"Submit a copy of your resume to the receptionist outside, we will call you." CEO Emmett said in a weary tone.

It was just fifth candidate from the lost of thirty applicants that was placed on the desk in front of him, and already he lost all his energy.

"Sure sir, I will be selected, no?" The guy asked as he got up from the seat. He accumulated his file while CEO Emmett Li shook his head in a small nod. "Okay sir, I will wait for your call, sir. Thank you sir." The guy wished him going near the door of his cabin.

As he closed the door after him, Emmett Li grunted. The first five candidates suċkėd all his brains with his inexperienced answers. He had God damn given it in the advertisement that the candidates needs to have at least some knowledge as a fresher, if not experience as a professional.

But to his surprise, the ones who came for interview so far were only fresher who just passed their CA exams and directly came for grabbing the interview.

"My head!" Emmett Li put his head down on the desk and pressed the bell placed beside him near his ŀȧptop.

It was the bell for alerting his secretary so that she can send the next candidate for the interview.

Emmett Li heard the knock coming on his cabin's door. "Come in." he ordered not looking up at the candidate who walked in.

"Good to meet you, sir!" Emmett Li shrunk his eye brows hearing to an extremely sweet voice.

"Please have a seat" he upped his head from his arms and looked at his ŀȧptop in the CCTV footage of the canteen area.

His employees were pain in his ȧss. They spent most of their time out of their cubical. Gossiping about each other's relationships and sipping freely available coffee in his firm has become their normal routine. And just to keep an eye on them he have to look in the CCTV footages and keep a track of their activities.

"So, Miss. Kelly Ho" Eric looked at the next set of resume of three pages on his desk.


Kelly Ho gulped her saliva in nervousness as the CEO took her name from his lips. It sounded like a prince has addressed her. "Y-yes sir, that is me" Kelly replied locking the strand of her hair that were irritating her.

She had left her hair open, and they were floating in the air as the breeze of air conditioner directly fell on her since the wings of the same were moved towards the CEO's desk.

Her eyes never left the sight of his face while he was busy looking at her resume. He never looked up at her face and it was scaring her more.

Nevertheless, even in this nervousing situation Kelly noticed how perfectly his lips pressed together as his eyes concentrated in reading her details mentioned in her resume. He was perfect. So the pictures in the newspaper were not false or created. He literally looked like a dummy with extra ordinarily handsome looks.

Perfect jawline of his cheeks were clearly visible to Kelly while he licked and chewed his lips reading her provides CV. His lashes were big too whereas his jet black hair were amazingly gelled and made into a professional hair style that suited him.

Kelly slightly inched her face upwards looking at his broad shoulders and pink lips. They were pinker than her own lips and were wet due to his ŀɨċkɨnġ. She was staring them only with utmost concentration when CEO Li shot his eyes up from the resume and caught her staring in the direction of lips and grasped while Kelly's eyes widened since she was caught!


Emmett Li's eyes were left open and fingers stilled around the edge of the sheets of her curricular vitae. He was taken aback looking at the girl sitting in front of him. For a moment his breaths just stuck in his throat looking at her gorgeous face.

"Are... You... Kelly Ho?" Asked he, while emphasizing on every word he spoke.

Kelly on the other hand nodded her head vigorously in yes as their eyes bore into each other's.

Her waving hair in the free air made her look beautiful. She from time to time tucked her hair strands behind her ears while her bottom lip was pressed between her front teeth. She was chewing them nervously and Emmett Li found it— quite interesting.

His eyes went down to her neck and then at her rising and falling brėȧsts. Although she looked skinny from her face nevertheless his breath once again stuck in his throat seeing how curved and full her brėȧsts were. All in all she had a perfect body.

"Woah, I am impressed by your appearance!" Absent mindedly just as CEO Li exclaimed, Kelly raised her eyes brows straitening her collars.

"Pardon" she uncomfortably asked and looked down at his fingers that were now playing with the paper weight.

Something about this guy was wrong!


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