My Billionaire Boss Is Jealous Of My Boyfriend

Chapter 5 - 4. My girlfriend wants to work for Emmett Li

Eric's bike stopped before the building if Li enterprises, he made the bike stand while Kelly hopped down if it. "Thank you, now wish me luck before I go" She smiled seeing her adorably handsome boyfriend take off his helmet.

Eric straightened his hair that has covered his forehead as his eyes widened watching the initials 'LE' of Li Enterprises shining in the yellow sun. Dumbstruck looking at the compound beyond the iron gates of the head office of the Li enterprises, Eric's mouth hung open in shock.

He stared Kelly's face then at the initials of Li Enterprises alternatively while his open mouth invited flies.

That was a slang though!

Any ways, Kelly chuckled seeing the awestruck expressions of her boyfriend and upped her palm in order to close his mouth. She brought her four fingers under his chin and made his jaw come together while his mouth shut with his lips sealing together.

She raised of her brows whilst asking her boyfriend the reason behind his dazed looks. Eric only scratched his head before he chipped in a shocked tone, "You... You came here for an... An interview??? In the Li's enterprises!!! " It was needed to mention that he was fumbling in shock as his entire face looked like a big question mark.

"Yeah! Any problem?" asked Kelly, she follows his gaze gawking at the golden initials on the top of the building over a big crown that was shining in the sunlight. "Wow! Isn't it beautiful." she expressed her feelings while Eric blinked his eyes several times.

"Uh you sure?" he asked her, his expressions looked totally scared ones and weird.

Kelly scrunched her brows in suspect while Eric looked here and there. He was hiding something, it was written all over his face.

"Yeah, do you have something to say?" Kelly asked, poor she, she can't even see the evil on his face as he looked here and there in order to not match gaze with her.

"Oh I think it's time to go! Wish me luck!" she kissed him on the cheek.


Emmett Li was talking on his cell phone to some clients. "Yes, oh don't you worry Mr. Watson. The raw material will be supplied to you by the next week...." He was standing facing the big window of his cabin.

Emmett Li looked down on the road across his office building and stopped speaking all of a sudden as his eyes caught a girl kissing a guy on the cheek. "Yeah... I.. I get your words Mr. Watson" He absent mindedly replied to the call, his mind was totally focusing on the scene happening on the road before his building.

For a moment Emmett's lips curved into a smile, he saw that girl missing the guy sitting on the bike again, this time the kiss was given on his forehead and the guy smiled.

"CEO Li, are you there on the call!!"

Emmett cannot hear the voice of his client on the call as his entire concentration was distracted by the couple standing near his head office. "Turn around... Turn around!! Turn around"

"CEO Li, are you okay? Where should I turn around?"

"Turn around for once! Let me see your face girl!" Emmett can't hear the voice of Mr. Watson rather he crossed his fingers as his heart died in curiosity to see the girl standing before that guy on the road.

She was in formal, white shirt with black trousers. It made her back view look quite seducing however Emmett gritted his teeth as she was not turning around. "CEO Li? Are you there on the call?" Said in a worried tone, Mr. Watson spoke a little bit loud on the speaker of the phone which eventually ripped Emmett Li's gaze from the couple standing on the road.

"Oh yes, I am there. Sorry, I was just zoned out, please continue." Emmett turned around and walked over to his desk and sat there while his secretary was Nora placed the file of resumes of the candidates who were about to come in his cabin after five minutes for the interview of chartered accountant.


Eric forced a smile, he was still lost in his thoughts but when Kelly's soft lips kissed his cheek and forehead one by one, he concisely came out of his thoughts and smiled at her.

The expressions of his face did not change even for a bit. "Bye, best of luck. I will be waiting here for you. I love you." he wished her with half heart as Kelly sprinted near the iron gates.

Eric saw her showing a letter to the security guard standing on the gate. She signed and wrote the reason of visiting the Li's head office in the record register. She turned around to wave at Eric prior to entering the office building with the smile.

Within no time she was out of sight. Eric let out a nervous sigh as at the same time he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket of jeans. He dialled the number saved as, 'Rach' and brought the phone near his ear.

Something was wrong about his looks, he parked bike at the side across the wall adjacent to the gates with other two wheelers and sat on a scooty next to his KTM, "hello!" with just the end of third ring the phone was picked up and a female voice answered.

"Rachel!" Eric repeated her name as if he was making sure that the owner of the voice was Rachel only.

"Yeah, that's me, Eric. What's up" She sounded tired.

Eric rubbed his temple as he replied, "Oh no babe, there is a problem!" he snapped in a worried tone.

"What, don't tell me you got into a problem" Rachel said on the other end of the call.

Eric shook his head while he replied, "No, that is not the issue. You remember I have told you the last night that I have to go with my girlfriend to her first interview."

"Yes, what's with that. And what do I have to do with your girlfriend!" she talked lazy.

"Fuck you Rach... Just keep your morning whɨnės aside and listen to me." he literally shouted. "Actually my girlfriend Kelly, she came to Li enterprises for the interview."

No sooner he said that than Rachel screamed on top of her lungs on the other side of the call in shock. "What!!"

"Yeah, and I am scared if Emmett Li finds out that she is related to me. He will sue me if he finds out that I am her boyfriend!" Eric worriedly said.

The two talked more about the interview thing and about the incident of the last night where Emmett walked out on his girlfriend cheating him with another guy. And that guy was Eric Mo. Yep, he was with Emmet Li's disgusting girlfriend in the bed last night.

"Calm down, Eric. Just calm down" Rachel snapped out of nowhere. "Why are we feeling so scared?"

"What do you mean?" asked Eric.

"I mean to say, you escaped the room before he saw you with me. So chill, he had not seen your face. And if you ever get to meet him, just pretend like you met him for the first time" Rachel suggested.

This brought a smile of relief on Eric's lips, he scratched his head with an evil smirk. "You are so clever bitch! No wonder why you could trap Emmett Li in your web!" Eric praised her.

"By the way honey, I miss you. Can you make to my apartment right now!" Naughtiness played amidst Rachel's words, she seductively said on the phone.

Eric here, he rubbed his groin over the fabric of his jeans and smiled, "I can but I will have to leave you within thirty minutes, I have to pick my girlfriend after the interview, you see" he said transferring the call over his Bluetooth while he wore his helmet getting ready to leave for Rachel.


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