My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 4 - 3. CEO Li's messed up love life

Emmett Li's boots thuddingly hit the polished white digital tiles under his feet as he angrily marched to and fro in the room of his mahogany cabin looking frustrated. His eyes oozed aggression while he kicked everything that came in the way.

Be it the fallen calendar of his desk or for that matter the paper weight that he dropped on the floor, he kicked them with ferocity. Just by the look of his face it was adamant that something has hurt his ego.

Emmett Li sat on the crème colored sofa located in the left of his big plush cabin, he bit his nails getting lost in his thoughts. "Who the fuċk is she to reject me, damn it? I swear I will sue that bitch" he muttered under a deep breath.

"Whom will you sue my dear friend!" Emmett upped his face from his nails to look at the entrance door of his cabin, there his buddy entered looking extremely happy. "Don't tell me it is Rachel?" he snapped taking the seat next to Emmett on the couch.

"Just Leave me alone Peter, I am really mad at the moment. And if you do not want me to effuse my anger on you just walk out of my cabin at once" Emmett remarked looking at his friend with narrowed eyes.

Peter only laughed as he sat folding his left leg over the right one. "Oh really!" he took out a packet of cigarette and lighted it with a lighter.

The two handsome looking guys stared each other and burst into laughter like crazy. They were childhood friends who shared all the problems and secrets together.

Not only was Peter a handsome looking guy with golden neck length hair and dark brown Sable eyes, he also had a good masculine body that he built with hard efforts in the gym.

He was though heart dropping gorgeous yet Emmett Li defeated him with few percent as he was way more handsome looking with dimples on his both cheek and mole right below his lower lip in the left corner.

Peter inhaled few breaths of the smoking cigarette before he passed it to his angry friend. "Now enlighten me with the information please, why did you fire the poor driver out?" Peter questioned, he took back the cigarette from Emmett and inhaled his share of smoke from the same.

Emmett looked down, the disappointment that Peter had managed to wipe away from his face had come back again. He awfully howled while taking out his coat, the only act made Peter raise his eyes. He rolled his pupils with a teasing cough. "Ugh don't be so naughty Emmett, I am straight!" Peter playfully said and Emmett's mouth hung in bewilderment.

He playfully hit Peter on the shoulder as he snapped, "I am straight as well. So stop being so funny, there is nothing to be ashamed of seeing me like this" Emmett replied.

He sat quietly whilst resting his back on the couch behind, his eyes looked at the fallen object which he purposely kicked and threw on the floor as he begun. "I caught Rachel cheating on me with one of her bastard friend. What is his name, uh yeah... Eric. Eric Mo" Emmett said, Peter of the other hand silently eyed his friend's face while he spoke.

"It happened in her flat, I have had gone to see her after the mid night online conference with Korean clients. Since I had an extra key of her place and that is why I thought to give her a surprise but that bitch, she was enjoying boob job!" Emmett sounded really pissed off.

It was not that he had loved Rachel with his heart, Emmett Li could rather get any woman he wanted from the city, but he was angry because that woman dared to cheat him, Emmett Li, the most dėsɨrėd guy of the city. With whom the country's mayor was ready to get his daughter hitched with!

It was like a slap of his face when he walked on Rachel, his bitch girlfriend.

"I could not see the guy's face clearly as the lights were dim and my entire focus was on Rachel. And by the time I was busy charging her with my exasperation, that guy took it as an opportunity and fled away. I swear I will not leave him if I ever catch him." Emmett finished, he took a breath of relief as the rock of grief that was kept on his heart broke into pebbles after he shared his sad story with his friend.

Emmett checked his wrist watch, "What angered me the most was her attitude. I picked her up from the street and made her face, and now she was only showing me her fuċkɨnġ attitude, I swear I just felt like giving her slap in the face. She freaking tagged me a mother fuċker!" he grumbled recalling her words again and again.

Any ways, Peter smashed the cigarette on the cigarettes' smashing box and nodded his head as if he understood everything his friend sad. The AC was set on room temperature, its cool breeze made him long hair ripple.

"Did you love her?" Emmett shockingly stared his friend while he asked him this question.

Emmett let it out a sarcastic laugh as if hid dear friend cracked a joke. "Obviously, not!" He exclaimed raising his both the arms out in the air.

"Then why do you care about it! Just give her a shitty wave and move on." Peter said with a low sigh as Emmett's intrigued eyes blankly gazed him. "Bro, you don't have shortage of chicks in your life, just get a new girlfriend and show that bitch who you are and what she actually lost!" He added further.

"I will definitely do that but before that, I will sue that bastard Eric Mo, Rachel was jumping with courage only because of him. She was frequently taking his name as her love life and blah blah blah, I swear I will fuċk his life!" Peter laughed, he never saw his CEO friend using such a strong and violent language during his work hours.

This showed he was really mad and could do anything. Emmett Li was a stubborn CEO who brought his enterprise on the zenith of success by his own hard work. And if he was swearing to fuċk the life of this stranger, what's his name, Eric Mo, yeah... Then surely it would be happening.

Thought Peter.

The two friends sat in the couch silently, none of the two spoke. Emmett check his watch again as he broke the thread of silence, "By the way, may I know the reason of your graceful appearance in my office during the work hours?" he asked with a ċȯċked eye brow. "As far as I know, you never come out in the day light because of your shitty photography tasks!"

Peter smiled, he understandingly nodded his skull while his cheeks reddened with shyness.

He was a famous photographer of the city who shot models and celebrities for famous magazine 'Ash and Cash' And having him coming here at this time when he should be working, Emmett can only narrow his eyes, "Oh i was indeed working until your secretary called me." Emmett's eye lids narrowed more at the mention of his secretary.

"Nora! Did she... Did she really call you?" CEO Li asked with daze.

"Yeah, she told me that... That CEO Li is angry, he fired his driver and shouted on the lobby's staff, he threw the file of the candidate whom he has to interview today, and he is now breaking things in his cabin. So please come here at once!" Peter mimicked her voice and Emmett laughed.

" Did she really said this all?" he inquired his friend with chuckles. "This lady, she really cares for me more than myself." Emmett praised his secretary, Nora.

Hearing her name from his mouth, something wild strike Peter's head, and he announced, "Bro, why don't you propose her! She is cute and beautiful. Just like your cabin and meetings, she will handle all your stupid ex-girlfriends!" The idea was not bad however it could not get a green signal from Emmett.

He was about to say something when the landline on his desk rang, Emmett held the receiver and heard his secretary speak, "Good morning, sir! This is to remind you that the interview for the Chartered Accountant will be starting within fifteen minutes in your cabin, do tell me when you are ready then I will send the candidate one by one. Thank you, have a good day ahead"

Nora said in a go leaving her CEO boss smile to himself. "Was she... Was she Nora?" Peter joined Emmett, he held Emmett by the shoulders and evilly snapped, "What did she say? Don't tell me she proposed you!" With that being said Peter quickly ran for his life and soon he was out of the door of his cabin, he was gone.

Emmett chuckled when his friend reappeared on the door and said, "Interview for Chartered Accountant! Hmm, if you find a hot chick, do hire her. Who knows if she becomes your source of joy for coming days!" Peter explained before he finally walked away and Emmett shook his head over his friend's words.

"Scum bag!" Emmett cursed him alas, he did not know that whatever his friend just said was going to be true!


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