gym. Though he looked somewhere of her age, that is eighteen, but his built said otherwise.

He even had biceps that Casey Ho wished to touch. Weird but yeah, she did.

While Ethan was busy enjoying her expressions, Casey ho on the other hand, read every damn feature of his face.

The lines on his face conveyed a story of a happy life. Just from the occurrence she can tell that he came from a wealthy family that fed him with golden spoons.

His crow's feet spoke of laughter and the dimples in his cheeks told of a guy who gave away smiles like they were wishes. She stared his dimples closely. He has to be the first guy to look so handsome with those cute dimples on both his cheeks. It was just adding towards the beauty of his face.

"Hey... You there!" Ethan pulled out his right hand from his trousers pocket and crimped it before her face in an attempt to pull her out of her reverie.

But looked as though Casey ho had no intention of giving up on her job of checking him out even after he waved his hand before her face. "Just stop that!" Ethan was taken aback at the way she expressed her guts, she slapped his hand away and continued to stare him shamelessly while the poor guy (yet not so poor guy) looked here and there with never ending smile.

He was dazed to find himself smiling like that while the little girl in front of him gawked over his beautiful face without a blink. She hardly reached his chin and so, Casey ho had to raise her head up to look at him.

She closely read his face, it was beautiful, no doubts. Yet a more sorrowful face she had never seen. She recalled his face from the yesterday, he was sad and glared almost every second person who came across him. Ethan found that damn exciting. She was challenging his courage with her fearless Aura.

However today, he was smiling so wide and happily like he found a strong reason to smile today. A red hue was covering his cheeks while his eyes held excitement that he had lacked yesterday.

Ethan looked behind him at the driver who called him. His one gaze and Ethan knew— they were getting late for the school.

So when Ethan Wang spotted the girl from his class, standing at the bus stop, he cannot stop from asking the driver to stop by and greet her. Also, drive to the school with her as well, if possible!

"Uhm, if you are done checking me out then... mind sitting in the car!" Ethan Wang coughed, he brought his fist across his lips and coughed aloud, so he was audible to her.

Casey Ho ripped her eyes from his broad ċhėst and stared him. "What is your problem, can't you see I am reading you?" She blurted out absent mindedly.

Mountain of regret collapsed on her, and she clutched her mouth with both her hands. Casey Ho made a crying face while her eyes travelled up till his face and, she noticed that he was smirking at her!

Ethan's lips slightly parted. A corner of his lips moved a bit upward as he smirked widely. He smacked his lips a little before he curiously chipped. " Wait... What? " He ċȯċked an eye brow pretending as if he did not hear it.

He was blown away by excitement with her statement that now his heart wanted to play a mini game with her. A game of teases.

"Can you... Can you repeat your words again because I think I heard you wrong! Did you just say that you were reading me?" he intoned.

She heard him ask that with narrowed eyes. Casey Ho's eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she turned around attempting to hide herself from his smirk and that narrowed gaze.

If there were a pond across her or any other deep water body that could swallow her in, then Casey ho had glad jumped in it in order to hide herself from his gaze.

'Shit! How dare you say that, Casey Ho?'

Casey ho slapped her head mentally as she realized she had been gawking at him in a public place such that— he too noticed her. And now, the brute guy was smirking at her devilishly!

"Hey, I asked you something?" Ethan asked again.


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