My Bloodthirty Husband is So Gentle

Chapter 465: Empress 42: Marry when pregnant

Chapter 465 Empress 42: Marry when pregnant

While talking, a square box came out of his arms. Rong Tang fixed his eyes on it. Hey, condom!

Rong Tang: "..."

The old man is almost ninety. Rong Tang stared at the condom with a complex expression.

"Look what to see!" The old man was angry and angry, "I haven't seen a condom!"

I have seen it before, but—

Rong Tang was not so sure, and felt too incredible: "Grandpa, this is ... yours?"


A bite of old blood stuck in his throat, and the old man had been angry for a long time. "No way?"

How can it be!

Rong Tang gave a thumbs up and said sincerely and admirably: "OK! You can!"

The old man flicked his head: "Hum ~" and went to his room.

Rong Tang pondered for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it should be taken seriously, so he knocked on the door of the study.

"Dad, grandpa," Rong Tang stopped talking, panicking, not knowing how to speak well.

Rong Zhouqing was in the office, didn't look up, and gave Yu Guang: "Don't talk, just say something."

She thought about it for a few moments before speaking: "Do you want to find a grandpa for grandpa?"

Rong Zhouqing heard it, and passed with a cold eye: "How old are your grandpas when they say anything bullshit."

She did n’t know how to talk about condoms.

"Grandpa is good and strong, our family also has money, find a young and beautiful old man who serves him--"

Rong Zhouqing couldn't hear it any longer, and interrupted: "The more you say, the less ridiculous you have been. You have been in vain for a few years? Something is messed up in your mind."

Rong Tang: "..."

Okay, don't say it, my father doesn't make sense here, only her granddaughter's help to find out.

Let me talk about the condom.

In order to destroy the dead, Rong Rong buried the ... while the night wind was high.

At nine o'clock, the moon is round, like a disk.

In the bedroom, there was a slight gasp, and the whole room was warm and haunting, but just—

Rong Li reached out and touched an empty space, and then stopped.

The bedroom lights went out, and only one bedside lamp was lit. The light was warm yellow, and a soft halo spread over the girl's fair skin.

"What's the matter?" The sound was like a husky, lazy after nap.

The air conditioner in the bedroom was turned on low, and Rong Li still had thin sweat on the tip of his nose. He casually put a corner of a blanket around his waist, covering her, slightly restrained, and breathing a little.

"That's used up." He remembers that there is still a box.

Xiao Jinghe thought briefly: "Then you don't have to."

Rongli pursed her lips and pulled away.

She immediately hugged his waist, a pair of slender legs wrapped up, her skin on each other, the temperature is hot, she lies in the ears of Rong Li, charming eyes.

"Long calendar, yes."

The last word makes the heart tight.

Rong Li swallowed, and his throat knot rolled: "No set."

She tilted her head to look at him, her slightly **** eyes gleaming with a faint smile: "No."

Rong Li still had concerns. The sweat on his head came out, unbearable, and his breathing was messed up. The tone was low and hoarse: "It will be pregnant."

"Born when you are pregnant."

When the love is strong, it really can't stop.

He supported her waist, pressed down, and moved slowly, without rhythm, voice and rhythm, gasping softly, breathing in her ear, he said: "If you are pregnant, go and get the certificate?"

Her hand scratched a mark on his back: "Is this a marriage proposal?"

"Not counted." He clasped her hand with one hand and raised it to the top of his head. "Kneel down when proposing."

As the words fell, his lips fell on her neck.

The next day, the clouds were breeze and the wind was light. In the morning, there was a shower. It took more than ten minutes to rest. The rainbow followed the sun and refracted a gorgeous light on the horizon. The grass smelled in the air, mixed with the smell of grapes and refreshing .

What a great day.

Father Rong was full of energy and was in a great mood. He took his smartphone and hid in the study room to call his old friend.

"Old Huo."

Just like the whispering, Mr. Huo, who is two streets away, suppressed his voice very low: "How is it?"

Father Rong laughed aloud: "I did as you said." Maybe, the little great-grandson already has it!

As an army division, Master Huo is also very concerned about the effectiveness: "Lao Rong, did your grandson find it?"

Father Rong is not sure, he guessed: "No." Looking at the time on his phone, he was more sure. "I think it's useful. It's nine o'clock now. My family said it hasn't been up yet. It's not a bed. "Haha, his grandson is definitely not a bait!

"There's a play." Mr. Huo was a little excited, and was eager to try. "When I look back when my family often finds it, I do the same."

I was dreaming that the great great-grandson would come out. Father Rong came in a fatal blow.

"Old Huo, I think this method is not useful for Chang Xun's kid." Tiandi conscience, he told the truth.

Father Huo believed him a ghost: "Why don't you use it?"

Mr. Rong said the truth: "Your family often finds that you never take the girl back to the compound, and you have taken the hotel to it." He had bumped into it before.

Father Huo: "..."

Old iron, so heart-warming.

Not enough, Father Rong continued to stick to the old iron heart: "No, I have to tell my family that I can't let him play with your family in the future, don't bring it back."

Father Huo: "..."

This serial knife stabbed!

Actually, he does n’t blame the old guys, because they are all facts. Just look at the Lu family Qijia kid. After playing with his little rabbit for a few years, I will see what they are all like, they are not married, and they are not good for objects. Women change one after another ...

That beast!

Master Huo wanted to be more and more angry. For a whole day, his temper was very irritable, and he couldn't help it. At supper, he called the evil animal.

Huo Xiuu and Chang Xun are entertaining: "Hey."

Mr. Huo opened his mouth with a curse: "You are a dead boy, come back to me!"


Huo Changxun covered his phone and turned slightly, his tone low: "Grandpa, what kind of fire are you choking?"

Father Huo snorted angrily, and trained his wicked beast on the phone full of anxiety: "Are you okay to ask, how **** fucking you are and you don't have a point in your heart?" Thanks to this kid, he was in a big The courtyard could not lift his head.

Huo Changxun: "..."

The old man was quite tide, and he scolded very aggressively.

He was funny: "Grandpa, I still have something to do, look back--"

"You dare to hang, I will screw off your dog's head!"


Huo Changxun didn't hang up, so he didn't dare to provoke the old man to get angry. He went back to the province and took off a layer of skin. He didn't know what kind of stimulation the old man got.

Father Huo did not pull with him, and went directly to the ultimatum: "You listen to me, your parents come back next week, you must bring a girl back, otherwise you will interrupt your dog legs."

Is he a dog? It's dog head and dog leg.

Huo Changxun squeezed his eyebrows: "Yes, bring you."

So refreshing?

Father Huo didn't believe him: "If you dare to bring back any unscrupulous girl, poke your dog's eyes!"

Huo Gouzi Chang Xun "..."

Can he be a person?

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the old man was angry, and in the posture of all of him, majestic: "Dog calf, can't cure you!"

Huo Gouzi · Chang Xun: "..." The old man took a ton of explosives, and when he burned a little, he could only smooth his hair. "Xing Xing Xing, I will take my girlfriend over."

Father Huo did not believe it again: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Huo Changxun laughed: "Well, the decent girl." The smile in his eyes was deeper, "It's very sensible and sensible."

Can a very sensible girl find such a beast?

"Is that girl's eyes okay?" Mr. Huo felt that 80% were unreliable. "Otherwise, how can you look at you."

Huo Changxun, his brother-in-law's grandson: "..." He hung up the phone in anger.

Although the sound was very low, everyone in the box listened to it.

The man opposite asked: "Huo always has a girlfriend?"

Huo Changxun poured a cup of tea, softened his throat, and responded lightly: "Well."

This Huo Ershao's flower name is like Lei Guan'er, and there is never a shortage of beautiful women around her. It's just that his upright girlfriend has never heard of it.

Everyone was curious and did not dare to ask more.

The only woman at the table said: "Will your girlfriend mind if you don't get married?"

The woman is around thirty, wearing a black suit, A-line skirt, and a big wave around her waist. The makeup is exquisite, and she is a bit wild in intellectual, and the United States and China are aggressive.

Zhen Yi Technology Marketing Director, Liu Xin.

Today's game is her team. She wants to win Huo Changxun's game agency rights. This cooperation case has been discussed for more than a month. Huo Changxun has talked about it. This is where today's dinner is.

Other than that, the two did not have personal contact.

Huo Changxun raised his eyelids: "I said not to get married?"

Liu Xin smiled, a pair of charming eyes revealed the style: "You used to say that you are unmarried."

Huo Er rarely loves to play, as everyone knows.

Huo Changxun was unsure: "That was before."

Not the same as the rumors.

Liu Xin picked up the red wine glass from his own place, took a sip, red lips and flames, like a smile.

All the people on the wine table were elites. They also saw the signs and raised glasses to congratulate President Huo on finding the real goddess.

Huo Changxun's red wine glass is empty. He took a cup of tea and tasted lazily: "The wine will not be drunk, the man at home is in strict control."

Everyone joked again.

Huo Changxun was interested in the defect, looked at the time, put down the cup, and took a tissue to wipe his hands slowly: "Leave first, I'll ask you this time."

A manager of Zhen Yi joked: "It's only nine o'clock President Huo."

Last time he did n’t get home at 9:30, the little ancestor at home fell asleep and did n’t answer his phone.

Huo Changxun was too lazy to tease the group of old sliders, got up, and took his suit jacket: "Go away."

Everyone thought: It seems to be really good.

Huo Changxun had just left his forefoot, and Liu Xin got up, said a few official words, and left. She walked out of the box and shouted to the person in front: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Chang looked back: "Something?"

She stepped forward, her feet were ten centimeters high heels, and the waiter came to meet her. When she avoided it, the heel cuffed, and she staggered forward, her red lips just rubbing the collar of Huo Changxun's shirt.

He stepped back quickly, and she only ran into his arm, instinctively caught.

Others leaned back, just by the wall, in a lazy tone of cynicism and leisurely leisure: "Can you stand up straight?"

He moved his arm and gestured.

Liu Xin let go and straightened up: "Sorry, the shoes are too high."

Huo Changxun was not interested in discussing women's shoes, nor concealed. There was a trace of impatience in his eyes: "If it is a contract, contact my secretary."

Liu Xin looked at the handsome eyebrows of the man: "What about private affairs?"

There are not only men but also women, especially women like her who have no disadvantages in the field, indeed, Huo Changxun fascinated her.

Huo Changxun hooked his lips, rubbed his eyebrows a little, and raised his eyebrows. He raised his eyebrows. He was frivolous in three points, and admired in seven points.

Liu Xin took a step closer: "If I said yes?"

He took his hand, took three steps back, chuckled, and his tone was lazy after he first woke up: "Just dream, don't harass me, I have a family."

Liu Xin laughed dumbly.

This man, who was charming when he was roaming, is now more serious and more charming.

At this time, the mobile phone rings.

Huo Changxun was too lazy to take care of himself, turned around and answered the phone. The original inattentive tone changed, and it was mixed with eight or nine points of softness: "Dye, are you here?"


Girlfriend, Liu Xin smiled and lit a cigarette against the wall. Hey, unfortunately, such a man actually became someone else's house.

"Well, it's at the door." Ji Lingran said.

He had to ask her to pick it up, which has always been the case recently. As long as he has entertainment, he will surely pester her to pick it up.

Huo Changxun walked out: "I'm going out now."


She hung up.

Huo Changxun came out of the clubhouse and found a circle at the door. Only then did he see the man in his house, wearing a painted helmet and wearing white T-shorts, like a young female college student. Beside a little sheep, he didn't look around, waiting quietly.

He felt uncomfortable when he saw the little sheep and walked over: "Why are you riding this car again?"

She was dazed for a while before saying, "I only have this car."

She looks like her stubborn little sheep!

(End of this chapter)

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