My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 3 - 2. Hurt sister, you need to like him!

When you decide to hate someone with all your heart, it happens instantly and strongly. No reason is required to hate that person anymore.

For Casey something of the same sort had happened after she set her eyes on the black bike standing before their Colony and Eric Mo who was leaning his elbow on it and scrolling through his phone.

He was no doubts, a handsome guy with appealing height, black spiky hair and dark green eyes. There was a dimple on his left cheek which made him look cute when he smiled.

Probably that was the reason why Kelly Ho fell for him!

Not all the boys these days have dimples.

Any ways, Casey and Kelly who just came out of the colony together were greeted by Eric Mo. He quickly placed the phone inside his jeans pocket and approached the two ladies walking towards him.

Casey was not ready to greet him but her dear sister insisted her in the elevator few minutes ago, to meet him nicely just for once. Her blinking lashes melted Casey's intact heart and so, she agreed to see him on her sister's request even though her mind was against it.

It was just for the sake of Kelly's happiness.

"Eh hi, Casey. You are looking beautiful!" Eric remarked, he encircled his right arm around Kelly's waist and pulled her close such that she was sticking to his body like his clothes.

Kelly smiled feeling shy across her sister as she knew how much she hated him. The way he kissed her on the hair and waved at Casey, Kelly bit her lips in fear that her younger sister won't burst out her frustration for whatever she saw that day.

Although there was no reality in it but still, Kelly feared that her sister might spill the beans and disregard her deary boyfriend.

Alas, nothing of that sort happened!

Her fear died within her mind only when Kelly saw her sister passing here boyfriend a smile and waving at him while she thanked him slowly. "Thank you, Eric" nevertheless, she grumbled while chipping his name and here Kelly's heart beats increased realizing that her sister really did not like herself being called 'beautiful' by Eric.

She bit her lips nervously as her eyes pleaded Casey to not do anything wrong.

On the other hand, poor Casey sarcastically laughed in the corner of her mind, mentally as she saw her sister pleading her with her gaze.

From when did they become so formal across strangers? And how on earth can Kelly not trust her younger sister?

They were more like best friends than sisters before this dumb fuċk Eric Mo came to her life. He just changed everything. Changed everything so badly that now Kelly had to plead her sisters for behaving nicely to her boyfriend.

Tears blinked in Casey's eye sockets as she annoyingly glared her sister. The sisters were lucky enough to not be noticed by Eric as he was busy snuggling his girlfriend, Kelly's hair. They shared a hurtful look before Casey turned around to leave. "Excuse me, I need to leave or I will lose my bus." She spoke as she hurried away from that radius.

"Bye, have a nice day." Eric wished her back as he still continued snuggling her hair.

She could not breathe properly as her eyes watched how her younger sister raised her hands, she must be wiping her tears!

'Oh Casey Ho, I am so sorry but why don't you understand that Eric is my ideal choice! I won't get a better guy in my life than. You always wanted me to have a guy who will love me, pamper me and take care of me like his life... See I got the guy. But looks like you don't like him'

Kelly ho thought feeling Eric kiss on her neck.

She though felt uncomfortable every time he tried kissing her on the neck or anywhere else regardless, currently she was so lost in the thoughts of her sister that she could not sense him touching her on the brėȧsts.

Kelly came to her senses with a strong current passing through a body. It seemed as if all the neurons of her brains charged up together in an attempt to bring her in her senses and realize what was going on!

"Eric Mo!" Kelly pushed him away before he could slide his fingers inside her shirt and touch her bȯȯbs.

That is true he was an ideal man of Kelly Ho's dream, yet she hated whenever he tried getting close to her.

Being born a shy fish, Kelly felt extremely uncomfortable whilst sharing any private and close physical contact with him. Although she loved Eric Mo with all her heart, she believed in consummating a relationship after marriage.

"Oh I am sorry, Kelly! I was just..." Eric looked here and there having caught red handed.

This was not the first time he tried touching her. In fact, Kelly was that stupid girlfriend for him who trusted in sharing bed after marriage. And he being an impatient dɨċk, could not control himself from touching her.


He just liked Kelly for her amazingly beautiful body which she was not ready to give him now.

And he had made his mind up to take what he wanted (her vɨrġɨnɨtƴ) and leave. And if it demanded his love then he was even ready to give that to her.

She was merely a game for Eric Mo that he was loving to play at the moment.

Never mind, he smiled sheepishly trying to melt Kelly Ho. She was an easy nut to crack. You don't have to put hard efforts to convince her. Rather all she wanted was a cute smile and a bowl of chocolate ice cream to forgive someone.

"I am sorry, no? I now know you have told me to do this after marriage but Kelly Ho, you are too good for me to restraint my hormones. Can't you see, you affect me every time I see you." he spoke like a baby in order to melt her anger.

Eric abused her in his mind since she was constantly staring him with disappointment. He so wished to slap her in the face and dump her, yet he did not do it. He have come a long way now, and there was no backing out at this point when he was so close to his target.

"Alright, I won't touch you again. I am sorry" he pretended to be sad and hurt. His voice faked sadness that concisely melted Kelly Ho's heart.

She admired his fallen face with a pout before she pulled him by his forearm. "It is okay, don't be sad, my baby! I love you. And know that, I am all yours, but we will have to wait until we are married." she kissed him adorably on his cheek.

Eric winked mentally as he felt her smooth soft lips on his cheek. He quickly encircled his arms around her body and pulled her close hence, feeling her delicate body within his arms.

She was enticingly irresistible!

"Come on let's go, we are getting late." Kelly pulled away from the hug while her deary boyfriend growled feeling the breeze fill the gap between their bodies as she had detached herself from him. "Be quick honey, I don't want to be late." Kelly sat on the bike, she called Eric with her hand while the other hand clutched the strap of her handbag close.

"Let your boyfriend ride you with fun!" Eric winked talking in a double meaning language while Kelly Ho blushed.

He quickly sat on the bike and pulled her out close such that her ċhėst was hugging his back. He felt his boner rising as her soft brėȧsts rubbed her back. "Fuck!!" Eric Mo inaudibly cursed before he started the engine and rode on the main road.

Here if Kelly had left for her destination than on the other hand, someone was already stealing hearts of hundreds of women.


Li enterprises,

The watchman quickly ran towards the car and curtsied across the car as the door flash opened. The driver who had rushed out to open the door for his boss gulped his saliva seeing the annoyed expressions on the face of his boss.

"Leave, you are fired. Don't you dare show me your face again, bloody moron!" Dressed in a black three piece suit, Emmett Li, the CEO of the Li enterprises howled while he removed his goggles.

He was looking mad while his pink lips quivered in anger that he was feeling. The reason was trivial though! It is just that the driver got Emmett Li stuck in a traffic jam and brought him to the office fifteen minutes late, which was certainly not the poor guy's problem.

However, being the punctual CEO of the Li enterprises, Emmett Li fired the poor driver for the reason that was not even caused by him.

Anyways, after announcing his ȧssertion, just as he pulled out the eyewear, and glared the driver with his dark grey eyes, than the female employees of his company who were standing in the lobby, held their breaths grasping like horny chicks.

He was the most dėsɨrėd bachelor of the city after all!


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